"Fushiguro, why haven't I heard of your father?" Yuji Itadori looked at Fushiguro Megumi in surprise.

Not to mention Yuji Itadori, even Fushiguro Megumi, who was sitting on the ground, was confused. He had never seen his biological father.

Whenever he mentioned that he wanted to meet his biological parents, Gojo Satoru would always be vague and pretend to be stupid to get by. Over time, Fushiguro Megumi stopped asking questions.

"I think I've seen this man somewhere before." Fushiguro Megumi was lost in her memories. She felt that the man in front of her looked very familiar, but she just couldn't remember where he was.

"Is it the one from Shibuya?" Nanami put down the newspaper in her hand and looked at the two people and said.

After Nanami's reminder, Fushiguro Megumi finally remembered that the man in front of him was the one who casually broke into the territory of Tagore and killed the special-grade cursed spirit with one stick.

"The one from Shibuya, Xiao Nanami, what on earth are you talking about?" Yuji Itadori didn't quite understand, and it wasn't his fault. When the few of them met Fushiguro Shiner, Yuji Itadori was being controlled by Sukuna, and he had no idea what was happening in Shibuya at the time.

Thinking back carefully, there were indeed many unreasonable things at the time. After killing the special-grade cursed spirit, it kept chasing him. If Feng Wuxia's clone hadn't arrived in time and blocked Fushiguro Shiner's attack, he would have been skinned. What's even more incredible is that when Feng Wuxia called out Fushiguro Megumi's name, Fushiguro Shiner's movements were obviously slow, as if he had known Fushiguro for a long time. Fushiguro Megumi.

With so many doubts put together, it is hard not for Fushiguro Megumi to be suspicious. Perhaps the man at the door is really his father.

But why did he leave him alone after giving birth to him? There has been no news for more than ten years, as if he had evaporated from the face of the earth. Why did Gojo Satoru keep it secret from him?

He doesn't understand, and he doesn't know how many secrets are hidden behind it.

Xia Youjie came over and patted Fushiguro Megumi on the shoulder, and began to explain for Fushiguro Megumi:"I really miss it. The last time I fought with Fushiguro Shinobu was more than ten years ago. At that time, Satoru and I were still in technical high school."

"Xia, Senior Geto Suguru, what did you say?"

Ignoring Fushiguro Megumi's expression, Geto Suguru said to himself:"Fushiguro Shiji, the most unsuccessful man in the Zenin family, is also the most successful man."

The most unsuccessful is because Fushiguro Shiji was born with heaven and curse, that is, a monkey without cursed power in Geto Suguru's mouth, and he has been looked down upon since birth.

In a curse family, a person without cursed power is equivalent to having no future, but a person without cursed power is the peak combat power that countless curse masters cannot touch in their lifetime.

The most successful is that he has absolute confidence in his own strength. With the help of a special-grade cursed tool, he successfully broke through the bottom line of Gojo Satoru in the high school period, and punched and kicked Geto Suguru in the high school period, which also made Fushiguro Shiji famous in one battle.

"It all started with the mission to escort the Star Plasma. Back then, Wu and I were assigned to escort the Star Plasma. Everything went well during the escort. When we returned to the technical high school and thought the mission was about to succeed, a man came out of the darkness. He was Fushiguro Shier. He killed the Star Plasma, causing our escort mission to fail. However, Fushiguro Shier was eventually killed by Wu. Before he died, he entrusted his son to Wu, who is now you."

At this moment, Fushiguro Megumi finally understood that it was not that his father was unwilling to see him, but that he had died more than ten years ago, and died at the hands of his mentor.

"Do you hate Wu?"

Without hesitation, Fushiguro Megumi said directly:"No, on the contrary, I am very grateful to Gojo Sensei. Without him, I would not be who I am now."

Once a teacher, a father for life, not to mention that Gojo Satoru spent hundreds of millions of ransom to buy him and raised Fushiguro Megumi. Compared with his teacher Gojo Satoru, he is more like a qualified father.

"So, is he really my father?"

"Yes, he is your father." Xia Yujie didn't say anything more, just wait and see what Fushiguro Megumi thinks.

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