Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 69 - Suicide

Xiu Zhicheng cleared his throat as he placed his hand on the throne's arm looking regal. "The subordinates of General Shen Yu, for attacking the household of My King Consort, General Si Ning, they will all be flogged fifty strokes of the rod before they are hanged and this will be carried out immediately after the court assembly." Xiu Zhicheng's voice rang out, leaving no room for a plead as he looked directly into Qiu Bai's eyes silently issuing a challenge for Qiu Bai to make a move to overturn his judgement.

My King Consort?

Si Ning almost rolled his eyes with how Xiu Zhicheng made a claim on him when they were not married yet. He couldn't help but noticed how Xiu Zhicheng judged the subordinates of a General of Xilie without asking of the opinion of the Prince of Xilie or Xilie's Minister of Welfare who were present obviously for General Shen Yu's case. This behaviour showed that Xiu Zhicheng rules over the court that Si Ning had to turn to look at Shen Yu and seeing his pitiful appearance made him wonder if Shen Yu was going to see tomorrow's daylight.

Xiu Zhicheng directed his gaze at Shen Yu after seeing no objection from Qiu Bai. "General Shen Yu that attacked My Consort with the mindset of him dying by your sword." He said as he turned his gaze at Qiu Bai. "This is like pointing your sword at me, General Shen Yu will die by hanging at the execution stand."

The hall instantly filled up with murmur and Si Ning was a bit surprised that Xiu Zhicheng would send Shen Yu to his death and his judgment tone leaves no room for Qiu Bai to say his opinion and this made Si Ning turn to take a look at Qiu Bai, wanting to see his expression and he was surprised that Qiu Bai looked calm not even flinching that the fake relationship between Xiu and Xilie might crumble, he only wore the face of a confident man.

"General Shen Yu committed a crime that is worth him dying by hanging for wanting to soil our relationship for attacking General Si Ning but General Shen Yu as the General of Xilie that served Xilie for thirty years, I want the Emperor to allow his life to end by my hands." Qiu Bai said, his face impassive while Mo Xiang that stood behind him nodded like Qiu Bai just made the most reasonable statement.

The meeting was heading in the direction Si Ning never expected, he expected Qiu Bai to try to save Shen Yu according to how he started his speech instead he proposed that it was proper for Shen Yu to die by his hands as a means to acknowledge his long service to Xilie.

The relationship between Xiu and Xilie that Qiu Bai said to want to protect, sounding like he wants to try to have a good relationship when either side does not have trust made Si Ning almost rolled g eyes.

Shen Yu eyes shot up and widen as his mouth fell open turning to face Qiu Bai. "My Prince... Second Prince, You cannot do this... I am General Shen Yu, Shen Yu...General Shen Yu..." He trailed off, his eyes beseeching desperately trying to remind Qiu Bai who he was, that he wasn't someone to be disposed of.

Si Ning didn't expect Shen Yu to object but it was normal to do so, to oppose Qiu Bai's agreeing to hanging him but looking at how Qiu Bai stood there firmly already shown Shen Yu that he needed a General like Si Ning and not Shen Yu that had made quite some bad decisions and that was why he wanted to dispose of him.

"You did not consider your position before escaping from prison and going to attack General Si Ning." Qiu Bai raised a brow.

"I only wanted to talk." Shen Yu said, his voice loud and sharp.

"Your actions are different from what you are implying, General Shen Yu, I regret to tell you this but this is the end of the road for you" Qiu Bai declared leaving no room for argument as he stared at Shen Yu.

Si Ning could see Qiu Bai's gaze was telling Shen Yu to die without uttering a complain, to die for the sake of Xilie, die because he was no more needed and he needs to be disposed of. Qiu Bai silently telling him with his eyes that it was time to remove someone hindering him and disrupting his plans and that he had prioritized Si Ning over him for the sake of Xilie. That was the extent Si Ning could interpret Qiu Bai's gaze.

It almost seemed like a tug as Shen Yu opened his mouth and closed it then he opened it before closing it and he repeated it a few times, making the motion to talk but close his mouth as he steadies his gaze on Qiu Bai's intense gaze before closing his eyes.

The courtroom was quiet that if a pins drop, it would make the loudest noise. Everybody's attention was on Shen Yu probably waiting for him to say a word, perhaps spill a secret about Xilie but Shen Yu bowed his head to show he had already taken his judgement and resigned to fate.

"I will grant Prince Qiu Bai this privilege but he must die in my presence." Xiu Zhicheng finally breaks the silence.

"Qiu Bai thanks the Emperor of Xiu for giving I the Prince of Xilie this opportunity." Qiu Bai proceeds to bow with Mo Xiang.

Shen Yu suddenly stood up, his hands a bit loose as the ropes fell apart, he pulled out Qiu Bai's sword, it was so sudden that Si Ning jumped back expecting Shen Yu to charge at him instead Shen Yu directed the sharp end of the sword to himself, without blinking he sank the sword in his stomach and blood immediately spilt from the wound as he slowly fell on his knees.

The whole court turned into an uproar as Si Ning eyes widen, not believing an outstanding man like Shen Yu would decide that suicide was his only choice without any second thoughts.

Shen Yu coughed as he pulled the sword out, blood soaking his clothes and with shaky hands, he raised the sword, the hilt and the end of the sword resting on his palms in a presenting manner to Qiu Bai. "Forgive me... Prince Qiu Bai for... making this shameless... way... as a means to... leave and for staining your sword." He said as blood continue to spill from his mouth while he bowed.

Si Ning doesn't understand Shen Yu's apology when Qiu Bai was going to use that same sword to end his life. He doesn't think he was going to understand some way of thinking in this era.

"Hmm." Qiu Bai took the sword by the handle looking unbothered and Mo Xiang quickly brought out a handkerchief to wipe the blood on it as he collected the sword from Qiu Bai.

It was such a waste to see the red rug stained with blood making it turn darker while the people around seemed unconcerned that was what Si Ning was thinking until Shen Yu turned his attention to him with his bloodshot eyes.

Now what, don't look at me.

Si Ning badly want to use Shao Lang to block his vision because the least he wants was a dying man intense gaze on him.

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