It was only noon and Si Ning knew he had to see Shao Lang first but then he sat down slowly and lowered his head on the table, his mass of hair poured over the table covering his face like a curtain that he had to close his eyes just to rest for a bit.

Si Ning started feeling sleepy yet he couldn't sleep because his mind was restless. There he was thinking to marry Xiu Zhicheng was his biggest problem and also finding a way to leave his post but Qiu Bai just basically told him he was planning to declare an all-out war on Xiu.

This Qiu Bai he met was different from the Qiu Bai he knew in the twenty-first century. Even though Si Ning never had a long discussion with him but the few meetings he had with Qiu Bai was always pleasant and Qiu Bai would even smile sometimes but Prince Qiu Bai was definitely a dangerous person and Si Ning would like nothing more than to keep his distance from him but if he was ever going to live freely on his will then his choice would be to work with Qiu Bai but then Si Ning never want to take part in another war. Since he came back home, he never got the chance to even practice Martial Art to see if he had any skill wielding a sword. The situation was getting dangerous and he needed to find a way to resolve it for both Xiu and Xilie's sake because he doesn't want to put on armor and head to war.

"Young Master Young Master Young Master." A soft voice called above Si Ning's head.

"What is it?" Si Ning took a deep breath, his eyes were still closed as he lifted his hands to brush his hair from his face. He was a little glad Ah Dai came to call him and distracted him from his thought.

"General Shao Lang is still waiting at the courtyard, should I tell him Young Master is unable to see him?" Ah Dai asked.

Si Ning would have preferred Ah Dai to find someone to carry him on a piggyback ride because he doubts he would be able to walk to the courtyard on his own without his legs giving way. "No, lead the way." He opened his eyes slowly and rubbed his eyes just like a child would before brushing this hair back. He raised his head and narrowed his eyes at Ah Dai before beckoning for him to come closer.

"Young Master?" Ah Dai quickly got closer to him, his eyes sparkling, showing his eagerness of being ready for any message Si Ning wants to send it.

Si Ning only extended his hand and gently took Ah Dai's prosthetic arm like he was afraid it would break and fall apart only for his eyes to widen when he touched the smooth surface.

It was astonishing to see how beautifully crafted the arm was made and Si Ning knew the Artist must have studied the human body carefully since it took care in making all the necessary joints in the arm and hand moveable with ease making it that after fixing it, it would be like the arm was never gone. The length was the length of Ah Dai's right hand. Si Ning knew he should order Ah Dai never to show his face to him buntil he got used to the arm in order not to damage it but knowing how stubborn Ah Dai was that he acted sometimes like he didn't hear Si Ning's order. Si Ning decided to just let him be.

Si Ning head out of the room after checking the arm to his satisfaction while Ah Dai walks at his front, leading the way while Si Ning dragged his feet behind him to the courtyard. He sighted Shao Lang who was sitting under the pavilion staring at the flower in the flower pot across him and when Shao Lang turned and saw him coming, he quickly stood up and cupped his hands when Si Ning came closer.

"Greetings General Si Ning." Shao Lang said firmly, his face impassive.

Shao Lang was dressed neatly in green and white brocade robes with white tassels dropping from his dark belt. His hair was neatly styled in a half ponytail, looking so noble as he paid his respects to Si Ning.

Si Ning had to bit his tongue slightly before he ended up yelling at Shao Lang to make it quick so he could finally go to rest. "Greetings General Shao Lang." He took his seat opposite Shao Lang before turning to Ah Dai. "Ah Dai you can leave."

"Young Master let Ah Dai..."

"Ah Dai you can leave." Si Ning repeated cutting Ah Dai off.

"Yes, Young Master." Ah Dai bowed and took two steps back then turned sharply leaving the two to discuss privately.

Now to deal with Shao Lang.

"Let me pour you tea." Shao Lang said politely and took a clean teacup and poured the tea slowly from the kettle.

It was almost like Si Ning was the guest in Shao Lang's house. Si Ning had drunk more than enough tea with Qiu Bai to last him for a year but still, he took a sip to avoid being rude as a light breeze blew making his hair fell to his face, he quickly tucked it behind his ears to avoid a strand of his hair to fall into his tea.

"What did General Shao Lang want to discuss with me?" Si Ning blurted out as soon as he placed the teacup on the table. It was faster to start the conversation early than spend time acting politely and friendly when he knew he doesn't want to be friends with Shao Lang.

"I want to tell you the truth about the war with Xilie." Shao Lang told him and placed a box on the table.

Don't tell me...

"What?" Si Ning said almost like a whisper.

"About the reason, I didn't send you reinforcements despite being the closest to you during the war." Shao Lang told him.

Si Ning's eyes almost bulge out of his socket when he thought of Shao Lang working with Qiu Bai.

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