On the streets of Tokyo, two teenagers were walking on the street, but their walking posture was extremely strange.

Kagome Jie's head was forward, his body was half bent, his hands were in his pockets, and he walked like a patient with cervical spondylosis.

Gojo Goze leaned back, the drink in his hand was like a mouthful, and he didn't pay any attention to other people's eyes.

He threw the empty can into the trash can, and then said to Xia Youjie, "I can understand that the Q organization wants to assassinate the Star Plasma, but why does the Panxing Sect want to assassinate? Don't they worship Tengen?"

"What they worship is the unassimilated Tengen-sama, and they think that if they assimilate with the Star Plasma, then Tengen-sama will become impure..."

After listening to this, Gojo Satoru complained, "It's really troublesome! We should have been able to get to Zenin's house by now, and we still have to protect a little girl!"

"Satoru, don't say that, it's a major event related to the future of the magic world..." Xia Youjie said helplessly. At this moment, he really wanted to know what Zenin Ze was doing. He hadn't contacted them for two days.

"Let's call Naoko later, she's almost here..."

"Beep beep..."

Gojo Satoru picked up the phone, "Moses, is that Naoko?"

"What did you say? Ze has been in a coma for two days? He hasn't woken up yet?"

"Okay... I know."

"What's going on?" Xiayou Jie looked at Gojo Satoru with a serious face and said, "It can't be..."

"That's right." Gojo Satoru looked calm and clenched his fists at the same time, "That idiot really tried to subdue Makoro! The thunder we heard that day was really caused by him."

Makoro... Xiayou Jie had also heard of this Shikigami, the strongest Shikigami of the Ten Shadows... a Shikigami that has never been subdued... a tool for mutual destruction, etc.

Recalling what Zenin Ze said a few days ago, "I may have to do something in two days, and then I may be the strongest..."

Now think about it, this guy actually went to subdue Makoro.

Xiayou Jie couldn't help but worry about Zeninze, but then he thought of something, smiled again, and said to Gojo Satoru, "Don't worry, Satoru..."

"That guy is different from us, he can be a reversal magician!"

"It seems so." Gojo Satoru recalled the four-eyed deer and realized that he was too worried.

While the two were talking, they had already arrived under a building.

"Rock, paper, scissors!" The two stretched out their hands at the same time.

"I won, Jie, you go up!" Gojo Satoru said with a smile.

"Really..." Xiayou Jie looked at his haircut and Gojo Satoru's stone in silence, then took out his mobile phone, "Call me."

"Call me..."

Xiayou Jie calmly took the phone and walked into the elevator of the building, and then said to Gojo Satoru on the other end of the phone, "By the way, Satoru, I've wanted to talk about this for a long time."


"Sooner or later, we will meet Lord Tengen, so it would be better if you use honorifics when the time comes?"

"For example, [僕] or [私] to refer to yourself, which is more friendly to the younger generation..."

"I don't care so much!"

Xiayou Jie listened to Gojo Satoru's complaints, his mouth twitched, and he walked to a red door.

"I'm here!"

As he pushed the door open, a dazzling flame engulfed Xiayou Jie.


Gojo Satoru looked at the explosion of the building high above and said to the phone, "Are you still alive? Are you alive?"

"Maybe I'm the only one who's alive..." Xiayou Jie complained, looking at the messy room that was bombed, constantly looking for the figure of the astral plasma.

"Satoru, have you seen the astral plasma?"


Gojo Satoru pointed at the girl falling at high speed below and said.

Xiayou Jie immediately summoned three squids to break the window and jumped down without hesitation.

Then a man in white clothes and covering his mouth with a bandage walked out of the room.

"Don't blame me, blame that so-called Tianyuan!"


Gojo Satoru looked at the flying knife in front of him and couldn't help but be curious, "Who are you?"

"Hmph~" A man who was also wearing white clothes and covering his mouth with a bandage walked out and stood in front of Gojo Satoru.

"Oh?" Gojo Satoru was a little surprised, "You're walking towards me instead of running away?"

"How can I beat you if I don't get closer?" The man said with a smile, "I'm the strongest fighter of the Q organization, Bai'er!"

Gojo Satoru smiled. This was the most confident curser he had met in the past 20 years. He couldn't help but ask with a smile, "Do you really think you can beat me?"

Bai'erEr smiled confidently, "You will win (die)."

Soon after.

Xiayou Jie held a cup of tea in one hand, covered his ears with one hand, crossed his legs, and looked at the curse master Ke Kun who was tortured by the curse spirit [Fungus] at this time, and complained, "You curse masters, do you know how to farm?"

Ke Kun immediately flew into a rage and shouted in anger, "Damn kid! I advise you to be sensible, Mr. Baier has arrived, he is the strongest combat force of the Q organization!"

Then Xiayou Jie put the photo sent by Gojo Satoru on his mobile phone in front of Ke Kun's face. The photo was a photo of Gojo Satoru and a man foaming at the mouth.

"Is the Baier you are talking about this person?"

"Yes..." The man stared at Gojo Satoru on his phone, and once again remembered a saying that was circulated in the curse master world:

"That day... we lost our freedom when we were old."

"That's it, I thought it was so cruel." Xia Yujie looked at Ke Kun, who looked ashen, and couldn't help but advise again, "Young man, I suggest you to reform yourself, there is no future in being a curse master."

"Shut up, little brat!"

Xia Yujie: "..."

"Fungus, reward him well!" Xia Yujie gave an order to the pink curse spirit with a dark face.

"Go away! Go away..."

In the room where Xia Yujie was, Ke Kun's lifelong psychological shadow was created by him.

On the building not far away, Kong Shiyu looked at the smoking floor where the Star Plasma was located, and said lightly: "They have already started."

Then he looked at the muscular man next to him, "Although the Panxing Sect does not have the power to compete with the sorcerer, they have many big bosses of the consortium, and they are also very generous. I can assure you of this."

"How about it, are you ready to participate in the assassination of the Star Plasma?"


Shen'er grinned, quite ferocious and domineering, and said lightly, "But I am not named Chanyuan now, I have married into someone else's family, Just call me Fushiguro..."

Then Shen'er said nonchalantly, "Let those bastards consume their energy first. Anyway, they have the Six Eyes protecting them, so they can't succeed at all."

"After all, they are classmates of my useless disciple, so we can't underestimate them too much..."

"Then do you have the confidence to beat them?" Kong Shiyu looked at Shen'er, "After all, you haven't worked for a while."

"Well, I don't know about this." Shen'er stretched his body, "But what is certain is that if my disciple doesn't interfere... there is a high probability of success."

"That means... you?"

Shen'er looked at the building, and the figure of the black hedgehog head flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help but smile.

"I'll take this job..."

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