Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 65 - Drunk

Xiu TianZhao leads Si Ning to his residence. It was almost identical to the Jasmine palace but there was no flower planted only trees and before Si Ning could carefully look around, Xiu TianZhao already leads him to a pavilion.

The pavilion wasn't as big as the one in Jasmine palace but it was spacious enough and they took their seats.

Si Ning frowned to see the table was empty and before he could say a word, dozens of palace maidservants appeared and he wasn't even aware when they were surrounded because he could swore he saw no one in the courtyard.

Two palace maidservants quickly set up two cups and poured them liquor while the rest quickly formed a row, each holding a plate and they approached one after the other placing a covered bowl on the table and opened it while they stepped back to allow the next palace maid in line to set her plate on the table.

Before Si Ning know what was happening, their table was already filled with a bowl of roasted sweet potatoes, shrimp crackers, haw flakes, shredded dried squid, rice crackers, roasted pork, fried beef, apples, grapes, pears. Si Ning was surprised that without a word from Xiu TianZhao, the maidservants already knew they should serve them liquor and not tea. Seeing all the delicacy made his mouth watered and he wanted nothing more than to start eating and drinking liquor to it but he waited for Xiu TianZhao to start eating first to appear polite only for the maidservants to approached them one after the other. Clearing the table at Xiu TianZhao's signal only leaving the roasted pork, grapes, and the pot of liquor.

It was painful for Si Ning to see them clear the table and he tried to not look disappointed as he reached for his cup and took a sip. He almost coughed because it was such a strong liquor not something they should be drinking in the daytime, especially him that still had to ride his horse home but Si Ning needed the drink to make him forget how Xiu Zhicheng ignored him.

"My brother is quite irritated these days and something tells me that you have something to do with it." Xiu TianZhao said as he carried his cup and took a sip.

Si Ning shrugged. He doesn't have any idea that Xiu Zhicheng was irritated but he could tell the tension during the court meeting wasn't normal. "I told him I want him to make me his Empress." He needed someone to talk to and seeing how carefree Xiu TianZhao was and they even traveled together to get to Zhonghua, they were also more closer and as his friend, Si Ning felt he could tell him.

Xiu TianZhao's eyes twinkled as he burst into laughter. "Little Ning-y I never expect you to aim high but I like it, for you standing up for yourself and testing where your love stands." He said as he pops a grape in his mouth.

"....." Si Ning wanted to tell Xiu TianZhao he doesn't love Xiu Zhicheng instead he paused his lips because he doesn't feel like correcting him, he took a sip of his drink.

"If my brother think you are important to him then it shouldn't be difficult for him..." Xiu TianZhao cleared his throat as he wore a serious look leaning forward. "But if my brother makes you the Empress, Xiao Ningzi don't you think the power balance will crumble?"

First Xiu TianZhao was rooting for him now he had diverted the discussion to the negative part and this made Si Ning empty his cup at once and poured himself another cup.

"How will it crumble?" Si Ning had already calculated all the benefits he would get by being the Empress of Xiu and he didn't see any disadvantage, not to him, not to Xiu Zhicheng, not to the Imperial family, and not to Xiu Nation.

Xiu TianZhao took a sip of his drink. "My brother marries his wife for the balance of power in the palace, for him to have aid when the unpredictable time comes and if he wanted to take a wife from the Si family to get more power then it should be your sister but if it is you." He pointed at Si Ning. "You can see it is different and Xiao Ning, you should remain the King Consort and a General."

"Why?" Si Ning blurted out already feeling the effect of the drink still he grabs his cup to take a swig of his drink. He still doesn't get Xiu TianZhao's point and he regretted it a little for telling him about his worries.

"Let's use this as an example." Xiu TianZhao picked up a grape from the bowl, holding it up. "If you become the Empress, then the power will be divided into two, you having the greatest Military power will be one part of this grape and my brother will be the other part, cutting this grape into two which means the Emperor's power will be divided into two leading to shifting in the power balance because my brother won't be the one with the most power anymore which means you can do what you want."

That was the point Si Ning wanted to become the Empress, to have more power but he wasn't going to tell Xiu TianZhao that because it was clear as a day that Xiu TianZhao doesn't want him to become the Empress in order to protect the Imperial family's power. For Si Ning to have more power would spoil the power balance of the Imperial family.

Si Ning poured himself another cup. "Am I wrong to want to be the Empress?"

Xiu TianZhao leaned forward, folding his hands on the table as he reached for Si Ning's cup to prevent him from drinking more and getting drunk. "No testing your love needs you to be the Empress but love is about little things shown to each other."

Si Ning wants to end the conversation, Xiu Tianzhao had indirectly told him it was a bad idea to become the Empress. "By saying this you do not trust me."

"No, it wasn't me because I trust you but it was confirmed you went to see Prince Qiu Bai at the XiXi tavern." Xiu TianZhao raised his brows.

Si Ning's eyes widen, he took Xiao Pei to see Qiu Bai, what did he expect to happen after taking Xiu TianZhao guard to see Qiu Bai. "Xiao Pei." He said between gritted teeth as he clenched his fist.

"Xiao Pei is only loyal to you and does not talk about his Master behind their backs, It is my brother that is watching you and this may be the reason he is holding back."

Si Ning eyes widen, Xiu Zhicheng knew he went to see Qiu Bai and this made him feel like the biggest fool, he was about to say a word only for his eyes to almost close and he swayed to the back, his head was about to hit the floor when Xiu TianZhao quickly leaped and grabbed him.

What Si Ning heard was Xiu TianZhao telling him something about him being drunk and Xiao Pie calling him but it was hard for him to understand their words and at that moment Si Ning closed his eyes only fall into a deep sleep

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