The truth is, this is a very important issue.

Apology from the author:

In the original manga, when Yuta Otsutsukoshi persuaded Miguel, Miguel once said the three words "Godzilla", which means that this IP series exists in the comic world.

When I wrote about the protagonist's ability to create cursed spirits, I did not consider that IIVV would introduce this monster image, but assumed that it did not exist.

Here I say to all readers of this book: I'm sorry.


In Tokyo High School, a person walked to the door of the teacher's office.

After thinking it over, Shinichi Tendō agreed to the plan of the three current family heads.

Before knocking on the door, a voice came from inside.

Gojo Satoru: "Shinichi, right? Just come in."

(Tendo Shinichi: "Six eyes are really convenient.")

Tendo Shinichi pushed open the door while complaining in his heart.

Gojo Satoru: "What's the matter~"

Tendo Shinichi: "Teacher, I've thought about it. I'll follow your plan and take on this responsibility."

Gojo Satoru clapped his hands and stood up from the chair.

"Let's go and find those two old men now."


Proposal, approval, nomination, pacification, announcement, the establishment of the fourth family, the Tendo family, was steadily promoted.

The Jujutsu Police Department and the Legal Department were born.

With the support of all from top to bottom, the entire project only lacks site selection and infrastructure construction.

In the near future, Tendo Shinichi will serve as the speaker of the Jujutsu Association, the head of the Tendo family, the Jujutsu Legal Department, and the acting general manager of the Police Department.

The address of the Tendō family was finally chosen in Yokohama, the third largest city in Japan, on the west coast of Tokyo Bay in Japan.

There are many advantages to choosing this place:

1. This is the largest seaport in Japan and one of the largest ports in Asia. After establishing connections, a few ships can be purchased, which is convenient for leaving by sea and for Godzilla to land and enter the sea.

2. Yokohama Chinatown is the largest Chinatown in Japan and even in Asia, and you can go out and cook directly. When you are in a foreign country, you always want to eat hometown food, otherwise it is too troublesome to sneak (run) to the next door every time, and you will still lack calories after a meal.

The General Manager Department and Gojo Ieichi decided to buy a piece of land of 600,000 square meters in Yokohama and put all the newly established family departments in it.

The money for the establishment of the department was paid by the state, and the money for the establishment of the family was borrowed by the Gojo family.

Although this money probably does not need to be repaid, Tendō Shinichi still plans to develop the family industry, otherwise he can't even support the association.

The specific method is to follow the example of Toho Co., Ltd. and Toei Co., Ltd. in the real world and enter the film and television industry.

For this reason, Tiandao Shinichi contacted Yamazaki Jin, who stayed there to take refuge after receiving an award abroad.

M country, Hollywood.

Yamazaki Jin in the hotel was looking out the window with a sad face, and his white hair was more than before.

The refreshing scenery when he first came here could not soothe his mood at this time.

Yamazaki Jin: "It shouldn't be like this..."

The first debut work in his life was well received both at home and abroad, and won many awards along the way, including the Oscar for Best Visual Effects.

He set foot on this land with joy at the time, because this was not only a proof of his strength, but also a big step forward for Neon Films.

However, the successive occurrence of two large-scale terrorist incidents, the Shibuya Incident and the Death Return Tour, plunged this small country into complete chaos.

He has been stationed in another country for nearly three months.

Every day he was worried that he might become a stateless person.

The previously announced cooperative fusion attack by the United States on Japan dealt a heavy blow to the man's heart.

The fact that the motherland has been ravaged by atomic energy three times is unacceptable to any true patriot.

Dong Dong Dong ~ A knock on the door sounded.

Yamazaki Zhen: "Who?"

"Hello, guest, here is a call transferred from Japan, someone specifically wants you to answer the phone."

Hearing this, the man got up from the chair and quickly took the phone.

Yamazaki Zhen: "Excuse me, who are you?"

Tendo Shinichi: "We made a movie together, do you remember me?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Yamazaki Zhen finally smiled.

"Of course I remember, I finally contacted someone in China. You can't imagine how tormented I have been in these months."

Tendo Shinichi comforted the man over the phone and tried his best to calm him down.

"What happened in Japan

If you have any doubts about the matter, you can ask me. Although I don’t know everything, it is definitely more reliable than the news you see and the statements of various countries. "

Yamazaki Zhen: "Good, great, how is the situation in the country now?"

Tendo Shinichi: "The person who launched a large-scale terrorist attack in Neon has been killed by us, and the influence he caused has been eliminated by us.

The government, the cabinet and so on have resumed operations, but it is not suitable to come back now. You should stay there for a while."

Yamazaki Zhen: "Is that so... What about the nuclear attack, is it true?"

Tendo Shinichi: "It is true, but the nuclear bomb was intercepted by us and did not fall on the mainland."

Yamazaki Zhen: "If I can, I will definitely thank you on behalf of the people of the whole country."

Tendo Shinichi: "Not really, we are not saints, we are just trying our best to protect the land where we live."

Yamazaki Zhen: "Hahaha~ Your speaking style is still the same. "

Then, the two briefly discussed the future development of IP, and the man in a foreign country could finally relax.

Tendo Shinichi was also very relaxed. The only thing he had to do now was to stay in the high school in the morning to attend classes, and to clean up the noose and release the cursed spirits on the coast in the afternoon.

Then, quietly wait for the completion of the construction of the buildings on that piece of land.

In fact, Tendo Shinichi couldn't calm down either.

During this period, he saw the Ninety-nine outside of the comics, a competent and responsible teacher, and what a girl should look like after getting rid of her fate and mission.

On the other hand, Mayi kept giving Maki advice, but Maki was not a sister with emotional experience after all, and she couldn't learn a single bit of skills.

The two left him with a big problem. Tendo Shinichi, who claimed to be able to easily establish a bond with people weaker than himself among a group of strong people, also felt it was difficult.

Tendo Shinichi: "Alas, anyway, I don't think Sukuna's view of love is correct. For an undefined thing, no matter how you summarize it, it is still so one-sided. "

Just as Tiandao Zhenyi was thinking about how to deal with the relationship in the future, a floating curse spirit in the shape of an energy body rushed over and threw itself into Tiandao Zhenyi's arms.

Tiandao Zhenyi: "Wu Erluo! How come you are here?"

Wu Erluo cried to Tiandao Zhenyi in an excited tone:

"Master, I lost..."

With the four curse spirits all present, even if Godzilla was completely destroyed, Wu Erluo could escape in time and return in full strength.

But the current situation is that Wu Erluo fled back in a panic.

Tiandao Zhenyi: "What? Tell me the details quickly!"

Wu Erluo: "There is a monster in that country. I thought I could win at first, but he suddenly changed like evolution and defeated me.

Hua Yu, Tuo Gen, and Zhenren were all unable to join the battle. Now only Louhu is still holding on. "

These words completely hit the blind spot of Tendō Shinichi's knowledge. Is there such a monster in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen?

Tendō Shinichi: "Monster? What does it look like?"

Wu Erluo: "At first it was a bird the size of an adult, and it looked like a colorful phoenix.

Then it turned into a human form, with a pair of wings behind it, and its whole body was like wearing armor, and there was a human face in the bird's beak on its head."

Tendō Shinichi was stunned, and there seemed to be thunder exploding in his mind.

Of course he knew who this so-called "monster" was, and all these descriptions pointed to him.

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