Special grade sorcerer Feng Wuxia enters the detention center, and the matter is no longer under the control of Fukuro Hui and Ye Qiangwei

"Wild Rose needs treatment, take her out quickly, and leave the rest to me"

""Tiger Stick, Tiger Stick is still in there, we must find him!"

Feng Wuxia patted Fushiguro Hui's shoulder and said: Don't worry, we will find him.

After exchanging the wall-passing skill, it is much faster than walking in a straight line.

At the same time, Yuji Itadori in the detention center fell heavily to the ground.

His right hand was broken and he couldn't stand up quickly. He couldn't react to the huge impact for a while, and his eyes turned white.

""Awoo!" The sound echoed outside the detention center. Although the sound was very small, it was still caught by Tiger Stick's ears.

"Great, Fushiguro and the others escaped!"

Yuji finally smiled, and then spots appeared on the corners of his mouth and face, and Sukuna appeared.

"This kid is really annoying."

Sukuna is like a younger brother. If Yuji wants him to come out, he has to come out. If he wants him to go back, he has to go back.

"I was totally underestimated."

"I want to think about how to make this kid regret it."

The cursed child protected himself with both hands. Sukuna's aura was too strong.

Sukuna talked to himself, not caring how scared the cursed child was.

"Come with me, let's go kill that little devil."

He hooked his finger, signaling the weak cursed child to follow him.

The cursed child was speechless at this moment, and tremblingly condensed the curse power, trying to attack Sukuna.


Sukuna used the Reversal Magician to restore his broken right hand and easily blocked the attack of the cursed child.

The attack was unharmed.

"Oh no, this hand has also recovered."

Sukuna was obviously a little dissatisfied. The attack of the cursed spirit was because he had restored Yuji's right hand. Wasn't that a bargain for this kid?

"Don't want to take a walk?"

"That's right, the cursed spirit will only stay where it was born and cannot leave."

"In this case, you will die here!"

Sukuna dodged, grabbed the cursed spirit's head with one hand, and smashed it hard on the ground.

A big hole was smashed on the ground.

"Is there nothing else to do so soon?"

Curse Fetus raised his head with difficulty and stared at Su Nuo with his eyes, but it was no use.

"That's it, work harder!"

He stepped on the connecting stone, and the entire bridge collapsed, splashing water on the water.

Sukuna laughed crazily:"Even though it's a cursed spirit, it will still hurt if your hand is broken!"

At some point, the cursed child's broken hand appeared on Sukuna's hand, as if it was just a matter of a moment.

The cursed child, who had just reacted, looked at his missing arm and suddenly became angry.

"You and I are at the same level, both are special grade"

"Neither you nor this boy know anything about curses."

"This is a good opportunity, let me tell you"

"What is real magic!"

""The domain is expanded, and the devil is subdued and the chef is defeated!"

All living and non-living things with magical power in the domain will be chopped to pieces.

Feng Wuxia quietly watched Sukuna expand the domain. The system helped him block his aura, so Sukuna didn't notice him.

"It's really scary. I wonder if the second stage Susanoo can withstand the domain?"

Maybe the second stage is a little uncertain, but the complete Susanoo can not only ignore the effect of the domain, but also burst the domain.

The cursed fetus had five stages of schizophrenia, and his body was torn into pieces. He died in an instant.

Although it is a special grade, it can't last for a few seconds against the curse king of a thousand years ago.

"You are really weak, I will take this!"

Sukuna took out his finger from the chest of the cursed child, and his expression was not very happy. It was obvious that he was being used as a little brother.

"If you want to exchange, do it quickly!"

When Sukuna saw that Yuji didn't want to exchange, he showed an extremely weird smile on his face, which made people tremble all over.

Outside the detention center, Fushiguro Megumi felt that the field of life was closed, and the special-grade must have died, but he couldn't tell whether it was Feng Wuxia who killed him or Sukuna.

After all, before Fushiguro Megumi left, Yuji had said that he would let Sukuna out.

Two fingers plus the fingers just now, a total of three, Feng Wuxia can easily deal with Sukuna.

Fushiguro Megumi didn't care too much, as long as he waited for Yuji to come back safely.

"Bang!"A loud noise came from the detention center, and some people were fighting in the detention center.

"Oh? I wondered who it was, it turned out to be you!"

Feng Wuxia appeared silently behind Sukuna. Sukuna never understood why he had such a strong power without any cursed power.

"I am very interested in you, and I will uncover your secrets bit by bit!"

"Tsk, how disgusting."Feng Wuxia didn't care and retorted to Sukuna.

Even if it was Sukuna in his prime, he would still have the strength to fight. The body of the Impure World Reincarnation is not a boast.

"So, what is your purpose here?"Sukuna didn't want to fight. He finally got control of his body.

Don't be beaten back.

"I have no purpose, I just want to see how strong you are, whether you are qualified to let me practice with you."

Now there are three fingers in the body of Tiger Stick. Although there are only three fingers, it is not comparable to ordinary special-level ones.

Fire escape: Dragon Flame Song Technique!

Feng Wuxia spewed out five fire dragons from his mouth and flew quickly towards Sukuna.

Sukuna released a slash, unable to block but cut off Feng Wuxia's fire dragons.

"New moves? Interesting!"

"Your body is so interesting!"

"Too bad, you are not a vessel. When I recover my strength, I will kill Gojo Satoru first, and you second!"

How shameless! Impure World Reincarnation can only seal, not kill, and he has already exchanged for the skill of unlimited passage.

Even if Yumen Jiang can't seal him, he is theoretically an immortal and indestructible existence that cannot be sealed.

From the first time Sukuna saw Fushiguro Megumi, he knew that Fushiguro Megumi was the most important chess piece.

"I don't have time to argue with you, I have things to do!" Sukuna punched through the wall of the detention center and quickly came behind Fushiguro Megumi.

"Oh? Things, I think you are not doing anything good!"

Sukuna appeared quietly behind Fushiguro Megumi. In order to keep the subsequent plot unchanged, he and Sukuna just taunted each other, without any substantial confrontation.

【Ding, Sukuna vs. Fushiguro Megumi】

【In line with the original work, points added +100]

Next, as long as Fushiguro Megumi is favored by Sukuna, he can attack without hesitation.

It's a good opportunity to test how strong Sukuna's three fingers are, and whether it's worth using some of his real skills. It

's the most uncomfortable to have something that can't be taken out

"Too bad boy, he's not coming back!"

"He used me without scruples, and this is the price."

Sukuna is in a good mood now, still chatting with Fushiguro Megumi.

He reaches into the body with one hand and pulls out Yuji's heart. As long as the exchange is a moment, Yuji will die.

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