When Sukuna was about to release his domain to hold Feng Wuxia back, the Samsara Eye had already started to release his ninjutsu.

He slowly raised his right hand and pointed his palm at Sukuna.

The building next to him broke into pieces and flew towards Sukuna.

Sukuna kept dodging in the pieces, but the range was too large and he couldn't escape from Feng Wuxia's palm.

"Chibaku Tensei is one of the abilities of the Rinnegan. The holder of the Rinnegan can use both hands to highly concentrate the chakra into a black sphere.

After the sphere automatically floats into the air, it will attract all objects around it in a large range.

At the same time, it uses the attracted rocks to create a huge rock sphere to trap and crush the enemy.

It is a ninjutsu that reaches the extreme control of gravity and causes great damage to the surrounding environment.

If it is used by someone who does not have the Rinnegan opener or does not have the power of Senju and Uchiha, it will cause great harm to the user.

First, create a black sphere, and then let the black ball float in the air automatically.

Then put your hands together, and when the black ball rises to a certain height, it will produce Extremely strong gravity.

At this time, the ground within a certain range will gradually crack, and then a large number of rocks of different sizes will be gradually attracted to the sphere, and finally form a floating sphere similar to a huge meteorite.

Moreover, the designated target can be attracted into the sphere, causing it to lose its mobility under the action of gravity.

Sukuna felt a strong attraction, and the damaged buildings around were flying towards a black sphere. It looked like it was about to suck him in. For a short-term seal,"Chibaku Tensei" is the best choice.

As long as you notice that Sukuna's breath has disappeared, you can lift the Chibaku Tensei immediately.

Let Yuji out


"what is going on?"

"How many secrets do you have?"

Before Sukuna finished speaking, the attraction of Chibaku Tensei was constantly increasing.

The next moment, it flew towards the direction of the black sphere.

Sukuna can't fly, if he could fly, he might be able to escape.

As Feng Wuxia put his hands together, Chibaku Tensei was completed.

In order to prevent Sukuna from destroying Chibaku Tensei, he specially strengthened the defense of Chibaku Tensei.

Only by actively releasing the ninjutsu, Yuji Itadori's body can come out.

"Is this a miracle?"

"What's going on with the sphere in the sky?"

Atsuya Kusakabe and Panda, who had just escaped, looked at the huge sphere made of stone in the sky.

It made people's scalps numb and their hearts shudder.

The other curse masters also gave up the idea of dealing with the high school. The current battlefield in Shibuya was simply a fight between gods.

They could only eat dust in a special battle, and they might even lose their lives if they were not careful.

Feng Wuxia sat on the ground bored. Now he just had to wait for the clone to deal with Moxu Luo.

As for how long it would take for Yuji Itadori to recover, he would wait for it himself.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully defeating the Fifteen Ibusuki Nuo】

【Ding, unfortunately the mission failed.]

When Sukuna and Louhu started fighting, they didn't care about the existence of ordinary people at all, but fought freely.

The ordinary people in this area were all turned into ashes under Sukuna's flames and slashes.

This is also the reason why Feng Wuxia can release unlimited fire escape.

"System, if I fail, will I get no points?"

【Ding, you can get 200 points for this task】

【Considering that the host successfully defeated the fifteen Ibusuki Nuo, half of the points will be awarded】

【Congratulations to the host! Points +100】

【Current Points: 400]

According to the rules of the academy, you should always put your own safety first when carrying out tasks. There are only so many sorcerers. If they act on impulse, there will be no sorcerers left in a short time.


"What is going on?"

The breath of the Curse King dissipated, and Principal Ye Moth noticed it.

Gojo Satoru is now sealed, and the only one who can fight Sukuna is Feng Wuxia.

Ottokotsu Jude has not entered the Shibuya battlefield yet, and the other special ninety-nine Yuki is not here either.

I can only think of Feng Wuxia.


Feng Wuxia released the Chibaku Tensei. If Yuji fell from such a high place, he would be crippled if not dead.

He flew up to catch Yuji.

However, the area several kilometers around the two of them had turned into ruins. When Yuji woke up and saw it, he would be devastated.

Yuji could see everything Sukuna did. It was hard to imagine what the scene would be like when Yuji woke up.


"Why me?"

Yuji was awake, kneeling on the ground with his hands on his head, unable to believe that everything in front of him was done by himself.

The scene of Sukuna and Rukuhu fighting flashed through his mind.

At the same time, he saw the scene of Sukuna killing a large number of ordinary people.

"Tiger Stick, you must remember that you are powerful!"

"You should help others as much as possible"

"Die surrounded by people!"

At some point, the old man's image appeared in his mind, and then Yuji Itadori wiped his tears.

All the sins he committed today will be made up by himself step by step.

He must fight, otherwise he will be a murderer.

Yuji's eyes have lost their light, staring blankly at the ruins, not knowing what to say.

Feng Wuxia saw Yuji's appearance and stepped forward to pat Yuji on the shoulder.


"I couldn't do anything"

"If you hadn't controlled me, more people might have died."

With a sigh, even Feng Wuxia had no ability to stop this battle.

This is a necessary part of Yuji's growth, only in this way can he become stronger and stronger in the future.

The matter of Sukuna has been temporarily resolved, and the next thing is the matter of Makkura.

According to the information sent back by the clone, Haruta must not die, otherwise the shadow will disappear.

Fushiguro Megumi, who was in a state of suspended animation, deceived Makkura and had to go to Fushiguro Megumi as soon as possible.

"Yuji, I'm going to find Fushiguro Megumi first."

"He's dying."

Glass and others were on their way. According to this situation, Haruta would die soon.

The person pulled into the shadow was Haruta, and Haruta became the first target of Mokuro's attack.

Sensing that the clone was not far from where he was now,

Yuji, who was close to collapse, flew to Fushiguro Megumi's position.

"How is Megumi Fushiguro doing?"

"He is in suspended animation, so he is lucky.

Principal Yemo and Ieiri Shoko found Fushiguro Megumi lying on the ground covered in blood.

Fortunately, there was no major problem, and the reversal technique could repair it.

"You treat Fushiguro Megumi first."

"I will take care of Makoro!"

Principal Yega controlled Haruta, while Nishiko treated Fushiguro Megumi.

At this time, Feng Wuxia's real body arrived at the scene with Yuji Itadori.

Now that the real body has arrived, the clone can look for survivors everywhere.

"What happened to Yuji?"Principal Yega seemed to have seen through Yuujin's thoughts.

In fact, it was not difficult to guess that everyone had noticed Sukuna's aura just now.

"It’s a long story, let’s deal with Moxu Luo first and then chat with you guys."

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