"Well, Yuji Itadori, let me ask you something."

"What kind of woman do you like?"

To be honest, Yuzhang doesn't have any special standards for the women he likes, so he just tells Toudou the type he likes.

"I don't know either. If you force me to say it,"

"Probably a tall girl with a big butt."

Toudou stood there motionless, as if he was recalling something, and the timeline went back to his school days.

They were very good friends. Although I don't know why Toudou thinks so, it's quite interesting.

Two lines of hot tears slowly flowed from the corners of Toudou's eyes, and Yuji didn't seem to understand the current situation.

"Best friend!"

"We are close friends!"

Dongtang said to Yuzhang with tears in his eyes, leaving Yuzhang standing there stupidly.

"Best friend, what best friend?"

And what about the rich imagination just now?

"Oh? Didn't we just meet?"

I really admire Toudou's imagination.

Of course, congratulations to Toudou, for making a close friend whom he just met for two minutes, it's really rare.

Nishimiya Tao flew in the sky on her staff and reported the situation to Jiamo Kenji on the ground.

"Forget it, let him be, as long as it doesn't affect our plan."

The people of Kyoto High School followed the plan made by Principal Leyan Temple and slowly approached the location of Yuji and Todo.

It was only a matter of time to encircle Yuji. No matter how capable Yuji was, two fists could not defeat four hands.

""Mai, Jikenmaru, go and cover Nishimiya!"

Fushiguro Megumi's shikigami"Nue" knocked down Nishimiya who was flying in the air looking for the enemy, and was seen by Iemo Kenki who was running on the ground.

Fushiguro Megumi and Zenin Maki jumped out of the bushes and stopped Iemo Kenki and Miwa Kasumi who were about to move forward.

""Little sister Xigong, come and play!" Wild Rose and Panda under the tree said with a sneer on their faces. It seemed that they were coming with bad intentions.

"Senior Iemochi, are you planning to kill Yuji?"

"What if I say yes?"

Fushiguro Megumi took out his weapon and said,"In that case, there is no way I can let you pass!"

Feng Wuxia, who was standing on the tree, watched their every move.

Others did not understand Yuzhang, nor had they understood Yuzhang. In the eyes of other sorcerers, Yuzhang was just a container, an existence that could be dispensable.

Panda was a little resistant at first, but when they really understood him, they found that Yuzhang was a kind man.

So those guys who don't understand Yuzhang will regard Yuzhang as a cursed spirit, and they will not feel any guilt for killing him.

On the other side, Yuzhang and Toudou were fighting happily. It has been a long time since they encountered an evenly matched opponent.

"Super strong stress resistance and physical fitness!"

"The best thing is that he can actively use the terrain advantage!"

Tiger stick grabbed the branch next to him with both hands and hung upside down on the tree, just avoiding Toudou's attack.

When Toudou came to his senses, Tiger stick on the branch seemed to have disappeared. Looking up, Tiger stick appeared right above him without knowing when. He condensed the magic power in his hand, and when Toudou was distracted, he hit Toudou on the back of the head.

"The speed of organizing magical power is also very fast!"

"The most outstanding thing is this terrifying power!"

"Although his body is much weaker than mine, his strength is comparable to mine!"

Toudou kept praising Yuji, is this the power of a close friend?

"No, no, only this is wrong!" Dongtang's roar spread throughout the forest. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Dongtang in disbelief.

"my best firend!"

"If you are only satisfied with that one trick, it is totally not enough!"

"Is it your bad habit that the cursed power arrives a step late?"

Toudou is trying hard to teach Yuji, the fake mentor Gojo Satoru, and the real mentor Toudou Aoi.

Jingting Fist? Yuji quickly realized what Toudou was talking about, but Yuji didn't understand. Is there something wrong with his Jingting Fist?

"If you are only satisfied with this level, we are no longer close friends!"

"I don't mind......."

"Is it okay to be weak forever?"

Yuji finally began to take Todou Aoi in front of him seriously. His words hit Yuji's sore spot.

It's said that Yuji can do everything except this. That's right, my best friend!......

"Should we take that out?"

Zenyuan Zhenyi asked. They did not intend to take out the first-level curse spirit given by the principal of Leyan Temple until the critical moment.

Although it could effectively delay the actions of the two, he still planned to take it out later.

The current situation did not seem to allow him to hide any longer.

"Zhenyi, retreat!"

Jia Maoxianji took out an item that could control the first-level curse spirit, and controlled the first-level curse spirit to attack the two people on the opposite side.

"Excuse me, I declare you guilty!"

Feng Wuxia smashed the first-level curse spirit with one punch, and next time he will be served with Fire Escape.

"Don't play these tricks in front of me. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can complain."

"Of course, I believe they dare not say anything to me, because the consequences will be terrible!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, they planned to retreat. They did not expect that someone would interfere with the exchange meeting this year.

And in such a domineering way.

Jia Mao Xianji had seen the man in front of him, who was the new special-grade sorcerer. They could not afford to offend him.

"Okay, the exchange meeting will continue. I will report your behavior to Gojo Satoru."

Feng Wuxia left the last sentence and then disappeared on the spot, as if he had never been to the exchange meeting.

"What should we do now?"Their plan was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Feng Wuxia, and now they had no way to get away quickly.

Feng Wuxia planned to go see Toudou and Yuji. Now Toudou should be teaching Yuji and raising his strength to level one.

Yuji could become a level one sorcerer later, and Toudou Aoi played an indispensable role.

"Your fists can deal with second-rate players, but you can't do anything with special-level players, and it's even difficult to hurt them!"

Thinking back to the real person at that time, fortunately the real person's purpose was to win over the two-faced Sukuna in his body, otherwise Yuji would have died in school long ago.

"Why is your curse power slower? It's because your curse power is flowing!" Dongtang hugged his body and described to Yuji vividly.

"Wait, shouldn't���Speed up the flow of cursed power?"

Most sorcerers do speed up the flow of cursed power, but cursed power is generated by negative emotions.

It first flows to the stomach, then flows in all directions, and finally reaches the hands. This is why the cursed power of Tiger Stick is delayed and cannot be exerted to its maximum strength.

"The flow of cursed energy is indeed correct, but this is just an entry-level technique, don’t be fooled!"

"Do we think with our stomachs?"

"Or can you express your thoughts just by using your brain?"

"Listen carefully, Tiger Stick, we exist in this world with a complete body and mind!"

Standing on the tree, Feng Wuxia fell into memories, and suddenly he came to his senses, and the power of the curse continued to surge throughout his body, and energy also continued to emerge.

"Thank you, Dongtang!" Tiger Stick and Feng Wuxia said this at the same time.

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