The clepsydra went completely crazy. No one had ever challenged it like this before.

The next second, the clepsydra's flames covered the building, and the terrifying heat continued to gushed out from the inside.

""The Extreme [Meteorite]"

From this moment on, every attack of the Leakage Pot was at its maximum output. The two fought from inside the building to outside.

Feeling the terrible heat, Panda and Kusakabe Atsuya, who were not far away, stopped fighting.

They looked at the location of Sukuna and Leakage Pot with fear.

Kusakabe Atsuya, who wanted to escape with Panda, found that two more curse masters blocked his way.

"Don't you guys see the situation clearly yet?"

"The super bosses are fighting"

"If we don't leave now, we will be dead."

Who would have thought that Sukuna seemed to have heard what Kusakabe said.

He appeared on Kusakabe's left and said:


"Everyone present"

"No one can leave without my permission."

The current situation is like a group of ants watching from below, while two elephants fight above.

Several people's hearts suddenly stopped, the breath of Sukuna's curse was too strong.

Fifteen fingers is close to Sukuna's heyday.

Right above their heads, a meteorite was slowly falling, and it seemed that the outer surface was wrapped in flames.

Sukuna turned his head in surprise. He seemed to have said just now that no one could leave without his permission.

Which troublemaker disobeyed orders again?

"meet again"

"Ryomen Sukuna"

"It turns out to be you. I was wondering who was so brave?"

Feng Wuxia released his clone, and the Uchiha fan returned to his hand.

He looked at Sukuna with a slightly frivolous look.

"It's time to move!"

Sukuna clapped his hands, and the few people who were standing still thought of running away. The meteorite was falling at a very fast speed.

Feng Wuxia stood there, looking at Sukuna calmly.

The meteorite fell, and the Leakage Pot's move was full of damage, destroying half of the Shibuya area. The power was very strong.


"Even if he is Sukuna, there is no way he is unscathed!"

It seems that Leaky Pot has Sukuna in his grasp. Half of Shibuya District is gone. There is no way he is not hurt.

"I'm curious why you don't use fields"

"The field has a guaranteed hit effect, so you have a chance to win."

Sukuna sat next to the leak pot, and Feng Wuxia opened Susanoo to block the attack.

It should be said that the strength of the leak pot is absolutely strong, but he insisted on catching the strongest few people to fight

"You know, I'm upset now."

"Because you ignored my existence!"

Originally this attack would have killed Louhu, but it was blocked by Feng Wuxia's weapon.

Sukuna was very annoyed now. Louhu was going to die, but he had to show up to block the attack.

"I don't understand, what good will you get from interfering with me?"

Feng Wuxia couldn't think of any suitable reason.

He just wanted to fight Sukuna, that's all.

"Stop talking nonsense, since you already have the power of fifteen fingers"

"I will be your opponent next time!"

At the same time, Feng Wuxia's clone suddenly disappeared, and Fushiguro Megumi fell from the air.

Fortunately, it was not far from Miss Glass's base, but on the way, the curse master"Haruta" stopped Fushiguro Megumi.

"where are you going?"

"I'm so bored, how about you play with me?"

Fushiguro Megumi was already seriously injured, let alone using magic to deal with the enemy. He could n't even stand steadily.

He sat on the ground weakly. Now he could only use his trump card.

Although Fushiguro Megumi couldn't control him, this was the only way at the moment.

He chopped Fushiguro Megumi's feet with a knife and staggered away.

The release of the trump card requires an open terrain.

Fushiguro Megumi, who was bleeding badly, knelt on the ground after a few steps, and supported the ground with his hands.

Although Fushiguro Megumi was like this, Haruta still didn't let down his guard. Among the ten magicians of the past generations, no one has ever been able to subdue the Hollow Demon.

Even he was not sure whether he would be killed after being summoned.

Haruta realized that something was wrong, and Fushiguro Megumi began to chant a spell.

""Furube Yura Yura!"

A wild monster with a chandelier on its head appeared in front of Haruta.

He was the Eight-Grip Sword, the God of the Other World, Makoto!

Haruta finally realized that something was wrong. The guy in front of him didn't look like someone he could easily mess with.

He forcibly pulled Haruta into the shadow, which meant that Haruta and Fushiguro Megumi had to defeat Makoto together to have a chance of survival.

"I'm going to die first, you can have some fun!"

Makoro knocked Fushiguro Megumi offline with one punch, leaving Haruta alone in a daze.

"What the hell?"

"Didn't you summon him?"

"Why did it devour its master?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Mokoruo walked towards Haruta step by step. At this time, he was so scared that his soul flew away, and his feet felt like they were filled with lead.

Sukuna sensed Mokoruo's breath, but there was a big problem at the moment.

That is, Feng Wuxia was present, and he might not let him go easily.

This was also part of Feng Wuxia's plan. Fushiguro Hui was not dead yet, and he could be cured later.

But Sukuna must not be allowed to get Mokoruo now, otherwise it would be very difficult to deal with him later.

"Are you interested in Moxu Luo?"

"It's really interesting."

Sukuna didn't expect Feng Wuxia to see through his intentions. He didn't mention this to anyone.

The only thought was that Feng Wuxia also sensed the breath of Moxu Luo.

Sukuna was about to leave, so he guessed it.

Now Sukuna has fifteen fingers and is extremely confident in his own strength.

He plans to directly open the domain to kill Feng Wuxia instantly.

"Field expansion"

""Subdue the demons and control the chef!"

Feng Wuxia also returned the gift, releasing hundreds of clones. Sukuna's domain is not comparable to others.

So it's safer to release more clones.

"Susanoo in its full form!"

Hundreds of blue crow-tengu giants appeared in Sukuna's territory.

The scene was spectacular, and Sukuna was dumbfounded for a moment.

Hundreds of Susanoo in their full form worked together to blow up Sukuna's territory.

This is how infinite chakra should be played, as long as Sukuna can be delayed.

Drag until Yuji successfully gains control of the body.

As long as Feng Wuxia is still here, Sukuna will be���No, even if you grow a pair of wings behind you, I will shoot you down.

Every time they meet, Sukuna will see new moves. To be honest, he is more and more interested in Feng Wuxia.

But now is not the time. Who knows if there is a killer hidden?

Itadori's body is more like a cage, so there is no way to take on flesh.

This greatly reduces Sukuna's ability. Without the assistance of the other four hands, his ability is a bit overwhelmed.

Sukuna released flames and hit Feng Wuxia.

Feng Wuxia did not run away, but directly took Sukuna's flames. He had no sense of pain, and his body would automatically recover if damaged.

It's not bad to act like a big shot in front of Sukuna.

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