"You will regret your decision!"

Hanami threw the curse seed hidden behind him at Yuji, but Yuji dodged it swiftly.

The opponent was Hanami, a special-grade curse spirit. It was definitely unrealistic for Yuji to deal with Hanami.

"Yuji Itadori, you need to gain as much practical experience as possible."

"Only by fighting against special-grade cursed spirits can you reveal your hidden potential."

Toudou Aoi beside him wanted to step forward to help.

Feng Wuxia stopped Toudou in an uncharacteristic way. Now it was Yuji's battle alone.

Unless there was a risk of life, no one was allowed to intervene.

"Focus on the battle"

"From now on, you have to eliminate everything except the enemy."

Tiger Stick entered the most focused state again, gathering the magic power in his hands.

He grabbed the yellow soil on the ground to confuse Hanaguchi's vision, but he couldn't get close to him.

Then he created some opportunities to get close.

Tiger Stick looked at the branches above Hanaguchi's head.

Hanaguchi's weakness was obvious, but the more obvious the weakness, the harder it was to deal with.

No one would show their weakness openly.

Unless they were very confident in their own strength.

"Just break the branches above your head���"

"Then severely inflict damage on the opponent"

"I have a chance!"

Tiger Stick quickly analyzed the current situation. Hanamiya can absorb the energy of nearby trees.

He can't give her any chance.

Otherwise, when Hanamiya recovers her magic power, the weaker party will turn into Tiger Stick.

"Black flash!"

"This move again?"

Hua Yu looked at the rushing Tiger Stick. He had already prepared for this move.

"You've fallen into the trap!"

The tiger stick that had originally stretched out his right hand suddenly changed hands in an instant.

And cast Black Flash.

Hua Yu, who was defending one side, suddenly noticed something, and it was too late to defend the other side again.

Black Flash hit Hua Yu's left waist heavily.

Blood spit out of his mouth. Black Flash was enough to cause a certain degree of damage to Hua Yu.

"not enough!"

"Black flash!"

"I will hit you as hard as possible!"

He released the tree roots underground, entangled Yuji's body, and then quickly distanced himself.

This punch was very powerful. He wiped the blood from his mouth and adjusted his state.

He continued to face Yuji Yuji in front of him.

"I'm curious"

"Is it our intelligence that is wrong?"

"Or have you grown up during this time?"

Before faking his death, he was a low-ranking sorcerer. After learning Black Flash, Yuji has already reached the threshold of a first-level sorcerer.

This surprised Hua Yu.

In just a few days, Yuji has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"I am no longer the weak me before."He gathered his magical power in his hand again and broke the tree roots on the ground.

Hanami strengthened the tree roots and used his own advantages to bring the battlefield into the air.

Toudou Aoi on the ground could not see the situation of his best friend.

He was very anxious.

"Hold me"


Before Dongtang Kui understood what Feng Wuxia meant, he felt a force carrying him floating in the air.

"It's amazing. It turns out that you can fly besides Gojo Sensei."

The current situation is very clear. Feng Wuxia flew over Hua Yu's head.

The situation on the battlefield can be seen clearly.

"Little ghost, I don't know what you have been through during this period."

"With your current strength, you can't deal with me."

Yuji has just learned Black Flash, and Yuji doesn't have a powerful spell.

He can't deal with the powerful Hanamiya.

Most of the spells of a sorcerer are innate.

That is to say, the strength is determined from birth.

There are very few sorcerers who learn spells later in life, but of course there are some cases of awakening later in life.

"Last time, Gojo Satoru"

"I should have shown you this."

"What is the real battle?"

"Today, I will let you experience it!"

「The field expands, feasting on the sea of light!」

"Brother!" Toudou wanted to go forward to help Yuji, but Hanamiya had already successfully opened the domain.

Even if Toudou went up, he would die.

Yuji clenched his fists and the domain opened. Gojo Satoru had told him that if the sorcerer did not have a technique that could counter it, then the end would be death.

"Regret it!"

"This is the highest realm of the sorcerer, the domain is unfolded!"

I can't believe it. Am I really going to die here?

Feng Wuxia frowned slightly outside. He didn't expect Hua Yu to use the domain to unfold.

This was something he hadn't expected.

"Don't worry, I will rescue Tiger Stick."

"After all, it was me who proposed to deal with the special grade."

After calming down Dongtang, he knew that Feng Wuxia was a special grade sorcerer.

It would not be a problem to rescue Yuji.

"I came in without knocking."

"Doesn't it seem very rude?"

Using the unlimited access ability exchanged by the system, it is easy to enter Hua Yu's territory

"how did you do it?"

"Go ahead and do it yourself. Tiger stick won't die."

"I, Feng Wuxia, said so!"He held the tiger stick behind him with one hand, and released a powerful aura.

This body had been through countless killings, and the evil spirit in it was extremely heavy.

Hua Yu stepped back unconsciously. Feng Wuxia was too scary like this.

"I didn't plan to continue."

"Gojo Satoru is here, I should go."

Whether it's Feng Wuxia or Gojo Satoru, as long as one of them comes,

Hua Yu will give up the opportunity and run away directly. There will be more opportunities in the future, so there is no need to fight to the death.

"Wooden clone?"

"It's really interesting."

Feng Wuxia noticed that Hua Yu in the domain was a clone, and the real body had actually escaped.

It seems that he had noticed Gojo Satoru before, so he didn't use his real body to talk to Feng Wuxia.

Hua Yu's domain was automatically lifted, and the three looked at Gojo Satoru in the sky.

"That is, Gojo-sensei?"

Gojo Satoru broke the tent. In fact, Hua Yu had expected this.

As long as Gojo Satoru broke the tent, the battle would be over.

It only took Gojo Satoru a few minutes to kill Hua Yu.

And he didn't need to expand his domain. He was naturally afraid of Gojo Satoru's strength. He was naturally afraid of Feng Wuxia's strength, but not to that extent.

Feng Wuxia was showing her strength little by little, so the target of the rope was not him.

"The tent was broken?" said the curse master lying on the ground.

"It's worthy of the clothes drying rack I've chosen!"

The principal of Leyan Temple didn't say anything. He had lost his ability to move.

He just lay on the ground and talked loudly.

"Feng Wuxia, am I really that weak?"

Tiger Stick knows that he is weak and has failed to protect the people around him.

"Yuji, you have to understand that not everyone can become Gojo Satoru"

"Not everyone has powerful skills."

"All you have to do is become stronger"

"By the way, you are not weak, you just don’t have enough time.

Toudou patted Yuji on the back. How could he be without his best friend at the critical moment?

"My dear friends, strive to climb to the top!"

"Move your legs a little faster, Gojo-sensei is about to release his technique."

Feng Wuxia took Toudou and Yuji and moved to a few kilometers away in an instant.

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