The one who was most distressed was Fushiguro Megumi. His sister woke up inexplicably and was forced to participate in the death voyage.

Time was very tight, but what he didn't know was that his sister had changed.

Just when everyone was about to leave, Zhang Xiang sensed a different breath.

That's right, Tianyuan appeared.

Tianyuan looked like a person, not a ghost, but a cursed spirit.

His face was full of eyes and his mouth was terribly big.

"Yuji Itadori, Yuji Otsutsukoshi, Feng Wuxia, Zenin Maki, Shozo, Fushiguro Megumi"

"Hello everyone."

Tengen greeted everyone except Jiujiu Yuki.

She was the only one left out.

This was not the first time she and Tengen had met, so it was impossible for him to miss her.

"I'm just watching out for you."

"I think you teamed up with Nozomi"

"I can see through everything except people's hearts."

The omniscient Tian Yuan can't see through people's hearts either. As for the noose in Tian Yuan's mouth, it is the cursed spirit that possessed Xia Youjie's body.

"Why does Tianyuan look like this?"

Fushiguro Megumi's expression looked like he had eaten shit. Itadori simply asked questions regardless of the occasion.

He asked the questions that everyone wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask.

Feng Wuxia was ready to be a spectator.

Tianyuan is immortal, but his body will continue to age.

Tianyuan was not angry but smiled and said to Itadori Yuji:

"When you live to be over 500 years old"

"It will become like this."

Tianyuan and a few others were chatting back and forth, and Fushiguro Megumi interrupted their conversation.

"Sorry to interrupt you, but I still want to mention"

"We came here to understand the purpose of the Death Migration."

Tian Yuan said he could tell them, but he had a condition.

That is, two of the people present must stay to protect him.

Before they could react, Tian Yuan spoke again.

"The purpose of the noose is to force people to evolve towards a specific human being."

"As for why the noose didn't use a barrier, but directly turned everyone into a magician"

"It's just because the spell power of the noose is not enough."

The assimilation failed eleven years ago, and Tianyuan himself began to evolve.

The current Tianyuan can already assimilate with people other than astral plasma.

After the evolution, the soul of Tianyuan is everywhere. Once humans assimilate with Tianyuan, they will become an existence beyond the magician.

Survive in this world in a completely new way.

He can maintain his appearance and inner rationality, and it is all thanks to his barrier that he can maintain the status quo.

Fortunately, assimilation has a weakness, that is, assimilation is two-way, and Tianyuan must accept this assimilation.

As long as Tianyuan refuses to assimilate, all hidden dangers can be killed.

The purified Tianyuan has become a curse spirit-like existence, which means that the noose can absorb Tianyuan.

Except for Feng Wuxia, everyone widened their eyes. The information in front of them was too surprising.

If the noose absorbs Tianyuan, the consequences will be serious.

"The strength of the rope is very strong"

"I can't resist, even for a moment"

"As long as he touches me, I will be absorbed by him."

The Lingxing Palace is not as safe as imagined. Since several people can find the location of the Lingxing Palace.

The rope can also be used. If no one is left to protect Tianyuan, then there is only one way to go.

"Why did Nozomi take action at this time?"

Kyujuku Yuki asked.

Tianyuan said calmly:

"You can understand hatred"

"That is to say, unwilling"

"The noose has failed several times, all of which were caused by the six eyes of different eras."

"Gojo Satoru was sealed, and a good opportunity for revenge came for him."

Noso once tried to eliminate the existence of the Six Eyes, but it was useless.

One Six Eyes is gone, and maybe ten or twenty years later, the second Six Eyes will appear.

And the Six Eyes holder is getting stronger and stronger, just like a constant reincarnation.

Every appearance will undergo a huge change.

So Noso gave up on eliminating the Six Eyes, and chose to seal it, which can greatly slow down the speed of the Six Eyes' appearance.

In fact, Geto Suguru, who possesses the curse spirit manipulation technique, has been targeted by Noso, and at the same time, the prison gate appears.

All the conditions for the death and annihilation migration have been gathered.

This is why Noso started the war.

"In order to complete the death and extinction migration"

"You must have been burdened with a lot of constraints."

"Unless all contestants die, the death migration will not stop.

This is one of the rules of the game, a safety measure to prevent the ceremony from being interrupted.

"Didn’t you notice?"

"We must participate in the Death Migration."

Feng Wuxia, who had been silent, spoke up at this time.

Everyone was very puzzled as to why they had to participate in the Death Migration. Perhaps there were other ways to solve the problem.

"There is one rule for the Death Migration"

"Participants spend 100 points to add a rule"

"This is very beneficial to us."

After listening to Feng Wuxia's analysis, Yugu Yu understood that he wanted to create favorable rules for the high school.

Increase the chance of ending the death migration.

"I understand, I understand!"

"I understand what Feng Wuxia means!"

"He is not going to create rules that are favorable to the high school!"

Fushiguro Hui said excitedly, and Feng Wuxia's meaning was very clear.

Since the contestants cannot withdraw, it has been said before that unless all of them die, the death migration cannot be ended.

This is one of the rules.

Then we just need to keep consuming points to offset the rules.

Add a rule that swimmers can withdraw safely.

In this way, the death migration will be defeated.

"It’s fine to say that, but have you ever thought about it?"

"What is our purpose of coming to Shibuya?"

"What is the purpose of participating in the death migration?"

"It is to rescue Gojo Satoru, our goal has always been this."

Otsutsukotsu's expression was not very good, which meant that the death-annihilation migration and the rescue of Gojo Satoru must be carried out simultaneously.

Zhang Xiang and Jiujiu came out from the base station to protect Tianyuan, but Tianyuan still felt it was not enough.

Feng Wuxia released two clones to protect Tianyuan, although they only had 60% of the strength of the original body.

There was no problem dealing with the noose.

After the matter of protecting himself was settled, Tianyuan began to introduce how to remove the seal of the prison gate.

"In my hand is the prison gate."

"In simple terms, it is to give Gojo Satoru a backdoor, which requires Tian Ni Mou"

"If there is no Tennimu, the black rope that can offset the effect will also work."

Otsutsukota raised his hand and said:

"Gojo Sensei destroyed the black rope last year"

"As for Tian Ni Mou, that was eleven years ago."

Kyuujiu Yuki sensed something was wrong. Since Tian Yuan had taken out the Prison Gate Border, there must be other ways to unlock the Prison Gate Border.

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