"I didn't expect that the world-famous Lord Sukuna would be so cowardly that he doesn't even have the courage to fight in advance."

Gojo Satoru appeared behind Feng Wuxia and mocked the two-faced Sukuna.

Sukuna didn't care about it at all. Without the gift of successful fusion, he would definitely suffer a loss if they really fought.

It would be fine if only Gojo Satoru was present, but the problem was that Feng Wuxia was also there.

"Humph, you two are just fish on the chopping board waiting to be slaughtered. Forget about the verbal dispute. I am not interested in arguing with you."

"The day of the decisive battle has been set. Tomorrow is the day you will die. Enjoy the rest of your life."

After saying that, he turned and left, no longer paying attention to Feng Wuxia and Gojo Satoru.

After confirming that Sukuna was really gone, Feng Wuxia placed one hand on Fushiguro Miki's head. In the stunned eyes of several people, Feng Wuxia grabbed Wan's soul.

At this time, Fushiguro Miki returned to her body. It only took a few minutes for her to wake up. All the wounds on her body were healed by Feng Wuxia.

"In about three days, your sister will wake up on her own. It will take some time to break the curse, and it depends on her willpower."

The singer and Le Yansi on the top floor were already sweating coldly, and the two sides almost fought.

The first battle with the curse king ended.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for completing task three, points +300】

【Current score: 900 points]

Only one task is left. As long as you kill the Curse King, you can get the hidden reward.

When Feng Wuxia was talking to Sukuna face to face just now, he felt that Sukuna's strength seemed to be stronger, which was beyond his expectations.

"Was it Li Mei's doing?"

"We need to kill that guy as soon as possible. He is really in the way."

【Ding, a mutation was detected in Ryomen Sukuna】

【Ryomen Sukuna devoured his previous life's body, and his strength has been greatly improved. Please treat it with caution.】

【Ryoumen Sukuna's estimated strength: 23 fingers】

【Gojo Satoru's estimated strength: 21 fingers + permanent technique amplification + complete invulnerability (approximately equivalent to 23 fingers)】

【Host estimated strength: 30 fingers, estimated strength after using ninjutsu: 40 fingers]

Judging from the current situation, Gojo Satoru and Ryomen Sukuna are equally strong. With the permanent technique enhancement, Gojo Satoru is likely to defeat Sukuna in the technique confrontation.

What Feng Wuxia could not have imagined was that he had twice the strength of Sukuna. As long as he was not careless, he could basically beat Sukuna severely.

"There are less than 24 hours left before the decisive battle. Let's get ready."

"I haven't gotten what I want yet, so I'll go around and trigger some hidden quests."

The gymnasium is not far from where Gojo Satoru is scheduled to fight, so the high school students plan to move their base to the gymnasium. They will set up a defense shield around the gymnasium to prevent the aftermath of the battle between Gojo Satoru and Ryomen Sukuna from destroying the gymnasium.

"Ah Wu, tomorrow is the day of the decisive battle. Feng Wuxia left for a while, but gave me something and hoped that I would give it to you."Ye Mo Zheng Dao took out the thing left by Feng Wuxia from his pocket. Wujo

Wu recognized it at first sight. He did not refuse Feng Wuxia's kindness and accepted Feng Wuxia's mysterious gift with a smile.

"When he comes back, remember to thank him for me. He really helped me a lot."


【Ding, trigger the hidden task】

【Please kill Rimei and get rid of Sukuna's most loyal servant.】

【Mission completion points can be +300】

"Li Mei, Li Mei, a small character like you, I don't want to pay any attention to you."

"Unfortunately, you made the biggest mistake, which was to constantly provide Sukuna with materials to become stronger. If that's the case, I can't keep you here."

"Only the dead will keep their place."

At this time, Rimei was walking alone in the ruins, still trying hard to find materials that could make Sukuna stronger.

Rimei's technique was very strange, and Rimei was very smart. In the eyes of others, the insignificant waste could become the perfect material to enhance strength in his hands.

"Where is the last medicinal ingredient?……"

"Tomorrow is the day of the final battle with Master Sukuna, we must find the last herb as soon as possible.

Suddenly, Rimei's eyes lit up, and it was obvious that she had found the last herb she needed.

Just as she stretched out her hand to pick the herb, a pair of feet blocked Rimei's hand.

"Who is it?" Li Mei stepped back immediately after reacting, looking at the man in front of him warily.

"You idiot, you have a bad memory. We have met before."Feng Wuxia looked at Li Mei calmly, his eyes seemed to penetrate Li Mei.

Li Mei trembled all over. With such a huge gap in strength, she couldn't move at all. Just a glance made Li Mei unable to move.

"You said you were just a passerby, providing such great value to Sukuna. In fact, I considered letting you go, but considering your performance, I think it would be better for you to die here."In the dark night, the purple light of Feng Wuxia's Samsara Eye seemed particularly terrifying. Li Mei turned around and wanted to escape, but Feng Wuxia would not give her a chance to wake up.


A punch hit Li Mei's waist, breaking it directly.

Fortunately, Li Mei knew how to reverse the spell, but it would take some time to repair the wound.

"I'm sorry, I lost control of my strength. I'm really sorry."

To Li Mei, this was the biggest mockery. How could someone break someone's waist and still talk with a smile?

"Damn it, if you dare to kill me, Lord Sukuna will never let you go!"

Feng Wuxia wanted to laugh. What kind of threat could a mere Sukuna pose to him?

"Your Lord Sukuna, I can easily crush him to death, and your life doesn't seem to be worth Sukuna's intervention."

"You are just a tool for him to become stronger, don't think too highly of yourself."

After reversing the spell to repair the wound, Rimei instantly released the spell, trying to freeze Feng Wuxia.

Opening Susanoo·Complete Form, a huge giant in the color of Crow Tengu appeared, and Rimei's iceberg was directly burst.

"It's just a boring trick. In the face of God's power, any resistance seems meaningless."

"I'm tired of playing, I'll send you off."

Under Li Mei's horrified gaze, Feng Wuxia drew out the big sword behind Susanoo and destroyed all the nearby buildings with one blow.

Li Mei was directly turned into a hero fragment. Now even a god couldn't save Li Mei.

"I guessed right. The 10x Enhancement Ticket not only enhances my body, but also my ninjutsu, Susanoo, and pupil power."

I couldn't do such damage before. Breaking someone's waist with one punch is a bit outrageous. And the iceberg created by Rimei shattered at the touch.

I can clearly feel that all aspects have been enhanced.

"The troublesome guy has finally been dealt with. I had to go there in person to deal with such a small character. You deserve to die, Li Mei!"

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