He found that Yuji Itadori had disappeared. He turned to Principal Yega and said:

"What about Japanese knotweed?"

"Wasn't he here just now?"

In fact, Principal Ye Moth didn't notice Yuji Itadori either, but according to Yuji's personality, he is probably clearing the cursed spirits in the underground subway station.

Regardless of Yuji's situation, he just sensed the breath of the noose, but only for a moment.

It was as if the noose deliberately emitted a breath to let Feng Wuxia sense it.

"Are there any extra sorcerers in the Sorcery High School?"

"The situation in the Shibuya area is very bad, and more sorcerers are needed to help."

The cursed spirits in Nozomi's hands are definitely more than the current few thousand. Xiayou

Jie's body can devour cursed spirits endlessly, and I'm afraid the number is too large.

"Let's call back the third grade students first."

"With our manpower, we cannot eliminate all the cursed spirits in a short time."

Principal Yega has communicated with them, and the rest of the sorcerers are rushing to the Shibuya area.

Ninety percent of the sorcerers in Sakura Country are supporting the Shibuya area.

Fushiguro Megumi's wound is healing, and Principal Yega will definitely not be able to get away in a short time. He needs to protect Nozomi.

The students in the Kyoto campus prefer to stick together, so there is no need to worry about them. Basically, we are clearing the cursed spirits.

Itadori is still concentrating on dealing with the cursed spirits, and he didn't feel that Nozomi appeared behind him.

He has a real person's technique, and he has a lot of transformed cursed spirits in his hands.

Shibuya is simply Nozomi's home court.

"Multiple souls!"

The so-called multiple souls are the combination of two or more souls.

Using the reaction caused by multiple souls, the quality of the soul can be explosively increased.

The cursed spirit in the rope's hand opened its bloody mouth and bit towards Yuji Itadori.

Yuji Itadori quickly turned around and blocked the cursed spirit's attack at the critical moment.

He exerted force with his feet, and the cursed spirit was so powerful that Itadori retreated several meters before he could stand firm.

"The breath of a real person?"

"Why do you know the real person's technique?"

Yuji Itadori noticed the real person's technique. Nosobo's various strange behaviors, plus the real person's body disappeared.

It is not difficult to infer that Nosobo's technique can absorb the power of the cursed spirits and finally use it for himself.

Nosobo looked at Itadori's body. Because of Sukuna's soul, the inaction transformation could not deal with Yuji Itadori

"Such a strong breath"

"Stronger than any cursed spirit I've ever met."

"How many cursed spirits does he have in his hand?"

While Yuji Itadori was thinking, Nozomi continued to release cursed spirits to surround Yuji Itadori.

""Black flash!"

He concentrated the cursed power in his right hand and continuously fired black flashes at the cursed spirit's head.

It killed the cursed spirit instantly.

It's not that Yuji is very strong, most of Nose's cursed spirits are not strong.

And to deal with a sorcerer of Yuji Yuji's level, there is no need to release such a strong cursed spirit.

He released the cursed spirit at the pillar next to him, and the pillar supporting the subway station broke and fell towards Yuji Yuji.

Fortunately, Yuji's attention was not completely on the cursed spirit, and he luckily avoided Nose's sneak attack.

"What kind of monster is that over there?"

"Who knows, escaping is the most important thing!"

Yujin Itadori discovered that there were two ordinary people in the subway station on this floor, and they could see the cursed spirits.


"Wuwei transformation!"

The noose came out of the man's mouth, and then transformed the person next to him into a sharp spear.

Yuzhang was stunned. He didn't expect the noose to be so cruel.

There are a lot of ordinary people gathered on the fourth floor of Shibuya subway station. The meaning of the noose is very simple.

As long as Yuzhang gathers ordinary people around him, he can't concentrate on dealing with himself.

"If you don’t want to die, run!"

"What is that idiot talking about?"

"I don't know, probably scared silly."

Yuji Itadori's dissuasion was useless. They couldn't see the cursed spirits. They could only see Itadori and Nosoko chasing each other.

Nosoko kicked the woman in front of him and Yuji Itadori jumped up to catch her.

Unexpectedly, the insidious Nosoko had already changed the woman's soul state, and her face was distorted and turned directly into the appearance of a cursed spirit.

Then in front of Yuji Itadori, his head exploded, and Itadori, who was covered in blood, was dumbfounded.

Then Nosoko threw the spear in his hand into the crowd, and the spear pierced through the bodies of more than a dozen people.

In order to prevent more ordinary people from dying, Yuji Itadori stepped forward and blocked the attack of the spear with both hands.

But Itadori's hands were already covered in blood, and his left hand was numb from the spear.

Just now, Nosoko's transformed cursed spirit entered the fourth underground floor, and Itadori's situation became even more embarrassing.

It is difficult to protect ordinary people with his own ability, and the number of the other side's cursed spirits is too large.

"You guy, you want to fight alone again?"

"Nails, Kugisaki?"

Behind Kugisaki Nobara, there were a lot of nails prepared, and the injured hammer was already ready.

"Tiger Stick, just focus on that suture."

"Leave the rest of the cursed spirits to me."

When Nobara Kugisaki appeared, Yuji Itadori's pressure was immediately reduced a lot.

Seeing that help had come from Itadori's side, Nosoko planned to deal with Nobara Kugisaki first.

As for why he gave priority to Nobara, it was because: the cursed power in Kugisaki's body was weaker, and her goal was to kill the cursed spirits to protect ordinary people.

Nosoko chose to deal with Nobara Kugisaki first.

Nosoko flashed forward and grabbed Nobara Kugisaki, and at the same time released more cursed spirits to block Yuji Itadori's way.

He broke the floor under his feet and took Nobara Kugisaki into the fifth underground subway station.

The two people who had just met were forcibly separated by Nosoko.

The fourth floor of the subway station was full of ordinary people, so Itadori had to deal with Nosoko and transform the cursed spirits before helping Nobara Kugisaki.

"With your little ability"

"No need to come to Shibuya"

"This is a real war!"

Noso taunted Nobara Kugisaki in front of him. He wanted to deal with Nobara Kugisaki here. To avoid all kinds of troubles later.

Nobara Kugisaki fell to the ground. Noso was too strong and wanted to get rid of her but to no avail. He stepped on Nobara Kugisaki's abdomen with one foot, and blood slowly flowed out of her mouth.

Noso exerted force with his right hand, and the wall behind Nobara Kugisaki cracked, and she fainted temporarily.

Yuji Itadori had just dealt with the cursed spirit on the upper floor, and rushed to the fifth underground floor without stopping.

A fist containing cursed power came over, and Noso blocked Yuji Itadori's fist without looking back.

Yuji Itadori looked at Noso with disbelief

"You are really, very weak!"

"Didn't Gojo Satoru teach you not to try to challenge an enemy who is far stronger than you?"

Noso punched back at Yuji Itadori, and the power of this punch was much greater than Yuji Itadori's own strength.

The terrifying force hit Yuji's face directly, and he flew around in the subway station like a ball.

Noso didn't stop, but continued to press Yuji.

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