"Don't be shy, I'm embarrassed."

"By the way, infinity is everywhere."

The spell just turns infinity into reality.

Gojo Satoru said and kicked the clepsydra away. Before the clepsydra could react,

""Warlock Reversal·He"

A small red ball condensed on Gojo Satoru's fingertips, spinning at an unstoppable speed.

The air around him seemed to be compressed.

The air continued to surround Gojo Satoru, blowing Levu so hard that he couldn't stand up.

Spell Reversal"He": Gojo's common attack method.

A new spell is created by infusing the positive energy generated by the reversal spell into the unlimited spell.

The huge shock wave damaged a large area of wasteland, and Levu flew backwards and disappeared.

Rokugan sensed that Levu was not dead, but was running away at an extremely fast speed. It was obvious that he didn't want to face a monster like Gojo Satoru again.

""Don't run away, I haven't had enough fun yet."

Gojo Satoru caught up with the fleeing Lehu and rubbed his face on the ground until sparks appeared on his face.

Lehu tried to resist, but Gojo Satoru didn't give him any chance and threw him directly onto the water.

"Oh, just in time!"

Seeing that the time is right, it would be a good idea to bring Yuji over to watch the battle, so that he can see how a sorcerer fights.

The clepsydra was lying on the water. The previous attack was so powerful that he didn't react for a while.

The waves on the water surface turned into drops of rain and fell on his face.

After a long time, he found that Gojo Satoru was gone.

"Feng Wuxia, Youren, the next step is extracurricular teaching"

"I will teach you the highest realm of the sorcerer, the expansion of the domain."

Gojo Satoru held Feng Wuxia in his left hand and Yuji Itadori in his right hand.

Because he felt that the appearance of the Impure World Madara was too scary, as long as Feng Wuxia did not use his power, his appearance would remain the same as before the time travel.

There would be no impact.

This also caused the leak pot in front of him to not recognize who he was, and thought he was just bringing two burdens.

"What happened to those two little devils?"

"Did you bring a shield?"

Until now, Louhu still doesn't understand the situation. Gojo Satoru only wants to beat them to visit the highest realm of sorcerers.


"no no"

"They are just here to watch, don't worry, just let them go"

"Because you are weak!"

The leaking pot was furious when he heard this, the water surface immediately boiled, and the flames above it rose more than ten feet.

Tiger stick saw this scene and stepped back in fear.

Feng Wuxia was excited, and this time the flames were more powerful than last time.

"Stop looking down on others, you bastard!"

"Look, I'm going to devour your smug face too!"

Tiger Stick looked at Louhu in shock. Is this guy weak?

In the eyes of Feng Wuxia who was standing next to him, Louhu was a top-level character.

Except for a few people, it couldn't beat them, but it just hit the ceiling.

Tell me, isn't it infuriating? First it was Gojo Satoru, and then it was Sukuna.

I, Louhu, am just arrogant. I don't even look down on anything that's not the ceiling.

"Don't be afraid, don't leave my side."

Gojo Satoru stroked Yuji's head, and his sense of security was instantly boosted.

"What about me?" Feng Wuxia pointed at herself.

"You are already a special grade sorcerer, why do you need my protection?"

Please, my young heart needs protection too, who would refuse a pat on the head from Gojo Sensei?

""You are so good, you still have time to chat there!"

Louhu said angrily.

If it was the original plot, Gojo Satoru would not say too much nonsense.

But now there are two special-level sorcerers present, and there is no fear of not being able to protect Yuji.

So the atmosphere is very subtle, and even forget that Louhu is still here, and start chatting

"Field expansion"

""The coffin is covered in the Iron Wall Mountain!"

The shadow enveloped the three people on the water, as if they were dragged into another space.

The ground collapsed, and Itadori could not stand for a while, but fortunately Feng Wuxia behind him supported Itadori.

The mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and magma erupted on the ground. Now the three people were like inside a volcano.

The temperature was very high, and it was impossible to tell whether it was real or fake.

The domain was expanded, and the use of mantras gave the surrounding construction a natural domain of the technique.

It consumes a lot of mantras, but there are also many advantages.

The first is the ability improvement brought by the environment, just like the buffs stacked in the game.

Before Gojo Satoru finished speaking, a huge rock stabbed over, but was stopped by Gojo Satoru with one arm.

Feng Wuxia behind him kicked off the spikes on the ground.

If an ordinary person was pulled into the domain, he would be burned to ashes in an instant. Itadori Yuji was under the protection of Gojo Satoru.

Feng Wuxia was not afraid of the temperature of the flame at all.

So the expansion of the domain of the leak pot was useless.

Although Gojo Satoru had many doubts in his heart, why could he stand in the domain without protection?

"The most effective way to fight against a field is to also launch a field attack."

"The more powerful domain will cancel out the effect of the other domain."

Gojo Satoru slowly pulled down his blindfold.

A pair of pale blue eyes that were infinitely close to the sky appeared.

"Field expansion"

"Infinite space!"

The gesture of Infinite Space is also very simple, with the ring finger and little finger bent, the middle finger placed on the index finger, and the thumb erected.

The field appears externally as a huge black sphere.

The interior appears as endless white light and nothingness for a moment, and then the entire space turns pitch black.

Behind the attacked, an extremely huge eye similar to a black hole will appear.

Except for Gojo Satoru himself, everyone else in the field is suspended in the air.

Only direct physical contact with Gojo Satoru himself can avoid being affected by Infinite Space.

Infinite Space is inside without a lower limit, and"perception" and"communication" will be enforced for the act of"living".���Several times.

It is a mental shock that is manifested as unlimited information forced into the brain.

It can put the opponent in a state of"information never stops pouring in".

It makes them feel that they can see everything, but can't do anything, and can only wait for death slowly.

In the field, nothing can be seen, nothing can be felt. In other words, everything can be seen and heard.

All information is gathered in an instant.

No matter how important or not, no matter what it is, it is directly forced into the brain.

Countless chaotic information is immediately received wherever the eyes can see.

The soul and mind will be instantly shocked by the amount of information received.

The body will stand still because of the brain overload.

Therefore, the attacked in the field cannot move and can't do anything.

Obviously, they already know everything, and they are obviously given everything, but they can't do anything and can only die slowly. ps: (Briefly explain the difference between the main storyline and the side storyline)

(The main storyline is equivalent to Sukuna taking over Fushiguro Megumi's body, Gojo Satoru being sealed, and the two strongest decisive battles later)

(These all belong to the main storyline)

(The side storyline is equivalent to fighting with Leaky Pot, but it does not hinder the subsequent sealing of Gojo Satoru)

(Because of the strength shown by Feng Wuxia, it is not worth wasting the Prison Gate Territory)

(It does not interfere with the main storyline, so the protagonist will be a little more indulgent in the side storyline)

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