"Are you serious?" Fushiguro Megumi staggered to his feet.

Now he was standing on ice, and he was wearing ordinary shoes.

It was completely non-slip.

Standing firmly was the first step, not to mention the battle against the peak level 1 cursed spirit.

"Okay, I've brought you the special training you wanted."

"All you have to do is, within this hour"


Feng Wuxia closed the space tunnel, leaving Fushiguro Megumi alone.

There was no one around, and it seemed that he had come to an uninhabited place.

Fushiguro Megumi was at most a second-level strength at the moment, and could not touch a first-level sorcerer.

Not to mention the cursed spirit on the other side that crushed him.

""Nue!" He used the Shikigami to bring himself into the air.

In this way, the cursed spirits on the ground could not attack him temporarily.

Fushiguro Megumi still underestimated the difficulty set by Feng Wuxia for him.

The captured cursed spirit was definitely a peak existence in the first level.

A mere Shikigami could not deal with him.

The cursed spirit leaped up and jumped behind Fushiguro Megumi, punching the Shikigami.

Together with Fushiguro Megumi, it fell heavily on the ice.

"No, I will freeze to death sooner or later."

There is heating in the room of the Jujutsu High School, so I don't have to wear much.

""Toad!" Summoned when rescuing Wild Rose in the juvenile detention center, it can put people in its mouth for protection.

Temporarily solve the problem of keeping warm, although it's a bit disgusting to be in a frog's mouth.

But it's good to be able to survive.


The captured cursed spirits could not speak, and could only laugh at the embarrassed Fushiguro Megumi through simple pronunciation.

He was a cursed spirit who was not afraid of cold or external injuries, but Fushiguro Megumi was different.

In a harsh environment, any external injuries would spread quickly.

In addition, it was impossible for the shikigami to persist forever, so opening a domain was the best way at the moment.

The domain isolated the space, and within the domain, one would not be afraid of the cold at all.

Fushiguro Megumi regretted his decision a little, and came here to suffer for no reason.

"This is going to be difficult."

"The cursed spirit is definitely level one, and I can't deal with it."

I grabbed the ankle of the shikigami and threw out Fushiguro Megumi who was hiding inside.

He fell heavily to the ground, with some bruises on his body, but it was not a big problem.

"Where is Ah Hui?"Gojo Satoru found Feng Wuxia

"I don't know, maybe he went shopping somewhere else."

Gojo Satoru curled his lips. It was really not nice to go out without him.

Fushiguro Megumi was accepting the test he carefully designed.

Whether it was surviving for an hour or opening a domain.

For him, the benefits outweighed the disadvantages, only benefits and no disadvantages.

"No, I have to take the initiative."

"Staying still will only increase my risk of death."

Fushiguro Megumi stood up and managed to steady himself. He had just fallen hard.

He was about to attack the cursed spirit in front of him, but the other party did not give him any chance.

This is the real mission.

The missions they did before were just some small fights.

Facing a real strong man, Fushiguro Megumi can hardly fight back.

The cursed spirit punched Fushiguro Megumi in the stomach and half-knelt on the ground and vomited blood.

The previous punch was very powerful and almost broke Fushiguro Megumi's internal organs.

Cover your mouth to prevent more blood from spitting out.

If you don't freeze to death, you will die of excessive blood loss.

Fushiguro Megumi's vision gradually became blurred, and he could not see anything or hear any sound.

His eyes could not see the front, and his heart was uncertain. He just vaguely remembered where he was.

In the Jujutsu Kaisen, the field is An extremely rare and powerful skill.

Only a very small number of sorcerers and cursed spirits can learn their own inherent domain.

Once the domain is expanded, a small world will be constructed within a certain range (except Sukuna).

Then after the enemy is absorbed, the techniques used here will have a"must-hit" effect.

So have you ever thought about a question, that is, how can you learn the"domain"?

Or in other words, if you want to learn the domain.

What conditions are required?

First of all, it is certain that whether you can learn the domain has no direct relationship with your ability.

Because many powerful sorcerers have never been able to learn this ultimate skill in their entire lives.

On the contrary, Megumi Fushiguro, who is only a second-level sorcerer, has learned the domain.

So it can be known that whether you can learn it or not. Domain has nothing to do with ability.

So how can one learn domain? At present, there is only one factor that can be confirmed, and that is talent.

For example, Fushiguro Megumi, he has the blood of the Zenin family.

His father, Fushiguro Jūrō, is a heavenly and cursed man, and his physical fitness is the strongest.

And his technique also inherited the traditional technique of the Zenin family, the ten shadow techniques.

In addition, at a young age, he has the level of a quasi-first-class sorcerer, which can be said to be extremely talented.

So, is it really true that just because you have talent, you can learn domain? Personally, I think this is ridiculous, because there are so many talented people.

First, breaking through the limit on the verge of death. When Fushiguro Megumi first unfolded his domain, he was facing death.

Because he was facing a special-class, he had no way to defeat him in terms of hard power. The possibility of the opponent.

Just when he was on the verge of death, he remembered the teachings of Gojo Satoru and used the domain to defeat the enemy.

It can be seen that the danger from death can allow people to break through their limits.

In order to master the domain.

Second, the particularity of the technique.

In addition to talent and near-death experience, the innate technique is also a major factor in the opening of the domain.

Third, the control of cursed power.

We all know that whether it is a technique or a domain, it is ultimately a manifestation of cursed power.

And the expansion of the domain requires a lot of cursed power to support it, which also illustrates a problem.

Only by fully mastering one's own cursed power can it be possible to expand the domain.

The reason why Fushiguro Megumi can learn the domain.

It is not simply a high talent that can be fully explained.

The domain is an extremely���

It is not enough to have high talent.

You also need to break your own limits and have special techniques and precise control of spell power.

In summary, learning the right time, right place and right people is essential.

"System, how is the special training going?"

Feng Wuxia asked the system, what stage has it reached?

【Ding, Fushiguro Megumi's special training has reached a near-death state】

【Just keep stimulating Fushiguro Megumi】

【As expected, Fushiguro Hui is destined to open the domain, regardless of whether Feng Wuxiajie intervenes or not.

"I can't die yet, my sister is still waiting for me"

"The Japanese knotweed and wild roses are still outside"

"The Tokyo exchange meeting has not started yet"

"I can't die here!"

Fushiguro Megumi kept roaring in his heart, but his heavy body and unable to open his eyelids made it even more difficult to wake up.

He only felt that his body became so heavy, and various parts of his body began to gradually lose consciousness.

It was as if he was about to die.

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