Anger is an important detonator for sorcerers. When fighting against an opponent who is weaker than them, they may also fall into a disadvantage because of angering the opponent.

On the other hand, anger can sometimes cause the spell power to fall into a temporary chaos, resulting in defeat before the strength is fully exerted.

Toudou slapped Yuji in the face. He was very dissatisfied with Yuji's performance.

This is not the ability that a close friend should show.

"My best friend's honeymoon was ruined"

"I understand that you are so angry that your magic power is confused."

"But remember, chaos is unnecessary for you!"

One slap was not enough, and he slapped another slap on the other side of his face. He wanted to wake up the tiger stick completely.

Only in this way can the tiger stick go to the next level.

"Have the distracting thoughts disappeared?"

"Well, they all disappeared!"

Yuji finally recovered his state at this time. His best friend's teaching made his eyes brighten. He smiled and said to Toudou Aoi.

Black Flash is the space distortion caused by the cursed power hitting the target within 0.000001 seconds after the attack.

The average power is 2.5 times that of an ordinary attack.

No sorcerer can use Black Flash, but there is a world of difference between the cursed power core of sorcerers who can use Black Flash and those who can't.

Yuji was in a dazed state, so much so that he didn't even notice the saliva flowing out of his mouth.

Using Black Flash is extremely difficult, and no sorcerer can use Black Flash accurately on the first try.

"What an amazing concentration!"

"I didn't expect that you've changed so much in just a few days."

Toudou Aoi leaned against the tree. Yuji is in the best condition now and won't allow anyone to disturb him.

"Come on, Tiger Stick!"

"With blessings from dear friends!"

"Let’s climb to the top!"

"Black Flash!"The space around Yuji seemed to be distorted.

His fist was attached with black curse power and hit Hanamiya's chest.

"Congratulations, my friend"

"You succeeded!"

Yuji looked at his fist in disbelief. He could feel that a subtle change had taken place in him.

His control over the cursed power became more skillful and refined.

Yuji had understood the taste of the cursed power. Before this, Yuji's state was like a big pot of ingredients.

After using the black flash, his control over the cursed power reached a new level.

It was like separating different ingredients and cooking them with different seasonings.

The level of the sorcerer had a qualitative leap.

"I heard from them that Sukuna's vessel was an ordinary third-level sorcerer, not even"

"But now Sukuna's vessel is close to the strength of a first-level sorcerer."

"What is going on?"

Hana Yu couldn't figure it out. The information was unlikely to be wrong.

The only change was Todou Aoi beside Itadori.

Feng Wuxia repelled Togen and was flying towards the exchange venue. Flying saved a lot of energy.

Gojo Satoru was still studying how to break the tent.

This tent only prevented Gojo Satoru from entering, forming a relative balance.

Seeing Feng Wuxia rushing from behind, Gojo Satoru felt relieved. Even if the opponent inside was very strong.

With Feng Wuxia's ability, he would definitely be able to deal with it. Besides, the teachers of the technical high school had already entered, and the safety of the students was not a problem for the time being.

The only problem was how to break this tent.

"You finally came"

"It seems that it took some time to deal with the opponent."

Feng Wuxia rubbed his palms and said:"The high school invaded an unregistered special curse spirit"

"It took a little time to process"

"The problem of the college has been solved. Now it's just the account."Feng Wuxia asked Gojo Satoru.

Gojo Satoru nodded. According to the previous information, basically all the cursed spirits are concentrated in it.

"It's really troublesome."

"It may take some time to process the account."

"You can go into the tent and help the old man and the others."

Gojo Satoru said nonchalantly. Although there are special-grade cursed spirits inside, the academy is not a pushover.

Special-grade cursed spirits are not a threat at present.

Feng Wuxia grabbed Gojo Satoru's arm. It was not that difficult to enter the tent.

He had already exchanged the ability to ignore obstacles, so there was no pressure to bring Gojo Satoru with him.

After the two of them went in, they could find a chance to break the tent.

"Come on, I can get you in."

"Is it true?"

As Feng Wuxia said, he did enter the tent, although I don't know how he did it.

Anyway, he saved himself a lot of trouble.

"I didn't expect you had this ability."

"I haven't seen it yet."

"There are many things you haven't seen yet."

The first thing I saw when I entered was the principal of Leyan Temple fighting with the curse master.

"Grandpa, please drink more milk before coming back."

"You are old, I am afraid you might hurt your back." He taunted Le Yansi mercilessly, but Le Yansi didn't buy it at all.

He released the warlock with the guitar in his hand and attacked the curse master on the opposite side.

The curse master on the opposite side seemed to have discovered something, and completely ignored Le Yansi's feelings, waving his sword wildly and walked towards Gojo Satoru.

"Hangers, hangers!"

"My clothes hanger is here hahaha!"

"Don't kill him!"

Le Yan Temple also found Gojo Satoru entering the tent and shouted to stop him.

Gojo Satoru's sorcerer was too strong, and the enemy would be killed if he was not careful.

It was still useful for the high-tech to keep the enemy, and more useful information needed to be obtained from the enemy, and resources could not be wasted in vain. Fortunately,

Gojo Satoru heard it and restrained his strength at the last moment.

The curse master's limbs were broken, and he flew out and hit the stone behind him.

When he fell to the ground, he kept saying:"Clothes rack, my clothes rack is not made yet!"

"It's a very strong aura, and very familiar.

Gojo Satoru sensed Hanamiya's aura, and discovered that there was more than one curse in it.

"Let's go find the students first. Don't worry about the singer."

"The opponent is not very strong, she should be able to deal with it."

Hanagi tore off the white cloth wrapped around her arm, and it would be better to be serious when dealing with Yuji and Toudou Aoi in front of her.

After all, Toudou is not that kind of person.

She activated the sorcerer with all her strength, and the ground under her feet collapsed. More than a dozen huge branches emerged and quickly attacked the two people who were dodging.

Yuji and Toudou nimbly dodged Hanami's attack, and at the same time did not forget to cooperate with each other's movements.

The two met up and used each other's strength to throw themselves far away.

The two exchanged positions and ran quickly on the branches, running towards Hanami's direction.

The speed was so fast that Hanami could hardly catch up.

"The attack range is so wide!"

Don't be afraid, the attack strength and speed of the light range will be greatly reduced.

The branches released by Hanamiya have already reached the sky. It was the first time that Yuji faced such a powerful opponent. Fortunately, Toudou Aoi was by his side.

He appeared behind the two of them without anyone noticing. Fortunately, Hanamiya did not hide his breath and avoided the curse seeds released by Hanamiya.

As long as you are hit by the curse seeds, you will lose your combat ability in a short period of time.

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