"Do you know Fushiguro Megumi?"

"Tokyo Barrier eliminated nearly 70% of the sorcerers in the first parachuting session."

"Dispersing people is one of them, but promoting the second awakening of the sorcerer is the purpose this time."

"This game is not as simple as it looks."

After listening to Reiji's words, Fushiguro Megumi frowned, he knew that what he said made sense.

Moreover, the Death Migration has only been open for twelve days, and he has obtained so much information and deduced a lot of alternative information.

If the Death Migration really needs swimmers, it will not use such cruel means.

In theory, more swimmers will be allowed to participate in the competition, but the way the game works is to eliminate magicians who have no self-protection ability at the beginning.

The most basic condition for participating in the game is to land safely from a height of several hundred meters.

"What do you mean by bomb?"

"And why do you know about the noose?"

Fushiguro Megumi's vigilance towards Reiji has increased to a higher level. The other party seems to want to win over Fushiguro Megumi.

His real purpose is just to win him over. When Fushiguro Megumi is no longer useful, he will definitely abandon him without hesitation.

"Don't you know yet?"

"In the current situation, whoever gets more points first will have an absolute advantage."

"Join us, Fushiguro Megumi!"

Reimi also echoed Reiji and said:

"Fushiguro Megumi, Master Reiji is very strong"

"Think about it carefully. With your ability, you might be able to become a senior member of the organization."

Fushiguro Megumi turned a deaf ear to what Reimi said. Reimi had already deceived her once.

This time, she would definitely not believe Reimi's words.

Fushiguro Megumi pointed at Reimi behind her, with no expression on her face and said without hesitation:

"First of all, I don't think Li Mei is that strong. At best, she is just an errand boy. I think you know this very well."

"After you have used her, you will definitely turn her into points."

"Give me your points and I will consider joining you."

Zero no longer hides his intention. Since soft tactics don't work, he will use hard tactics. The negotiation between the two men breaks down completely.

"Fushiguro Megumi, this will be the most wrong decision you have ever made."

A clawed man appeared behind Fushiguro Megumi. This was the trap set by Reiji in advance.

As long as Fushiguro Megumi refused to join the organization, the clawed man would be released to kill Fushiguro Megumi and gain the opponent's points. From

Xiao Jin's mouth, I learned that the Death Migration has added that the points between swimmers can be transferred to each other.

So just kill Fushiguro Megumi, and don't worry about who killed him, the points will be transferred in a while.

"I know I can't trust you"

"Is this the attitude you use when negotiating with someone?"

The nails on the claw man's hands turned into sharp claws, wanting to tear Fushiguro Megumi into pieces in an instant.

Reiji, who was standing by and watching the show, said with a hint of provocation:

"It's just a backhand."

"You have already rejected me, so don't blame me for being cruel."

When the claws were about to touch Fushiguro Megumi, Fushiguro Megumi disappeared in front of them.

Before Ling Shi and the claw man could react, Fushiguro Megumi had already appeared behind them.

Just now, Fushiguro Megumi used a spell to hide in the claw man's shadow, creating the illusion of a sudden disappearance.

Grabbing the claw man with both hands, Fushiguro Megumi jumped out from underground the next moment.

"Jade Dog, catch that demon!"

Jade Dog received the order from Fushiguro Megumi to block Reiji's way, while Fushiguro Megumi focused on dealing with the claw man.

The enemy is a bit tricky and difficult to deal with in a short time.

"Hello, what do you want to do?"

"Are we going to fight to the death?"

Fushiguro Megumi smashed the window on his left hand with one punch and threw the claw man in his hand out.

It was not high here, but the claw man was an ordinary sorcerer. Even if he didn't die, he could still cause some minor injuries.


"I leave it to you."

The shikigami Nue suddenly appeared on the third floor. The claw man who had just landed had not yet adjusted his state.

He saw the shikigami rushing towards him at the fastest speed, and then a big hole appeared in the ground.

The claw man was seriously injured and lay in the hole unable to move. Although he wanted to escape, the electric current brought by the shikigami paralyzed his whole body.

At this point, the claw man, Rei's helper, lost his combat effectiveness, and now he only needed to concentrate on dealing with Rei.

Reimi beside him didn't need to be treated as a human being. That guy had no combat effectiveness at all, and Fushiguro Megumi could kill Reimi in seconds.

"Did he summon that shikigami in advance?"

"Could it be that he has been hiding somewhere waiting for Fushiguro Megumi's order?"

The more Reiji thought about it, the scarier it became. Fushiguro Megumi's mind was too meticulous, unlike a young man.

Fushiguro Megumi couldn't control his murderous intent and angrily said to Reimei upstairs:

"Get out of here quickly, don't let me see your dirty face again."

This time, Reimi was really scared by Fushiguro Megumi's appearance, and she might really die here.

But Reimi did not run away, and Reiji was still beside her. If Reimi ran away, Reiji might be the first to kill her. Reimi was just a bait, so Reiji didn't kill her and let her do things for him.

At this moment, Reiji successfully controlled the Jade Dog, and Fushiguro Megumi did not expect that the Jade Dog could not defeat Reiji.

"You want my points before you hold back?"

"Or are the new rules designed to make you avoid killing as much as possible?"

Zei Shi asked himself. If Fushiguro Megumi didn't show his true strength, it would be impossible for him to defeat him.

Fushiguro Megumi really thought so. He didn't want to kill people for no reason.

Some sorcerers were forced to participate in the Death Migration, but some sorcerers took the initiative to participate and enjoyed the battle.


"How many helpers do you have?"

Fushiguro Megumi noticed an eyeball appearing in the shadows, and when he was in doubt, the eyeball suddenly exploded.

"Damn it, can you please pay attention?"

"Difference���"Blow me up to death!!!"

Ling Shi cursed behind the door. He obviously didn't care about his own life or death.

On the rooftop of the battle building, Huang Luzhe used his magic to extract his own organs and explode them.

He had 35 points in his hand. He relied on his magic to sneak attack many sorcerers and gain their points.

"Lingshi, you are so miserable."

"I'm here to help you!"

Huang Luzhe threw out two invoices with some gasoline on them.

Fushiguro Megumi thought it was another strange technique and subconsciously opened his hands to block it.

But after a few seconds, nothing happened. This was just a trick of Huang Luzhe to cover up his mistake.

"You fell into the trap, little brat."

After saying that, Huang Luzhe threw out three teeth, and Fushiguro Megumi realized that he had just fallen into the trap.

The three teeth came in front of Fushiguro Megumi, and a violent explosion occurred in the next second.

Without considering the feelings of Lingshi and Limei, the dark smoke reached the sky.

Feng Wuxia, who was far away, also noticed the explosion and ran towards the explosion site.

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