Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 49 - Leaving It All To Si Ning

First uncle?

"You mean, Ge... Ge Liang?" Si Ning had to ask after he recalled that Qiu Bai mentioned a half-brother of Ge Sumeng who took over the Ge family when his mother left to spy on Xiu nation.

"Hmm." Ge Mengshu nodded.

"Do Mother have another Uncle?" Si Ning asked as he folded his hands.

For Ge Mengshu to refer to Ge Liang as her First Uncle means there had to be other Uncles. Si Ning was particularly interested in his mother's side of the family, he needed to know the members of the family and how they were related to his mother. He had to know if he ever wants to protect his mother and because he especially doesn't want Si Nan to get caught up in any family drama.

"I have two Uncles and Second Uncle died defending the borders of Xilie." Ge Mengshu explained.

For Si Ning to process all they talked about in order not to miss a point made him closed eyes to focus, he mentally noted all the questions he wants to ask and his mother's reply would guild him in deciding to pick a side between Xiu and Xilie, a side best for his most important people.

Ge Liang would probably have at least two wives and five children and the Second Uncle that died might also have left some offspring...

Si Ning opened his eyes pushing his thoughts aside to focus on the main details. "Why does the Green Wild Tiger have to write the message in code on the board?" He doesn't understand why Yi Chen would bring a message about Ge Liang wanting the whole of the Ge family army to himself when it was impossible in the first place because he wasn't the right successor to command the army.

"Green... I mean Yi Chen came with someone, it may be someone working for Second Prince Qiu Bai, and to prevent Second Prince Qiu Bai from knowing I think that's why he had to use the board to pass the message to me." Ge Mengshu explained, a small smile playing on her lips because she was happy they were having those kinds of discussions which mean her son was interested in knowing her family.

One question solved.

Yi Chen had to write a message in code because of a third ear listening and this made Si Ning looked around. He could see the walls were thick but he wasn't sure it was soundproof and what he was more worried about were the windows and doors, it doesn't look like it could prevent a third party from listening.

It was the first time Si Ning was worried about someone listening. The day he had tea with Qiu Bai, he never for once thought of anybody listening to their conversation, and worrying about it made Si Ning shifted uncomfortably.

"Mother, do you think it is safe to talk openly like this?" Si Ning quickly asked since thinking about a person listening to their conversation was starting to give him a headache and if he doesn't ask about it now, he knew he would spend a lot of time tossing around in bed and thinking about it which may lead to him having a sleepless night.

"No one can hear us A-Ning and we have hidden guards around that would shoot anymore moving close to the windows, either day or night and this household are safe...." Ge Mengshu paused and fixed her gaze on Si Ning. "Why did A-Ning ask? you should know this."

Si Ning wanted to ask if those guards were to be trusted, instead, he shrugged and said. "Prince Qiu Bai told me Ge Liang would hand over all of Mother's belonging if I decide to side with Xilie." Si Ning pointed out.

It was no use hiding what he discussed with Qiu Bai when Qiu Bai had already spoken with his mother. He also had it at the back of his mind to check the room he and Qiu Bai had their meeting to see if truly the room was safe to talk without someone listening in.

"What do you think a human that has something within their grasp will do?" Ge Megshu threw a question at him.

"Do everything in their power to take it." Si Ning replied briskly. He doesn't need to think before replying to a question like that.

"And human in high positions are always insatiable, they do not want the little they have, they keep wanting for more and if they can't get it they take it and the more they want, the more they take and it leads into an endless desire that never gets satisfied." Ge Mengshu took a deep breath.

"Hmm." Si Ning agreed, nodding his head. For some reason, it reminded him of Xiu Zhicheng.

"What do you think you will do if you are in my First Uncle's shoes when the head of the family ran away for twenty-seven years and you have been taking care of the house but the family army won't follow you?"

It was a tactical question that Si Ning doesn't even want to reply to. If it was him, he would be satisfied with taking care of the household because he doesn't want any trouble in dealing with the army but he could not say the same for Ge Liang since having Military power was a great weapon that would make them stand above many seigniors and they may even join the court, work closely to the Emperor by serving the nation and also get high wages. In conclusion, it was a good strategy for Ge Liang to want the Ge family army to himself.

"And do Mother plan to return to Xilie?" Si Ning avoided replying to her question. He knew his mother would think he agreed with Ge Liang's greediness yet he doesn't want to agree nor deny Ge Liang's logic.

"It depends on what my little Ning wants because I believe you will make the best decision for us." Ge Mengshu said and reached for Si Ning's hand.

Si Ning let his mother wrapped her hands around his. "Mother do you know Qiu Bai wants an all-out war with Xiu?"

"Second Prince Qiu Bai will return and become the Emperor of Xilie and I know my little Ning is very smart that is why I am leaving it all in your hands but know this the Ge family army will not move without a command from the person in charge which is me but if you want the army then I will give it to you." Ge Mengshu told him. "But I am sorry that I will leave it all to you."

Si Ning bobbed his head for no reason. "I will make sure Mother will not be disappointed in me." He said holding her hands firmly and raised her hands, giving it a light kiss, his mother was smart for her not to be shocked by the war Qiu Bai wants and Si Ning saw her in a new light as a strong woman.

"Hmm." Ge Mengshu patted his head.

The moment they said goodnight and Si Ning stepped out of the room, he first took a deep breath before directing his attention to Jiang Ye, Ah Dai, and Xiao Pei that was waiting at the door for him and he raised his hand to stop Xiao Pei and Ah Dai from giving him their reports.

Si Ning knew this night he would take the pill Song Feng gave him and sleep to avoid thinking or trying to figure the best reply to give Qiu Bai. Just for tonight, Si Ning was ready to have a long nice sleep.

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