Hua Yu no longer hesitated and decisively attacked the real person

"Are you serious?"Zhenren dodged Hua Yu's attack.

He thought Hua Yu was here to help him.

He didn't expect that he wanted to kill him to eliminate future troubles.

Feng Wuxia watched Hua Yu and Zhenren fighting each other. The more fiercely they fought, the less they would attack, and it would be less likely to expose their strength.

"Hey, we are in the same group!"The real actor reminded Hua Yu.

After all, Nozomi is the leader, so Hua Yu had to do as he was told.

"Sorry, Zhenren, in order to achieve our goal, you have to die here!"

Zhenren saw that persuasion was fruitless.

There were wolves in front and tigers behind, and he was in a dilemma.

He hid everywhere, and the school in front of him was the best hiding place.

As long as he entered the school and made full use of the terrain, he would have a chance to escape.

"A game of cat and mouse?"

"I like it!"

Feng Wuxia walked into the classroom, followed the breath of the real person, and looked for the real person.

"What should we do next?" Hua Yu said to the rope.

The real person ran away, and Hua Yu should have gone in to chase him, but Feng had no time to intervene.

He had to give up for the time being.

"Let's go, we really shouldn't have come to this crappy place."

Noso didn't want to stay even a moment longer and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Feng Wuxia entered the school, so it was impossible for Zhenren to come out alive.

Hanami and Noso had already gone far away, and now he was alone and helpless.

The cursed spirit army that he had just released was also completely destroyed by Nanami and Yuji.

In the dark school, Zhenren destroyed the entire school's power system and hid quietly in the dark.

If it were someone else, Feng Wuxia might not be able to find him.

Zhenren's cursed power was too filthy and evil, and it could be distinguished at a glance.

Hiding in the classroom on the second floor in a panic, Feng Wuxia had already discovered Zhenren.

Now he is a hunter and Zhenren is a hider

"I don't know how long it has been since I played this game."

"Maybe it was ten years ago, what do you think?"

Feng Wuxia tried to test Zhenren. As long as Zhenren's spell power fluctuated a little, he would be discovered.

Zhenren covered his mouth tightly, his heart pounding.

Now Zhenren just wanted to survive. For the first time, he had such a strong desire to survive.

He kicked open the door of the classroom in front of him, but Zhenren was not in it.

One, two, three.

The doors of the classrooms on the floor where Zhenren was located were opened one by one by Feng Wuxia.

Unable to bear the fear, he finally couldn't help but run away under Feng Wuxia's eyes.

Even if he didn't run away, Zhenren would be caught sooner or later.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

Zhenren ran and talked. It can be seen that Zhenren is really scared this time.

Susanoo grabbed Zhenren's body. Feng Wuxia was afraid that the second form would destroy the school.

His power was restrained.

"No, no!"

The real person tried hard to break free, but it was no use.

"What an interesting expression."After saying that, Susanoo's strength increased.

A little blood came out of his mouth. He kept twitching in the air, looking very painful.

As long as you use Susanoo to catch him, he will basically not escape.

The exception is that he will shrink.

Yuji and Nanami rushed to the second floor and found that Feng Wuxia had captured the real person.

"Feng Wuxia, don't kill him!"Tiger Stick shouted.

There are many doubts about Hanamiya's appearance and the plan he said.

He needs to bring the real person back to the Jujutsu High School.

Before he could react, the real person bit his tongue to commit suicide in advance. The power of Susanoo was too painful.

It was totally unbearable for a normal person.

"Biting tongue to commit suicide……"Nanami opened Masato's mouth.

His mouth was full of blood and his tongue was broken.

"There is no way, the person is dead, let's report this to the high school first."

(Because the death of the real person cannot activate the death and annihilation return, I will arrange for the rope to steal the real person's body and absorb the real person's technique later)

Report? In Feng Wuxia's impression, Qihai should not like those old men.

Seeing Feng Wuxia's concern, Qihai said:

"My report refers to telling Gojo Satoru about this matter."

"Don't even think about it."

Nanami carried the body of the real person and turned back to the Jujutsu High School.

After completing his mission, Yuji followed Nanami back to the high school.

On the way back, Feng Wuxia found that it was already past eight o'clock.

This meant that he had stood up Fushiguro Megumi.

"Damn it!"

Fushiguro Megumi sneezed. It was very cold today. He was freezing to death.

"Who is thinking about me?"

"Why hasn't Feng Wuxia come yet?"

He stood at the entrance of the high school for a long time, but Feng Wuxia didn't show up.

Nanami, Yuji and Feng Wuxia appeared at the entrance of the high school.

Fushiguro Megumi grabbed Feng Wuxia's collar and

"Your name is Feng Wuxia, right?"

"How dare you stand me up!"

Feng Wuxia pouted and said,"I just found Nanami in danger and went to help her."

Nanami and Yuji nodded, and Fushiguro Megumi said that they would not pursue the matter for the time being.

The exchange meeting was about to begin.

"Is there something wrong?"

Fushiguro Megumi turned around and found Yuji. Wasn't Yuji dead?

He died at the prison gate.

Only Feng Wuxia, Gojo Satoru, Nanami, Ijichi and Nishiko knew that Yuji had faked his death.

Yuji suddenly appeared, and Fushiguro Megumi didn't recognize him for a while.

The protagonist is like a passerby, and you really can't recognize him if you don't pay attention.

"What happened?"

Fushiguro Megumi grabbed Yuji. He clearly remembered that Yuji died in front of him.

But in the current situation, Yuji is not only alive, but also following Nanami.

This means that more than one person knows that Yuji faked his death.

And it seems that Feng Wuxia also knows

"Good fellow, am I the only one who was kept in the dark?" Fushiguro Megumi was unable to speak out his pain.

It was he who asked Gojo Satoru to protect Yuji, and that's why he got an indefinite reprieve from death. It must be so painful for Yuji to die in front of Fushiguro Megumi.

"Oh my goodness, it turns out that Megumi Fushiguro is the heroine?"

"Are you so worried about Tiger Stick?"

Feng Wuxia thought to himself

"Speak, speak quickly!"

"If you don't explain it clearly today, you can't leave!"

Fushiguro Megumi spoke loudly, and the sleepless Gojo Satoru heard it immediately.

"Hui, what are you doing so late?"

"It's time to go to bed at midnight."

Gojo Satoru yawned and said to himself.

When Gojo Satoru saw Fushiguro Megumi and Yuji standing together, he felt sick.


Gojo Satoru even wanted to continue playing dumb and try to bluff his way through.

He said with an innocent look:"Yuji-san, it turns out you're not dead. I've been worrying for so long in vain."

Fushiguro Megumi looked at Gojo Satoru's silly look and was furious.

After all this time you know Yuji is not dead. If you can't lie, don't talk.

Gojo Satoru was still grinning, and Fushiguro Megumi's veins bulged, but he could do nothing.

He knew he must have his reasons for doing so.

Gojo Satoru never does meaningless things.

"I'll argue with you later."

""Gojo-sensei, what have you been doing these days?"

I wanted to find Gojo Satoru for special training, but Gojo Satoru was busy, so I didn't find him.

"Ah, you're talking about this!"

Of course, I couldn't tell anyone about the special treatment I gave to Tiger Stick.

If I let it slip, today would be over.

"I'm on a business trip."

Gojo Satoru is often on business trips, so this excuse is very practical.

There's no way to doubt it.

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