"You are the only man who has the courage to challenge me in the past thousand years."

Ryoumen Sukuna looked at the man in front of him meaningfully. His scarlet eyes, his extremely fast speed, and his body that was comparable to that of a top-grade sorcerer.

"Are you the strongest person of this era?"

Sukuna's mouth was stretched to his ears, and he smiled madly at Feng Wuxia.

"I am not the strongest, I am just an unknown person challenging you"

"Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!"

Feng Wuxia formed seals with both hands, and the flames instantly engulfed Sukuna's body, burning up most of his body, including his entire right hand.

"It's really hard for a finger to fight against a strong man like you."

The skillful use of the reversal magician healed all the injuries at a speed visible to the naked eye. Fushiguro Hui, who was lying on the ground, was stunned.

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the fanatical look in his eyes became more and more obvious. The man in front of him was definitely not comparable to those jumping clowns.

He was a real strong man.

"The physical strength is estimated to be twelve fingers, plus the mysterious flame just now, plus other hidden cards, at least fourteen or fifteen fingers."

Quickly analyze Feng Wuxia's strength.

Release the slash, Feng Wuxia did not dodge, but stood in place and let Sukuna slash. He wanted to know how strong his physical strength is.

"Hahaha, it’s really delightful!"

"The last time was about a thousand years ago!"

Sukuna slashed at Feng Wuxia frantically until the armor he was wearing shattered.

"System, can the broken armor be repaired?"

【Ding, the main task is completed and automatically repaired.

That's good. I thought that the armor was broken and I could never wear it again.

He hit Sukuna's stomach with his fist, which was as big as a cattail leaf fan and as small as a lotus seed. When he punched, it was as if a huge rock weighing thousands of pounds fell from the sky, and it was as if thousands of golden needles pierced his heart.

He felt a great force coming. Then there was a scream, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment. He swung his arm in the air, and a cloud of black smoke spewed out from his fist, which also made his face black and blue. He hit the wall and stopped.

"Invincible, confident, arrogant."It seems to be a synonym for Feng Wuxia. There are no extra words to describe the current Feng Wuxia.

Noticing Feng Wuxia's scarlet eyes, he thought they were similar to Liuyan's eyes, and then said dissatisfiedly:

"No matter what era it is, it is always so difficult to deal with."

Sukuna jumped high and pounced on Feng Wuxia like a wolf. Now Sukuna was like hitting a stone with his fist, unable to shake Feng Wuxia in the slightest. The entire teaching building collapsed under Sukuna's attack, and choking black powder floated out of the teaching building.

Fushiguro Megumi looked incredulous. Although Gojo Satoru had said before that Sukuna had twenty fingers, now one finger was enough to compare to a special-grade cursed spirit.

Feng Wuxia's figure was not seen for a long time, and he thought she was killed by Sukuna's slash.

"You are nothing but this." Sukuna said sarcastically.

The huge shock wave blew away the dust and powder at the scene, and the body appeared intact in front of Sukuna.

"I don't need the Uchiha fan at all, but I think it's good to show it to you!"

He took out the Uchiha fan from behind, and his right hand naturally dropped down. It's good to let Sukuna suffer a little, otherwise it will hinder his main task and plan later.

Being cautious about himself is his goal.

"You think you can block my attack with just a broken fan?"

That being said, after all, Sukuna has lived for thousands of years, and he knows that the fan in his hand must be extraordinary, otherwise why would he use it now.

It is similar to his own cursed tools, and has some special functions.

Curse jutsu Kaisen are basically offensive cursed tools, so the Uchiha fan with defense and rebound functions is something that no one has ever seen.

"Oh, what's going on now?"

Gojo Satoru, who arrived late, found an unknown mysterious man fighting with Ryomen Sukuna. Judging from his posture, he must be a top-class sorcerer at least.

""Teacher Gojo, why are you here?"

After saying hello, Gojo Satoru said:"Oh, I didn't plan to come. You are injured like this?

"Take a picture for the second graders, look at the camera!" She kept twisting her body like a wireworm. I guess there are a lot of ugly photos of Fushiguro Megumi in her phone. Compared with children, it seems that she treats Fushiguro Megumi as a friend.

"I don't know. This man wanted to challenge Sukuna right from the start, and he suppressed Sukuna the whole time."

Interesting, really interesting. Although he only has one finger, ordinary special-grade sorcerers can never beat him, because Sukuna is immortal. Even if his body is damaged, there are reversal sorcerers who can repair it. After all, it is a special-grade cursed object that is missing. It is very annoying. Gojo Satoru couldn't stand it and came to the school to check. Unexpectedly, Sukuna's finger has been eaten by Itadori.

"It really is, a perfect mixture."

Gojo Satoru stood in front of Fushiguro Megumi and looked at Sukuna. Sukuna was not a threat at all, so Gojo Satoru was very bold.

"What are you doing with someone else's body? Give it back to me."

Yuji woke up at this time. The first time he took Sukuna's finger, the impact was a bit strong, so he didn't react for a while. It was only a few minutes since the two of them fought, and Sukuna seemed very surprised.

"Why can you still move?"

"Why can I still move? This is my body!"

I was pushed back.......

Sukuna slowly closed his eyes, the marks on Yuji's body disappeared, and the four eyes turned back into two, as if everything that had just happened was just an illusion.

Seeing Sukuna disappear, Gojo Satoru stepped forward and grabbed Yuji

"Can we exchange? I want to confirm whether you are the container or not."

Tiger Stick was a little confused. He didn't know why he made this request. Tiger Stick saw everything that happened just now.

"Then 10 seconds, change back after 10 seconds���"

""Mei, hold it for me."

Gojo Satoru casually threw the Kikufu he had just bought to Fushiguro Megumi who was half-kneeling on the ground.

"What's this?"

"Kikumizu Amami's Kikufu, a Sendai specialty, is super delicious!"

This person actually bought dessert before coming here. He's almost dead. Fushiguro Megumi wanted to kill Gojo Satoru at this moment. He was looking for a special cursed item.

You went to buy dessert instead.

"You misunderstood. I was planning to eat it on the Shinkansen. Kikufu is different from other specialties.

Gojo Satoru did not forget to finish off Fushiguro Megumi.

As if he had not noticed Sukuna's successful switch behind him, he rushed towards Gojo Satoru in front of him.


Fushiguro Megumi reminded Gojo Satoru loudly.

When the smoke cleared, Gojo Satoru was sitting on Sukuna's back, while Sukuna was half-kneeling on the ground, and had a"deep eye contact" with Fushiguro Megumi. He was so scared that he dared not move. He did not expect Gojo Satoru to be so bold.

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