"Is Maki really at Zenin’s house?"

"That's their father, why would he be so cruel to kill them?"

Feng Wuxia told Kusakabe and Panda what was going to happen in the Zenin family. Although many plots changed because of his intervention.

But Zenin Fan didn't know that the high-level officials had been killed by him in advance.

He was still thinking about how to please the high-level officials of the sorcery.

Kusakabe Atsuya happened to have nothing to do, and Panda took Principal Yega to participate in the Death Migration. The high-level officials of the sorcery world classified Yega Zhengdao as a special-grade sorcerer.

Being able to participate in the Death Migration is definitely a great force.

Now the Jujutsu High School has five special-grade sorcerers, and the situation has become one-sided.


"Did Chanyuan Shan know we were coming in advance?"

Feng Wuxia didn't know. The story seemed to be out of control. He had no idea what was going on. He could only take it one step at a time.

"This barrier is unusual, it seems to be specially designed for special grade sorcerers."

Kusakabe Atsuya was also hesitant. Feng Wuxia was blocked outside, wouldn't it be like sending himself to death if he went in?

His hand slowly touched the barrier, and it was just as he thought.

This barrier was specially designed for special grade sorcerers.

"You don't want me to go in first, do you?"

"That old guy Zenin Shan is not someone you can easily mess with."

Although Kusakabe Atsushi is also the second-year class teacher of Jujutsu High School, his strength is not enough to fight Zenin Shan alone.

Moreover, the Zenin family's arsenal has special-grade curse tools.

Just for this reason, he dared not enter the Zenin family alone.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Fushiguro Megumi is still in there."

"At worst, he can open a domain to protect you."

No one in the Zenin family can open a domain now. The Zenin fan only has the feeling of falling flowers, which can resist the effect of being hit. If you really encounter a domain, there is only one way to die.

If I had known earlier that I would bring Panda here, maybe Panda would rush in without hesitation.

Kusakabe seems to cherish his life very much.

"Never mind. I'll just listen to you."

"Maybe I'll be lucky enough to bypass the Zen temple and slap that old guy."

After saying that, Kusakabe Atsuya entered the barrier alone, and the whole Zen temple was filled with the breath of curse.

A pungent smell entered Kusakabe's nose, and he immediately felt it was extremely fishy.

He quickly pinched his nose and opened his mouth to breathe.

This smell was like the smell of a rotting corpse mixed with the smell of a rotting cursed spirit.

It was unbearable

"What the hell is that smell?"

"What on earth is the Chanyuan family doing?"

The current situation is very strange. The barrier that appeared in the Chanyuan family and the information brought by Feng Wuxia all point to the fact that they are doing something in secret.

At the same time, Feng Wuxia outside the barrier was not idle either, and began to think about the purpose of the Chanyuan family doing this.

They couldn't open the barrier at will, so what else could they do?

The only possibility is that he intervened in the plot and the plot changed drastically.

"The Zenin family wants to kill Hei Hui?"

"Or are they planning something else?"

There's no time to think about it. If it's a little later, Maki might die in the secret room of the Zenin family.

Maki hasn't been disfigured yet, and her strength is still the same as before.

If she encounters countless second-level cursed spirits, she will die of exhaustion in the end.

Feng Wuxia exerted force with his palm, and the entire barrier was shaking.

Kusakabe noticed this, but didn't think much about it. His mission was to find the two Zenin sisters as soon as possible.

He tried to open the door of the Zenin family and found that there was also a barrier on it.

This made Kusakabe Atsuya more determined that the Zenin family was plotting something unspeakable.

"Naoya, I didn't want to do this."

"I have said it before, the position of the head of the family fell on me inexplicably!"

Zenin Naoya had no time to listen to Fushiguro Megumi's nonsense.

His goal was to kill Fushiguro Megumi and then inherit the position of the head of the family as a matter of course.

In this way, no one would dare to gossip.

Zenin Naoya colluded with Zenin Shan in advance to hold back the two Zenin Maki sisters.

He could fight Fushiguro Megumi alone. He had heard that Fushiguro Megumi had a domain, so he did not come empty-handed.

The entire Zenin family was attached to a barrier, and it was impossible for him to expand the domain.

(The barrier to prevent the expansion of the domain was privately decided)

In order to prevent Fushiguro Megumi from summoning shikigami, someone was specially hired to strengthen the ability of the barrier.

Prevent Fushiguro Megumi from having the ability to fight back.

In other words, within the Zenin family's barrier, they can only win in melee.

Zenin Naoya took out the special-grade cursed tool Youyun from behind him.

Fushiguro Megumi reacted immediately and looked at Zenin Naoya in confusion.

"Maki-senpai's weapon?"

""What did you do to Maki-senpai?"

Zenin Naoya said nonchalantly, as if he didn't care about Maki's life or death.

"No big deal, probably already scrapped."

"Anyone who stands in my way of taking the position of the head of the family will be eliminated!"

Fushiguro Megumi saw a bit of fanaticism in Zenin Naoya's eyes.

It seems that he is obsessed with the position of the head of the family.

There is no choice but to fight. The Zenin family's barrier is difficult to deal with. The Ten Kage cannot be used, and the domain cannot be opened. He doesn't even have a handy weapon in his hand.

The right time, place and people all lean towards Zenin Naoya's side.

"Fushiguro, give up resistance"

"Maybe I can still give you a quick death!"

When he came to his senses again, he found that all the Zenin family members were gone. He didn't realize this at the beginning.

It was impossible to end the battle as soon as possible. Without the spell, he could only hold on for a few minutes at most.

Kusakabe Atsushi also climbed over the wall, which took him a lot of effort.

He didn't expect the barrier of the gate to be so strong. Fortunately, he found a loophole.

"Are all the people in the Zenyuan family old foxes?"

"My spell is gone?"

After entering the gate, Kusakabe Atsushi also found something different.

Without the spell, it was almost impossible for him to rescue Zenin Maki. Fortunately, he did not need to pass through Fushiguro Megumi's main courtyard to enter the secret room, and could go in from the side road.

This also made him not notice Fushiguro Megumi and Zenin Naoya.

Feng Wuxia outside was a little impatient and walked directly into the barrier.

The ability to pass without restrictions is very useful, even a specific barrier is useless to him

"The strength of the barrier is very high and it will not be destroyed in a short time."

"It seems that there is a master behind the Zenin family."

Just now, Feng Wuxia wanted to destroy the barrier in one fell swoop, but found that the barrier seemed to be elastic.

No matter how much strength he exerted, it would be returned to him exactly.

It is difficult to break the barrier. It is better to enter the barrier directly than to waste time outside.

After entering, he did not see the figure of Kusakabe Atsuya. He probably entered the gate of the Zenin family.

Like Kusakabe Atsuya, Feng Wuxia planned to go directly through the gate.

The difference is that after discovering that there was a barrier attached to the gate, Kusakabe chose to climb over the wall.

Feng Wuxia directly broke through the gate, and the barrier could not withstand the huge force and fell apart.

"It's really weak."

"It’s totally incomparable to the barrier outside."

The barriers inside and outside seemed to be on a different level, and it was easy to destroy the barrier of the gate.

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