Cunning General Si Ning

Chapter 8 - Battle

At times like this Si Ning knew he was supposed to reply just like how he had seen the Generals do in most dramas but he was not ready to let his voice turn hoarse by yelling since their distance was quite far. Keeping quiet would agitate Shen Yu and make him reckless which would be a good sign for Chen An to quickly take him out.

"Si Ning..... You die today!!!" Shen Yu yelled.

Si Ning wondered if the man had a few screws loose since he acted like Si Ning didn't hear him at first so he had to repeat his statement.

"I say! Si Ning... you die today!!!" Shen Yu pointed at him.

Si Ning resisted the urge to roll his eyes and he could almost imagine a tint of a red layer on Shen Yu's eyes. If he was the one a person ignored, he would not tolerate it and he would not hesitate to use his fist to punch them in the face and seeing how old Shen Yu was, he knew Shen Yu would not allow him to ignore his elders. So far away but Si Ning could almost picture Shen Yu glaring at him as his face turned red in anger.

Almost half of Shen Yu's army carried a golden flag with what seemed like a bluebird emblem on it. Si Ning's lips curled up into a smile since holding a flag was just like a handicap. The flag was like proof that the Xilie army would win the war. Si Ning couldn't blame them for their confidence since they knew he had roughly two hundred troops.

"General, you are not going to reply to him?" Chen An asked.

"Let the dog bark." Si Ning said softly his eyes on the party approaching them. He had always been foul-mouthed and he wasn't interested in changing that part of him. Shen Yu could drop dead for all he cares.

It would have been a good move if Shen Yu plan the attack carefully since they were greater in number and if they use their number wisely they would overpower Si Ning's army.

Looking at them Si Ning could already see his army win this war. The casualties would be much and his army would have won easily if they had reinforcement that would attack Shen Yu's army from behind. Trapping them making a four-way attack.



Si Ning didn't have to turn to know it was Su Heng and Ji Ran that gave the orders and he watched how Shen Yu's army looked shocked as arrows started raining from the top of the hill down on them making them confused ruining their formation.

It was a sight to see as they started falling off their horses at a fast rate and discarding the flags they were holding. Si Ning almost laughs out like a villain.


"Ah...!!!" Those who were hit screamed in agony as the smell of blood started rising, filling the air.



"Rise!!! Loose!!!"

Si Ning saw his troops at the top of the hill threw the camouflage leaves away to shoot down their enemies better and to pressure them so they would not have the opportunity to fight back.

It would be reckless and difficult for Shen Yu's army to start climbing the hills to engage them which means the only option for General Shen Yu's army was to charge forward and some even succeeded in shooting their arrows back at them and the rest didn't disappoint Si Ning when they tried to control their horses.

"Charge!!!! For Xilie!!!" Shen Yu commanded angrily and Si Ning could almost imagine how Shen Yu was gritting his teeth.

"For Xilie!!! Yah....." The rest that didn't fall kicked their horses into motion.

"Charge!!!!" Su Heng commanded pointing his sword down at Shen Yu's army at the bottom of the hill in other to cut part of the troops off from approaching the other half of their army.

"Charge!!!!" Ji Ran commanded.

"Ya.....!!!" The soldiers at the hill yelled.

Si Ning watched as his soldiers started sliding and running down from the top of the hill with their swords drawn discarding their bows and arrows.

"Charge!!!! Forward!!!" Chen An yelled drawing out his bow to shoot down General Shen Yu. "For Xiu!!!....."


Si Ning watched as the foot soldiers charged forward to complete their three-way attack but he made no move to join them but sat steadily on his horse. Another time he would train and fight with his men but not today.

The army of Shen Yu was dropping fast and Si Ning was quite pleased with the way the war was going. Due to the small attack, they had almost taken half of Shen Yu's army out.

Chen An left his arrow loose. The arrow flew up and Si Ning was about to complain with the absurd direction Chen An just shot his arrow only to see the arrow going down smoothly, directly at Shen Yu but just as predicted by Si Ning, Shen Yu used his sword to cut it down like he just cut a fly but Chen An was already sending series of arrows flying only for Shen Yu to guard himself with his sword and two managed to hit his hand but that didn't slow him down.

The wound didn't look deep and Si Ning was getting annoyed at how skillful Shen Yu was in using just his sword to cut the arrows.

"Is he a superhuman?" Si Ning muttered to himself as he drew his sword.

With the speed, Shen Yu was coming towards them and didn't fail in cutting down anybody in his path. Si Ning had to be on high alert.

"Fight me, General Si Ning!!!" Shen Yu yelled charging towards them.

That was it, it won't be a minute for Shen Yu to engage Si Ning. It was a risky situation but Si Ning didn't even move. Si Ning silently played Chen An would understand the situation and deal with Shen Yu for him.

It would be bad for his image to order Chen An to engage in battle with Shen Yu instead Si Ning didn't say a word. He didn't kick his horse to motion but sat there quietly. His horse was on the left side and a little bit behind Chen An which means Shen Yu would have to clash with Chen An first.

"General I will cut him down! Ya!" Chen An kicked his horse to motion drawing his sword to fight Shen Yu.


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