Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 42 - Deep Sleep

Eating and taking a long refreshing bath could take off some stress. That was what Si Ning thought as he wore his sleeping robes, water still dripping from his hair. He touched his palms and he couldn't help the smile that played on his lips because his hands were now softer and all he needed was a little more time taking care of his hands for it to finally become how he remembered his hands to be. He glanced at his table to see a folded piece of paper just right beside the pouch Song Feng gave him, he knew he didn't see the paper earlier when he placed the pouch on the table which means Ah Dai must have dropped it for him.

Si Ning carried the jug on the table and poured himself a cup of water and took out one of the pills in the pouch, it was dark and round, without thinking he threw it in his mouth and drank water to wash down the pill then he flexed his toes glad of the little knowledge about pedicure and manicure he knew because his feet now feels and looks softer.

"Young Master?" Ah Dai called outside his door.

Si Ning sighed thinking that Ah Dai could come in and drop a message on the table when he wasn't in the room but now Ah Dai acted all innocent like he could never come in without his permission. "Why are you here?"

"Lieutenant Jiang Ye and Xiao Pei have arrived." Ah Dai replied outside the door.

"Oh." Si Ning opened the door and closed it behind him heading out knowing he had to deal with Xiao Pei and Jiang Ye before going to sleep.

When Jiang Ye saw him, he quickly knelt on one knee and Xiao Pei glanced at Jiang Ye before following suit, his eyebrows knitted clearly showing that he won't lose to Jiang Ye. It was quite odd for Si Ning to see Xiao Pei wearing another expression than his hard look.

Based on his discussion with Qiu Bai, Si Ning knew he had to be extra careful because Qiu Bai would definitely have spies working for him in the capital and if he placed one in the Si household to watch him would be a good strategy.

Si Ning glanced at the four big covered containers with cloths beside each of them while they both held a different shaped bottle.

"Greeting General Si Ning, I Jiang Ye is here to make my report on the errand you sent me." Jiang Ye said.

"General, I Xiao Pei was able to procure the freshest and shiniest mangoes, the thickest honey, and the smoothest flour." Xiao Pei said as he extended the bottle of honey he was holding before reaching out his free hand and pulled the cloth covering a bowl and a basket.

Si Ning stared at the small basket of green ripe mangoes and the bowl of flour and he turned to see Jiang Ye pulled the cloths covering the containers next to him and one bowl contained fresh ripe yellow mangoes and the other a bowl of flour. Si Ning's eyes twitched since he was confused why they arrived earlier than he expected or where they were able to find fresh mangoes.

"General, check the quality of the honey." Jiang Ye raised his hands which were holding a beautifully shaped bottle.

The octagon-shaped green bottle looked so beautiful that Si Ning collected it, it was heavier than he thought and the way the bottle kept glittering fascinated him that he decided to keep it then he turned to look at the square-shaped bottle Xiao Pei was still holding up to him. Si Ning narrowed his eyes at the plain bottle then he turns his attention back to Jiang Ye. Si Ning was at a loss of what to do with him, he doesn't trust him, and having someone he doesn't trust stay at his side would only make him paranoid.

"Jiang Ye, why do you want to be my guard?" Si Ning asked as he switched into his detective mode trying not to miss Jiang Ye's expression.

"General, you saved my life thrice when we fought with Xilie's army and even sustained an arrow wound but I was so ashamed to come and ask for your forgiveness but now General I want to pay you that is why I want to be your guard." Jiang Ye replied.

"You do not owe me that is why you don't have to be my guard." Si Ning told him. "Saving you if what I will do for anyone in my army as long as I am capable of it." He said even though he was well aware that he won't jump to save anyone in his army and place his life in danger.


"Please General, we from the Jiang family must repay our debt and I do not mean any harm." Jiang Ye took one of the mangoes and started eating it as his way to show he meant no harm.

Si Ning lightly shook his head since he was feeling dizzy, it was really stressing him out trying to figure Jiang Ye out. "Xiao Pei show Jiang Ye the ropes, you are now my personal guard for now and I want to rest so do not let anyone into my room."

"Yes General." Xiao Pei said firmly.

"Thank you General, I Jiang Ye will protect you till death." Jiang Ye saluted.

Si Ning knew he would never get used to people that talk about death like it was a light thing to talk about. He only went back into his room and sat down, he took the sheet of paper on the table and unfolded it only for him to frown at the unfamiliar handwriting.

"It was a pleasure having tea with you General Si Ning, next time let's have some wine. I will await your reply in three days and do not forget that I see you." Si Ning read the content out loud then squeezed the paper till his knuckles turned white. It was a letter sent by Qiu Bai and it really pissed him off.

Was it Qiu Bai's way to say he was being watched?

Anyone could come in because Xiao Pei wasn't around to guard his door which probably gave them the opportunity to drop a message because Ah Dai didn't mention him dropping a message on the table. Si Ning dropped the paper on the table, he reached out and fished out a bounded book among the ones on the floor. It was a book about the Imperial family he had been wanting to check out, he opened to the first page and he was still on the page when he dozes off.

The next time he slightly struggled to open his eyes was because of someone who lifted him and the soothing light scent of sandalwood that was almost faded he perceived, the strong arms were definitely familiar that he managed to open his eyes to see them all dressed in black and when they placed him down gently on the bed, even though the room was dark because of the candle that was almost burnt out but the light that came through the window made Si Ning focus on their face till he was able to recognize them, it was Xiu Zhicheng.

"Zhicheng?" Si Ning managed to say but he doubted he was able to hear him because he barely opens his mouth to call out his name and yet he wondered if he even said the name out loud or it was all on his head.

"Go back to sleep."

At that moment Si Ning knew he should jump up or at least show his respect to the Emperor but he was too weak and he closed his eyes only for something to brush his lips. It somehow reminded him of when he fell asleep at the camp and even when he heard some shuffling beside his bed and his blanket being drawn to cover him, he didn't even try to open his eyes even when he felt a handhold him as he was drawn to a broad chest still Si Ning couldn't open his eyes because he felt so weak and his eyes were heavy and he knew it must be the sleeping pill. Yet he felt safe and warm in their embrace and he fell into a deep slumber.

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