Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 53 - No Countermeasure

None of this should have happened, he had never thought of Xiu Zhicheng declaring their union unexpectedly. He never saw it coming which means he had no countermeasure against it and it seemed he would be joining the harem in a month.

Si Ning was glad the effect of the sleeping medicine as worn off which means the concoction Song Feng gave him worked faster than he expected and he could now think and act without acting slow.

"Young Master?"

"Come in." Si Ning said turning his head to the entrance to see the door opened and Ah Dai came in carrying a box, most of the weight of the box resting on his right hand.

Ah Dai placed the box on the floor and opened it, bringing out a lighter shade of a yellow brocade robe and he held it up in to show Si Ning. It was a beautiful and grand robe with a lot of golden accessories taping the neck, acting as a necklace and on the sleeves. Si Ning could see it was the robe Xiu Zhicheng chose for him and this reminded him of the other gifts Xiu Zhicheng had given him, which he had no time to check and now he was given more gifts.

As an Actor, even though his career was shitty, he still had fans that send him gifts and letters that when his agency checked to see none of the gifts was harmless and send it over to Si Ning's apartment. Si Ning never checked them and that must be the attitude that made him not remember to check Xiu Zhicheng gifts.

"Young Master." Ah Dai called Si Ning's attention as he darted his eyes to Si Ning's hand.

"Hun?" Si Ning bent his head to see he had squeezed the paper in his hand and if not for the durability of the material, the paper would have squeezed beyond repair and this made him released his hand and placed it on the table.

He watched as Ah Dai folded the robe carefully back into the box and unhooked a small pouch hooked to his belt, he opened it, bringing out a neatly folded piece of paper, bending his head in respect, he handed it over to Si Ning.

"What." Si Ning said as he unfolded the paper not expecting a reply from Ah Dai.

"I saw it on the table and I think it is important so I kept it for Young Master." Ah Dai told him as he raised his head.

Si Ning straightened the paper to see a short message written in it, which says 'Meet me at the XiXi tavern tonight' and it had no sender name. "When did you see this?"

"Yesterday afternoon, I saw it on the table and it seemed out of place that is why Ah Dai kept it for Young Master." Ah Dai explained.

The message was sent by Qiu Bai. Si Ning doesn't have to compare the handwriting with the last message to check if the handwriting were similar because according to his memory it was the same handwriting and because he was unconsciously he stood Qiu Bai up.

Si Ning wondered if Qiu Bai was angry when he didn't show up and this directed his thoughts to Xiu Zhucheng, he couldn't help but frown at the possibility that Xiu Zhicheng already found out Qiu Bai's real purpose was to make him betray Xiu and which may be the reason why Zhicheng acted first by sending a marriage proposal to him and had to rush the wedding date. When something like this shouldn't be rushed, at least as the Emperor, Xiu Zhucheng should have set the wedding date to three months or more, a month time just translated to Xiu Zhicheng being impatient and wanting him to join his harem.

"Young Master, I will bring over the food Young Master Song Feng prepared and also prepare your bath." Ah Dai said, waiting for Si Ning's approval or any other order before leaving.

Si Ning closed his eyes, drumming his fingers on the table thinking of a way to deal with Qiu Bai. "Just prepare the bath." He opened his eyes. "But before that bring out a paper and a pen to write a message for me." Si Ning added before Ah Dai turn to leave.

At that moment Si Ning doesn't feel like writing, dipping the pen into the ink every time to write a letter was stressful enough and Si Ning doesn't want to stress himself, he was still a little weak because his stomach felt empty even though he was sure Song Feng must have fed him something when he was unconscious.

Ah Dai went over to the desk and opened one of the drawers bringing out a bottle of ink, a pen, and a neat paper and he started grinding the ink and when he was done he stood opposite Si Ning and only took his seat when Si Ning gestured for him to do so. A small smile played at his lips to show how happy he was to do a task for his Master.

"Young Master, Ah Dai is ready." Ah Dai said quickly setting the paper on the table as he dipped the pen into the ink.

"Write 'I will meet you tonight same place.' and wrap it." Si Ning said firmly and when he noticed Ah Dai was taking his time writing each word, he couldn't help but peek at what Ah Dai was writing and he was a bit shocked to see how beautiful Ah Dai handwritten was, different from his own, he waited till he was done and said. "Make sure Prince Qiu Bai receives that."

"Yes, Young Master." Ah Dai said before leaving.

"Xiao Pei!" Si Ning yelled as he massages his temples.

"General." Xiao Pei rushed in and saluted.

"Bring me the meal Song Feng prepared and if it is porridge don't bring it and also make a series of dishes and bring it." Si Ning told him.

Si Ning doesn't have any intention to go to the palace on an empty stomach which may cause him to eat more than he should when dining with Xiu Zhicheng and he wants to avoid that the most.

"Yes, General." Xiao Pei replied before heading out.

Because of sleeping for almost two days made Si Ning unable to think of a reply he would give Qiu Bai when they meet but first he had to set up a meeting place. His small discussion with his mother already shown that no matter what steps he takes, Ge Mengshu would always support him.

Looking at the box with the brocade robe made Si Ning had a feeling that in the moments he steps out of the house today, all his decisions would make would unfold the future of the Si family and it would have an impact on both Xiu and Xilie nation. It was almost like he was walking on a thin thread which means he had to tread carefully. To solve all his problems Si Ning knew he must make a great decision and when he sees Xiu Zhicheng then he would be able to make his first decision, guiding him to what he would discuss with Qiu Bai.

After his conclusion, Si Ning directed his attention to the door because he had a feeling he was about to be called upon.

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