Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 60 - XiXi Tavern

I understand I understand, I understand...

The words kept ringing on Si Ning's head as he tried to find the real meaning behind Xiu Zhicheng's words.

It was so frustrating that he wasn't aware of his surroundings and kicked a stone almost making him lose his footing that he had to quickly hold the rail.

Because he was already irritated made him frowned and picked the stone without a second thought, he threw it far into the stream below the bridge he was standing on.

"Ouch..." He felt a sharp pain on his forehead, which was caused by him frowning and forgetting to rest his face to relieve the throbbing from the impact of the effect of Xiu Junjie that flicked his forehead many times over.

Si Ning was the one that suggested the game but he never imagined that he would not be able to answer most questions correctly, the questions asked by an eight-year-old boy. He had gone through most history books, already learned a great deal about this world that he was confident that it would be Xiu Junjie that would lose at the end, allowing him to flick his forehead many times over as the punishment for the loser when in disguise it was the punishment he thought was fit for Xiu Junjie who was rude to him.

When Xiu Junjie asked questions like how many Government Officials do a Nation need or who had to pay the highest tax between a high ranking Official with one property and a low ranking Official with two property, that was when Si Ning concluded he would be having it difficult and for not answering the questions correctly made Xiu Junjie flicked his forehead so bad he was still feeling the pain.

Si Ning rubbed his forehead lightly knowing it was probably red, making a mental note never to play the game again with Xiu Junjie, through the game he found out Xiu Junjie only wanted attention from Xiu Zhicheng that was why he used to misbehave and it also fun to Si Ning playing the game with Xiu Junjie, while Xiu Yuan laughed so hard at the side enjoying the pained expressions each player does when their forehead was flickered.

The game and eating the snacks brought by the palace maidservants helped Si Ning took his mind off the problems he had to solve but he wouldn't want to play the game again with Xiu Junjie.

"Young Master...." Si Ning turned to see Ah Dai carrying a bag. He wasn't even surprised to see him, knowing that if he wasn't in the residence, Ah Dai would not mind searching through the city and not leaving a stone unturn just to search for him.

Si Ning's gaze dropped to the bag he was carrying but he decided not to ask and nodded as permission for Ah Dai to approach him.

When Si Ning left the palace, he decided to stroll around the capital since he hadn't got a chance to do so and he might never get a chance to if he decides to head home. He only had Xiao Pei and Jiang Ye escorting him leaving some distance between them.

"Young Master, your forehead...." Ah Dai said and quickly opened the bag, checked through it, and brought out a small bottle of ointment.

Si Ning only stood there watching as Ah Dai approached him, he opened the bottle and Si Ning nodded, allowing Ah Dai to apply it to his forehead, it was already dark so he didn't mind. When Ah Dai was done, he brought out a forehead ribbon just the color of Si Ning's robes and wrapped it on his Master's forehead tying it at the back. It was just like Ah Dai was always prepared for any circumstances that Si Ning didn't even want to ask why he had a forehead ribbon that was matching his attire, instead he was glad that the ribbon finally covered his red forehead.

Ah Dai brought out a fur coat from the bag and wanted to help Si Ning wear it only for Si Ning to shake his head, it was a chilly night but he wasn't feeling cold.

"Did you send the letter?" Si Ning asked it was dark and almost time for him to head to the XiXi place.

"Yes, Young Master." Ah Dai replied sharply

"Lead me to the XiXi place." Si Ning said it was probably time for him to see Qiu Bai. He wasn't feeling bad for missing when they were supposed to meet and he wasn't feeling guilty since it was Qiu Bai that decided they should meet in three days.

"Young Master, Forgive me for not bringing Yun along but I will go home and bring him." Ah Dai stated, his head lowered.

"No no need, lead the way." Si Ning doesn't care about how far the XiXi place was and he wasn't in the mood to ride a horse. It was time for him to enjoy his time walking around and finally concentrate on admiring his surroundings.

"Yes, Young Master."

Looking around while Ah Dai leads the way and Jiang Ye and Xiao Pei walking behind him was so refreshing and Si Ning could see many people stop in their tracks to stare, some women even subtle waved at him but Si Ning only nodded. He still couldn't get Xiu Zhicheng's last words out of his head which made him unable to enjoy his sightseeing.

It was a surprise when Ah Dai didn't lead them through the main road but through some route with few people in sight till they got to the back door of the XiXi tavern where a guard stood. The guard only saluted and allowed them in. The passage was so narrow with little lighting, filled with a mild scent of incense and after walking for sometime Si Ning could perceive the scent of perfume but he couldn't see since Ah Dai who was walking in front of him and blocking his view till they arrived at a larger passageway, where a woman with heavy makeup and hair decorated with series of shiny hairpins, dressed in heavy flashy yellow and red robes stood. Si Ning frowned seeing where the heavy perfume was coming from and standing beside her were two girls with revealing cloth, half of their face covered with a veil and they all bowed. Seeing them made Si Ning wondered if the XiXi tavern was only an Inn.

"Welcome Young Master, come this way." The woman bowed deeply and started leading them. There were series of doors at a large interval, the passageway also had little lighting, the lanterns hugged at the walls with incense stick causing the passageway to be filled with smoke while the scent of the incense filled the way that it almost seemed like the moment a person steps out, the incense scent would have gotten stuck to their clothes.

The smoke-filled passageway almost made Si Ning feel like he was in a club except he knew the smoke was coming from the incense stick and could even have an aphrodisiac effect. It was so quiet that nobody would be able to guess what was happening behind the doors and Si Ning guessed the walls were probably soundproofed. The woman stopped at a door.

"We have arrived." She said and opened the door.

When Si Ning stepped in, he saw Qiu Bai with a lot of girls with little clothing clutching at his legs and body. The table was filled with a series of snacks and drinks.

"Oh, you are here." Qiu Bai said when he saw Si Ning. "I didn't expect you to suggest this place not when you just became a high person betroth and showing at a brothel? don't you think the punishment will be high?"

Si Ning narrowed his eyes after his quick survey of the room. That was it, his guess was right. the XiXi's tavern was really a brothel.

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