"Ryomen Sukuna, I ask you"

"How much do you know about Yuji Itadori's life story?"

The fact that Yuji Itadori was created by Nozomi is definitely not as simple as it seems. He can perfectly suppress Sukuna, inherits the powerful body of a cursed spirit, and can eat Sukuna's fingers without any negative effects and gain strength. All clues point to being related to Ryomen Sukuna.

"Tsk, this really makes me unhappy"

"It's impossible to talk nonsense. What interests me most is your body."Liangmen Sukuna moved his body. He felt the endless power from Feng Wuxia's clone.

Feng Wuxia knew what Liangmen Sukuna meant. He just wanted to use the power of his clone.

"I am not a stingy person. Equivalent exchange is the most basic condition."

"Tell me, what do you want me to tell you about Yuji Itadori's life story?"

Ryomen Sukuna grinned. His ambitions were far greater than that. Since Feng Wuxia had asked him to propose conditions, he would naturally propose bigger ones.

"It's simple. I want control over your clone, and I want permanent control over it."

"Moreover, restraint is indispensable. Once restraint is established, no one can regret it."

It can be seen that if you want to know Yuji Itadori's life experience, you have to agree to Ryomen Sukuna's request. Anyway, it is just a clone, and Sukuna can't use the power contained in the clone. It's just a new body for Sukuna.

If Sukuna dares to mess around, Feng Wuxia doesn't recommend using the power of the Six Paths to kill him on the spot.

"No problem, a dispensable clone can be regarded as a bargaining chip for obtaining intelligence."Feng Wuxia waved his hand and directly recovered the consciousness of the clone. Liangmen Sukuna completed the incarnation again.

"I have already given you what you want. Tell me, what is going on with Yuji Itadori?"Feng Wuxia said. Yuji Itadori had never thought that he would know about his life experience in this way.

After Ryomen Sukuna was sure that he had successfully taken on the body, he did not dare to act rashly due to the restraints."Let me make it clear in advance, I don't know much about Yuji Itadori, and I will tell you everything I know."

A thousand years ago, I was still a human being. As a newborn baby, I was regarded as an unlucky child by my family. Not long after, I was abandoned by my parents and family.

The reason why I was regarded as an unlucky child was probably because of my appearance. I was very young at that time and didn’t have many memories. I vaguely remember that I seemed to have a younger brother.

As for that guy Nosoe, I met him by chance. He proposed a very good plan, which was to let me be reborn a thousand years later, and I would be reborn in the body of a little kid named Itadori Yuji.

As for why Itadori Yuji was able to suppress me, it must be related to my younger brother.

There are only two possibilities for anyone who can withstand my power: First, Itadori Yuji is the descendant of my younger brother, so he can perfectly withstand my power.

Second, Itadori Yuji is a chess piece that Nosoe has been eyeing for a long time. He is very likely the reincarnation of my younger brother. He can suppress me and withstand my power, so this explanation makes sense.

"This is all I know roughly, and it also includes some of my guesses about Yuji Itadori's life experience. If you want to know the whole story, you'd better find that guy Nosoe."

After Ryoumen Sukuna's reminder, Feng Wuxia remembered that Nosoe was killed by him, but fortunately, Geto Suguru possessed Nosoe's knowledge and memory, so it would be better to ask Geto Suguru directly.

Feng Wuxia turned around and wanted to leave, but Ryoumen Sukuna made a small move behind his back. His fist pierced Yuji Itadori's chest and said with a smile,"I didn't allow you to leave without permission."

"Sure enough, there is a reason why you are called the son of bad luck. Because you are evil by nature, you are naturally called the son of bad luck."Feng Wuxia's reincarnation eyes stared at the two Sukuna

"Hahahaha, hahaha!"

"Just now, I was restrained because of the restraints. Now the restraints between you and me have disappeared, and I can do whatever I want!"

Feng Wuxia has given Ryoumen Sukuna a chance. Just now, he wanted to let him go, thinking that it would be good as long as Ryoumen Sukuna could live a stable life. Since Ryoumen Sukuna has been looking for death, Feng Wuxia chose to fulfill his wish.

"Very good. I wanted to let you go, but since you want to die, I will grant your wish."

Ryoumen Sukuna's understanding of Feng Wuxia's strength is still stuck in the past, that is, before he used the tenfold enhancement coupons and unlimited copy coupons.

The previous Feng Wuxia could be said to be superior to Gojo Satoru and Ryoumen Sukuna. Now the power that Feng Wuxia possesses has long exceeded the scope of Jujutsu Kaisen, and even the system cannot determine Feng Wuxia's specific strength.

He flashed and came directly in front of Ryoumen Sukuna. Ryoumen Sukuna was stunned at first, then suddenly stepped back and gasped.

He didn't even see when Feng Wuxia came over, and it didn't even take a blink of an eye. He subconsciously let go of Itadori Yuji. Fortunately, Itadori Yuji had the power of Sukuna's ten fingers, so he was not killed instantly by Sukuna.

""Oh, it hurts so much, Ryomen Sukuna, I already knew your temper!" Someone said to Itadori.

To be honest, Itadori Yuji is undoubtedly the person who has had the longest contact with Ryomen Sukuna. Sukuna has stayed in Itadori for a long time, and Itadori Yuji knows best what kind of guy Ryomen Sukuna is. The kind-hearted Itadori Yuji thought that Sukuna would be better after his death, but he didn't expect that he would still be the same as before.

"If you don't repent, I won't let you stay!"

"Ryoumen Sukuna, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have the power of my clone. Today I will let you know how outrageous the gap between humans and gods is."

""Heavenly Ai Zhenxing!"

An oversized meteorite broke through the atmosphere and appeared in the sight of the three people. One was not enough, and the second meteorite followed and hit the first meteorite.

""Ryomen Sukuna, I have to say that your luck is really bad. If it were the old me, I might have fought you back and forth, but now I am not the same person as before, you will only be killed instantly."

Sukuna looked at the meteorite that was about to fall in the sky in horror, standing there in a daze, unable to move. He knew that Feng Wuxia was very strong. He had fought against Feng Wuxia with the strength of fifteen fingers, and knew the approximate strength of Feng Wuxia.

But from now on, the strength of the two is not at the same level at all.

"Damn, why are you so powerful?"

"Impossible, who are you? Who are you?"Ryoumen Sukuna began to panic, and an endless feeling of powerlessness surged in his heart. When he fought against Gojo Satoru, he was able to fight back and forth, but when it came to Feng Wuxia, he was directly crushed.

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