Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 72 - Who?

When Ah Dai was done and gave the mirror to his Master, Si Ning found himself smiling at his reflection as he turned his head left and right. Ah Dai never ceased to amaze him with how well he could style his hair, knowing the particular style to fit for a particular occasion.

The door opened and Si Ning placed the mirror on the table ready to lash out at Jiang Ye who came in without announcing first but seeing how Jiang Ye kept shifting his eyes all around and how he dressed in mild expensive robes looking like a Young Master made Si Ning sighed but he was going to lash out anyway because Jiang Ye was his guard and he mustn't let it slide because Jiang Ye doesn't look like a guard.

"You this...." Si Ning stopped in mid-sentence when he noticed a woman wearing a veil to cover her face standing at the back of Jiang Ye, he didn't notice her first because he was focused on Jiang Ye that came in suddenly.

"Leave us!" A sweet commanding voice filled the whole room.

Ah Dai was a bit surprised but seeing Jiang Ye that shook his head as a signal to do as she says made him quickly took a step back and bowed along with Jiang Ye and they both quickly left the room.

This development was a bit surprising to Si Ning because he didn't permit them to leave but one word from the woman and they all left and this made Si Ning wondered who the woman was while he put it at the back of his mind to inform his guards and Ah Dai not to leave a room without his permission unless it was the Emperor or his mother that gives the command. For them to leave the room didn't give him face, they made it like the woman that came to him was superior to him.

The hat with the black veil made it difficult for Si Ning to see the woman's face but looking at her luxurious attire and the way she was standing with her head held up high made Si Ning concluded that the woman must be a noble.

For her to command Ah Dai and Jiang Ye to go out means she must have an important background but still, Si Ning stood there without making a move to say a greeting or bow because first, it was his residence, second, she came in without being invited and third he was also an important person so he would not make the move to say his greetings first.

Si Ning wondered if the woman that came in was perhaps the Queen Dowager, he had never met her and according to the information he was provided with when the Queen Dowager regency ended, she always stays at her palace having people entertain her and sometimes have lunch with the Emperor's Concubines and her grandchildren while Xiu Zhicheng or Xiu TianZhao visits her sometimes, realising the woman in front of him might be the Queen Dowager made Si Ning want to quickly bow only to see the woman removed her hat and he found himself facing a young beautiful woman. She might be older than him but he was sure she wasn't the Queen Dowager and this made Si Ning straightened up.

The woman he found himself facing was wearing light make up and very beautiful with clear upturned eyes and thin painted red lips with a cute nose to fit her heart-shaped face. Her hair was packed with a neat parting in the middle and adorned with a golden hairpin. Overall it was the kind of beauty Si Ning had been looking and if he wasn't the Emperor's Consort to be he would have love to know more about the elegant woman standing in front of him but just for once, Si Ning wants to flirt.

"A beautiful flower graced my home, what do I owe to be so blessed like this." Si Ning was impressed with his smooth pickup line that he deemed as fit for this era. "Please take a seat, let me serve you tea." He gestured to the table and he took his seat and was surprised the elegant woman in front didn't make a move to follow.

"General Si Ning, is this your way of mocking me?" She asked as she raised a brow. 

Mocking her?

Si Ning racked his brain thinking about who this woman might be but none came to mind but seeing her, he wondered if she might be one of the women he played with or if she was his lover because she was the type he would surely go for but it didn't add up because the Emperor was supposed to be the only lover he had and Ah Dai didn't tell him about having another lover and there was no evidence either a letter to point that he had another lover.

First, she didn't bother to greet him second, she didn't blush at his pickup lines and third she seemed somewhat hostile to him even though she wore a calm expression but she refused to take a seat which means they didn't have a smooth relationship and being here to see him means they must be an acquaintance and to detect where her hostility might come from means he had to know who she was and since Ah Dai refused to return with tea means he left them to discuss privately and this leave Si Ning only an option.

"And who might you be?" He asked as he raised a brow trying to sound polite but seeing how she raised a brow as her mouth fell open mean he had indirectly offended her with his question but it was the only way for him to know the identity of the woman in front of him.

"General Si Ning, I know your true face and it is showing if this is all the respect you can give Senior rank Imperial Concubine Ran Chunhua!" She Snapped.

Concubine Ran?

Si Ning had never been confused in his whole life yet he was more than confused now, facing Xiu Zhicheng's second concubine who kept talking confusingly and seemed like they have something between them making him so confused as he tried to hide his shock by wearing an impassive look.

Yes, Si Ning knew this, to be involved in politics, attending court meeting and joining the Imperial family means that even though he would have all the riches he would still find himself battling with one problem to another almost like battling in the water trying to stay afloat.

"Somebody out there!" Si Ning called out and the door opened to reveal Ah Dai. "Bring tea." 

"Yes, Young Master." Ah Dai bowed before leaving the room.

For Ran Chunhua to leave the palace and come alone means it must be important and by her stance means they had a lot to talk about and to prevent her from leaving then the best way to do that was for Si Ning to brew tea to make her stay longer and to clear any misunderstanding between them.

Ran Chunhua too finally took her seat opposite him and folded her hands on her lap looking directly at Si Ning, it was almost uncomfortable to be gazed upon intensely that Si Ning had to start clearing the table.

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