"What about you? What are your plans for the future?"

The man lowered his head in shame. Feng Wuxia's sudden words made the man at a loss. He could only keep dodging her eyes and did not respond to Feng Wuxia's words.

"I, I don't know, is my son doing well now?"

With tears in his eyes, the man's hands were covered with calluses. He stood there in a thick cotton jacket, looking a little uneasy.

The man's name was Fushiguro Shier, the father of Fushiguro Megumi. In fact, Feng Wuxia had resurrected Fushiguro Shier a long time ago, but unfortunately he didn't dare to recognize Fushiguro Megumi.

"Are you afraid? There is nothing to be afraid of. Fushiguro Hui is a very sensible guy. I believe he can understand you."Feng Wuxia patted Fushiguro Shier's shoulder, trying to give him some psychological comfort.

"No, he won't understand me. From the moment I sold Megumi to the Zenin family, I was no longer his father. Compared to me, Gojo Satoru is more like a responsible father. He raised Megumi alone and tapped into his hidden talent. Gojo Satoru is also a good teacher."

Fushiguro Shiji fell into deep self-blame. He admitted that it was indeed irresponsible to do so. He left Fushiguro Megumi, who was still in elementary school, to Gojo Satoru. He threw his life into it for a bounty that was impossible to get.

"Fushiguro Megumi is living a good life now. Are you really going to just leave like this? It took a lot of effort for me to be resurrected."

Just to find Fushiguro Shier's mutilated body, I released countless clones and spent a huge amount of time and energy.

"No one wants to have regrets in life. I think you should go back and explain it to Megumi Fushiguro face to face. It is better than hiding for a lifetime. Besides, Megumi Fushiguro must know that he has an incompetent father."

"Hiding for a lifetime, or staying with your son and living a peaceful life, it all depends on you. I will not interfere with your choice, I respect the choice made by anyone at any time."

Feng Wuxia has said what she should say, and now it depends on what Fushiguro Shier thinks. No matter what, I hope to see the scene where Fushiguro Shier and Fushiguro Megumi recognize each other as father and son.

"Just keep going forward to the high school. Whether I can see you in the future or not, I wish you a Merry Christmas."

Feng Wuxia left Fushiguro Shier in an instant. He still had things to do, so he didn't waste too much time on Fushiguro Shier and flew towards the mission point.

Fushiguro Shier didn't know who Feng Wuxia was and why he wanted to revive himself, but he didn't think too much about it. Since he was resurrected, he would definitely go to see Fushiguro Megumi.

"Go and have a look. The last time I saw Hui, she was in the state of receiving the body. I didn't even have time to say a few words to Hui."With his hands in the pockets of his cotton-padded jacket, his steps seemed very heavy. When he looked back, Fushiguro Shier disappeared from the spot, leaving only a row of neat footprints on the snow.

"Hui, to me, you are the grace of God. No matter money, status, or those empty things, they are worthless compared to you."

"I regret it so much. If I had chosen to keep you and not accept the mission to assassinate Gojo Satoru, would my life have taken a different path?"

A photo appeared in his mind. It was a photo of a family of three, and it was also the only family photo. While thinking about it, the man suddenly remembered something and took out the photo from his trouser pocket.

"It turns out that the photo has not changed, it's just me who has changed..."

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