"I have no reason to save you"

"Even if it's dangerous, I don't want to see a good person like you die"

"Although I hesitated, I still acted on emotion."

"But that's enough, I'm not a hero, but a sorcerer"

"So I never regretted saving you."

Fushiguro Megumi stood opposite Yuji, who had regained control of his body.

And Feng Wuxia discovered that the illusion of the Mangekyō Sharingan could effectively suppress Sukuna, even if it was only for a short while, which was enough for Yuji to regain his body.

Seeing that Yuji was dying, Fushiguro Megumi opened his heart for the first time and said a lot to Yuji.

"After all, you are smarter than I thought."

Tiger stick scratched his hair inappropriately, as if to cover up the awkward atmosphere.

"I think you're right, but I'm not wrong either."

"Sorry, time is up......"

From a drop of blood before, to a mouth full of blood now.

Blood gushed out from the heart. Ordinary people would die the moment they lost their heart. The fact that

Tiger Stick could hold on for so long shows that his physical fitness is very strong. He can survive for a short time even without his heart.

"You, Kugisaki"

"There are also Wu Tiao teacher and Feng Wuxia"

"Oh, they don't have to worry."

"You need to live longer......."

After saying the last sentence, Yuji fell to the ground with his whole body weak.

Fushiguro Megumi's face was gloomy. It should be the first time he saw his companions die.

Just like Principal Yega said, sorcerers are often accompanied by death, and they must have corresponding awareness. This is a basic principle for sorcerers.

Fushiguro Megumi's mouth twitched, and raindrops mixed with tears flowed into his mouth. Perhaps this is the taste of pain.

"Is he really dead? I don't believe it...."Fushiguro Hui looked up at Feng Wuxia beside him

"Maybe, but who can say for sure?"

Feng Wuxia left Fushiguro Megumi with a very mysterious smile, because later Sukuna helped Yuji to revive, but the requirement was: when Sukuna said the word"Qi Kuo", the body must be handed over to Sukuna for one minute. Of course, during this minute Sukuna promised not to kill or hurt anyone.

"But it does not include hurting yourself."

This is the only point that Yuji missed.

When encountering an enemy, there are only two choices: run away or die.

"I told them not to fight."Tijuba's body lay quietly on the operating table.

Ijichi stood in front of Gojo Satoru like a child who had made a mistake.

"It was intentional"

"The opponent was a special class, and he was just trying to save five strangers whose lives and deaths were unknown and who had no connection with him."

"It is totally unreasonable to send first-year students."

"If they were talking about sending Feng Wuxia, that's completely understandable."

Itadori was given an indefinite reprieve at Gojo Satoru's strong request.

The people above didn't like it, so they took the opportunity to transfer Feng Wuxia away with a mission while Gojo Satoru was away on a business trip.

It was just the right time to get rid of Itadori.

Even if Itadori didn't die, it was Fushiguro Megumi and Nobara who died.

It could also annoy Gojo Satoru, and the people above thought it was a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

"It's too troublesome to find the criminal, so why not just kill all the people above!"

Ijichi was shocked. What Gojo Satoru said was too shocking. It didn't sound like something he would say at all.......

Fushiguro Megumi and Nobara were sitting on the stone steps, chatting listlessly, with a few words and the content was irrelevant.

"What's going on? Why are you so gloomy?"


"It's like someone has died."

Zenin Zhenxi walked up to Fushiguro Megumi with the cursed tools.

They were from the same family, but Gojo Satoru bought Fushiguro Megumi at a high price.

""Sister Zenin." Fushiguro Megumi said without raising her head.

"Don't call me by my last name, and what's up with that man in armor?"

Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara looked at Feng Wuxia who was holding a dogtail grass in his mouth.

He looked stupid, but his strength was completely different from his appearance.

"Maki, Maki! The panda hid behind the stone lion and called out to the Zen temple Maki softly.

"Don't you know why they are gloomy?"

"Someone really died. A first grader died yesterday."

"Wooden fish flower..."

Zenin Maki turned her head stiffly. It was very rude to tell such important news now. It was very rude to ask directly if someone was dead just now.

"Why didn’t you say it earlier!"

"It makes me feel like I have no heart or lungs!"

Who are they? Kugisaki Nobara pointed at the three people making trouble over there. Fushiguro Megumi has been living in the high school, so all the seniors know her.

"They are the second-year seniors."

Why are you so murderous? Sukuna, sitting on a high place, looked down at Yuji Itadori below.

"Murderous? You killed me!"

Yuji clenched his fists and wanted to beat Sukuna up. This place looked like hell.

It was really hard to imagine that he would go to hell with Sukuna after he died.

"Of course, I was killed by you!"

"I helped you heal your hand, you ungrateful guy"

"But you cured it and threw my heart away again!"

He picked up the goat head on the ground and smashed it hard at Sukuna on the top. After a burst of smoke, Sukuna on the top disappeared.

"Sukuna, get ready to be beaten!"

Blocking Sukuna's flying fist, what he cares about now is not this, but why that man appeared here.

It stands to reason that outsiders cannot enter.

"System, you are awesome!"

"I didn't expect that the ability I exchanged for could allow me to enter the body of Tiger Stick, and enter in a physical form."

It's like Feng Wuxia himself entering the body of Tiger Stick, and possessing all the power

"It was a spectacular sight. The water was red, and the goat heads were piled up to form a huge throne.

Feng Wuxia looked at Sukuna's throne and began to judge it.

"Why are you here?"

Compared to teasing Tiger Stick, the most important issue at the moment is the sudden appearance of Feng Wuxia.

"Nothing, I just thought it was interesting, so I came in to take a look, and I happened to see you guys fighting, so I won't disturb you."

To be honest, he came in mainly to see Yuji and Sukuna, and had no intention of invading

"Don't go!" Tiger Stick tried to stop Feng Wuxia, but found that he couldn't catch up with her. The distance between them was getting farther and farther.

"Stop chasing, you can't catch up"

"That is teleportation. It looks like a straight line, but in fact it is hundreds of miles away from you."Sukuna spoke for the first time.

"The troublesome guy finally left. Let's have a good talk next, how about that?"

Tiger Stick clenched his fists. There was naturally nothing to talk about with the guy who killed him.

"I don’t think so."

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