Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 76 - Music!

"Twenty-one-century dance?...."

"What does that mean? Have you ever heard of twenty-one century?"

"What is going on?"

"Do General Si Ning want to dance?"

"General Si Ning wants to sing."

"I am blessed to watch this."

Different murmur filled the air as some of the women seemed excited and almost jumped out of their seat to clap while the other women only focused on Si Ning wondering what was happening. The men looked confused, some curious while Song Feng looked on edge as he stretched his neck and shifted forward that Mo Qi had to turn sharply to him due to his sudden movement but Song Feng was quite nervous about what Si Ning wanted to do that he didn't notice Mo Qi that was staring at him until she tapped him to gain his attention.

"Song-ge are you feeling cold?" Mo Qi asked concerned about Song Feng who looked on edge.

Song Feng almost jolted and he turned sharply to her and gently took her hand in his "I am fine." He said with a small forced smile as he rubbed her hand before turning back to the stage.

Ah Dai standing at the side started fidgeting, turning his head back and forth then back to the stage before biting his bottom lip because his Master that wants to dance and sing could be interpreted that he doesn't like the entertainment provided or he was too drunk and doesn't know what he was doing that Ah Dai wanted nothing than to save him. Chen An too sat at the edge of his chair wondering what was happening.

"General Si Ning wants to dance, Song-ge don't you think we should stop him?" Mo Qi asked Song Feng as her gaze shifted to her father and Mo Xiang that seemed to be paying attention to Si Ning.

"I think he wants to entertain us as part of a congratulatory gift since Si Ning is my friend after all." Song Feng said in a low voice hoping that was the case as Mo Qi nodded in agreement.

After Si Ning was satisfied with the woman and the drummers moving to the side leaving the stage for him, he first loosened his outer robe because it was going to obstruct his dancing then he removed his shoes and socks then stepped barefooted on the floor and raised his two hands to pose stylishly.

Due to the alcohol he consumed, his eyes were narrowed and dilated making him look like an enchanting beauty that the whole courtyard went quiet as they waited for what he was about to do.

In this era, it was sword dancing or dancing to the drums that would be the most popular but Si Ning wanted to show them his twenty-first-century dance because he had the urge to dance and sing.

"Music!" Si Ning yelled but seeing that no one made a move, he turned sharply to the drummers at the side. "Give me some fast beat, beat the drum faster." He directed and he turned to maintain his previous pose.

The drummers quickly set up their drums and when Si Ning heard the first beat he flipped the hand fan open matching with the second beat, his eyes looking lazily at the crowd giving the feeling of an immortal that descended upon the earth looking so beautiful that all the people present found themselves unable to look away and when he began dancing to the tune, twirling around with the hand fan covring half of his face as he jumped in rhyme with the tune of the man that was playing the guqin, the guqin player this time eyes were opened and he nodded, impressed of how well Si Ning was matching his tune just as if they had practised a hundred times together and he wasn't the only one that was impressed because the drummer's mouth was opened in wonder as they tried to drum and at the same time not miss Si Ning dancing.

The dance was so beautiful that it got extremely quiet that if a pin drops it would surely make the loudest noise, they all watched as some people's mouth fell open, watching in amazement the weird beautiful dance that seemed strange yet so beautiful that they do not want to blink to avoid missing anything.

Si Ning bent and turned then he started to sing in a loud melodious voice, the song was an original song of the man in charge of their dancing class, it was the dancing practice he attended for a reality show but after missing two practices he was excluded from the show but he knew all the dance steps by heart.

Si Ning danced, his voice sounding so sweet as he twirled around raising a hand to match the other, flipping the hand fan open and close even though his clothes were big it still showed how skilled he was in dancing that everyone was focused, their eyes fixed on Si Ning like they were watching the cherry blossoms just bloomed and at the same time drinking the most expensive wine because Si Ning's dancing was so refreshing and at that moment they felt blessed to be watching him as their hearts kept beating fast in their chest knowing it was a rare chance to see General Si Ning dancing, a chance that might never happen again.

Due to his dancing, Song Feng could see Si Ning wasn't offended because of the entertainment provided, he only wanted to show them this beautiful dance and Song Feng felt the urge to stand up and take him away, it was a dance that shouldn't be shown to the world that he gripped the arm of the chair tightly to avoid standing up and taking Si Ning away, as he watched he didn't realise when tears started trailing down his face because at that moment he realised Si Ning was very far from him and since the Emperor announced their wedding means he had no chance with Si Ning. When his eyes started getting blurry that was when Song Feng quickly wiped his eyes with his sleeves to avoid drawing Mo Qi's attention. He was so downhearted that he had to sigh but it was his choice to marry Mo Qi and he promised to treat her well.

Shao Lang that was just coming in stopped in his track as he watched Si Ning in amazement, he would have loved nothing more than to sit ignorantly like the rest of the people present and watch Si Ning dancing but because he hadn't had a drop of alcohol and his senses were working perfectly, he strode up to the stage in large strides just as when Si Ning turned to him, he was fast to touch Si Ning with a light tap for his body to go rigid and Si Ning fell into his arms making the hand fan fall to the fall, unable to move as Shao Lang lifted him to his shoulder breaking the trance everyone was in and many looked disappointed at his interruption but Shao Lang only started to walk away without a word.

Ah Dai blinked and quickly rushed to the stage to pack Si Ning's shoes before joining Shao Lang while Chen An that struggled to stand up fell back on the chair and quickly struggled to stand up and started to follow them with the rest of the palace guards out of the courtyard.

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