Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 55 - Jasmine Palace

Si Ning would have loved to take a look outside since he hadn't had time to do so but hearing people in the capital saying that it had to be the King Consort in the palanquin and to make them curious Si Ning didn't even look out once and only concentrated on thinking about how he should behave in front of Xiu Zhicheng that he wasn't aware of when they got to the palace.

"General, we have arrived at the Jasmine palace." Chen An announced as he lifted the curtain a little bit.

Si Ning doesn't understand why he had to be escorted with a lot of guards like a Noblewoman packing to her husband's house or why Chen An, Su Heng, and Ji Ran had to be among them, even though he doesn't understand and doesn't want to crack his brain thinking of a reason yet he knew deep down the guards and the Commanders escorting him was like a big label to say he was the Emperor's man.

So as not to waste any more time forming scenarios of how the lunch would probably go made Si Ning tried to raise the curtain to step out but when Chen An noticed this, he quickly pulled up the curtain for him.

Si Ning stepped out, he was quite feeling like a Prince with how grand he dressed and his golden shoes that were sparkling in the sun, what he was missing was a shoulder pad that would make his shoulders high to fit his gallant look. He could see they were in a courtyard, a building that was well built and stood tall painted in peach and wine in front of them. It looked new or renovated, the gate that was a bit far away looked new too.

"General..." Su Heng called since Si Ning was busy observing his surroundings.

"Chen An lead the way." Si Ning said knowing he would have time to do the observation of the surroundings later but right now he doesn't want to keep Xiu Zhicheng waiting. He wasn't sure if Xiu Zhicheng would punish his escorts because he arrived late.

Chen An started leading the way while Su Heng and Ji Ran stayed behind, only Xiao Pei and Jiang Ye followed, but instead of entering the building as Si Ning expected. Chen An took the lead taking a white stone path to another part of the yard.

The path led to the back of the building and Si Ning's mouth almost dropped when he found himself facing a beautiful garden and just like the name of the palace, the majority of the flowers planted were jasmine and the sweet scent was so refreshing that Si Ning had to stop to take a deep breath just to inhale the sweet flowering scent.

Xiao Pie and Jiang Ye used the opportunity to quickly stepped forward and bowed before going to join the palace guards and maids that stood far from a pavilion that was painted the same color as the building. Xiu Zhicheng could be seen sitting comfortably with a series of food at the table in front of him, opposite him was a green lake and the scene looked like a classic painting.

Xiu Zhicheng that sat under the pavilion also added to the beauty of the scene, he was dressed in black and golden robes, his hair flowed long and loose behind him with two hair clips preventing his hair from obstructing his view.

When Si Ning and Chen An got closer, Xiu Zhicheng turned his phoenix eyes and met Si Ning's giving off the aura of a powerful faraway being, and before Si Ning knew what was happening he was already kneeling with Chen An to pay his respects.

"Your Majesty." Chen An saluted.

Xiu Zhicheng's eyes didn't leave Si Ning once as he waved his hand and Chen An stood up and bowed deeply before leaving while Si Ning was still in his kneeling position.

Si Ning had already thought of all the steps he would take when he meets Xiu Zhicheng and him kneeling wasn't part of it. He had already convinced himself he had nothing to fear since Xiu Zhicheng was Liu Zhicheng. He had never behaved timidly in front of Liu Zhicheng, he had always carried himself high the few times he talked with Liu Zhicheng, he had never for once cower. Liu Zhicheng had once taken him to his house when he saved him from Qiu Bai that almost assaulted him and he even let him used the guest room for the night.

Remembering the past made Si Ning turned sharply in the direction of the jasmine flowers where the guards stood with their heads bowed and now he remembered, the scent of the jasmine was just like it was in Liu Zhicheng's guestroom.

"Stand up and come here." Xiu Zhicheng said in a low voice.

Si Ning quickly stood up and moved closer convincing himself he had nothing to fear. He may be a General but he was once an Actor and being a General or an Actor criteria doesn't involve being timid and generally, he wasn't a timid person but he knew this era of swords and war was an era he had to be careful and the person he had to be most wary of was the one in front of him.

Si Ning raised his head to meet Xiu Zhicheng as he wanted to take his seat opposite him glad the table was big and would create enough barrier between them but when he was about to sit and glanced at Xiu Zhicheng to see if he was permitted to do so, only to see Xiu Zhicheng gestured for him to come closer.

Since Si Ning had no choice and doesn't want to think of the reason Xiu Zhicheng wanted him to get closer because if he had to think first then he would take time to act and he doesn't think it was proper to make the Emperor wait so he moved closer only for Xiu Zhicheng to suddenly pulled him to his embrace, making him yelp in surprise. The strong arms surrounded him before Si Ning could jump up, it was just as Si Ning remembered, warm and comforting as the faint scent of sandalwood engulfed him.

To see the cause of the brash attitude, Si Ning turned and met Xiu Zhicheng eyes only for heat to suddenly rushed to his cheeks, their faces were so close that his heart accelerated because he was sitting on Xiu Zhicheng's laps and being so close made him self-conscious and he was someone weak to beauties and seeing how handsome Xiu Zhicheng was, different from Liu Zhicheng that always had his hair short and glasses on giving off a cold look but the Xiu Zhicheng in front of him gave out a warm aura as he stared at Si Ning making Si Ning wondered if he was staring because he couldn't see well.

Xiu Zhicheng's hands loosen and held Si Ning's gently, one hand placed at his back while the other held his hand. Si Ning felt as if Xiu Zhicheng was touching his skin directly that he knew he would be having it difficult for him to control his heartbeats, he knew it was probably caused by him not partaking in any sexual activities making him sensitive to touch.

At that moment Si Ning knew he would be in big trouble if he doesn't stand up since the sandalwood scent was making him feel dizzy.

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