
"No, I can't feel the breath of the shikigami"

"So what the hell did you summon?"

Lu Ziyun was in doubt. The monster in front of him was beyond his expectations.

Not only Lu Ziyun, but other swimmers in the Tokyo barrier also stopped where they were and looked towards the location of the outer path demon statue.

Even Sukuna took the initiative to speak for the first time. Although Yuji Itadori ignored Sukuna, he still covered Sukuna's mouth.

"Was it that man who did this?"

"I seem to have made a wrong decision."

Luo Suo looked at the prison gate in his hand, wondering if it was the right choice to seal Gojo Satoru. He had a vague feeling that Feng Wuxia's strength far exceeded Gojo Satoru.

Although this was just his guess, looking at the demon statue with Feng Wuxia's aura, he couldn't help but sweat.

"Did you see it clearly?"

"This is the difference between man and God"

"No matter how talented you are or how powerful your Shikigami is, you can never defeat my Outer Path Demon Statue."

When Lu Ziyun saw the 200-meter-tall Outer Path Demon Statue, cold sweat soaked his back.

In fact, he had long known that Feng Wuxia was not simple, but he did not expect that she would be so powerful.

This was no longer something that could be caught up with by acquired efforts. It was completely like the other person was at the top of the mountain, and Lu Ziyun was on the ground.

"Hey, I'm still here"

"Don't trample me to death."

The panda began to get scared, afraid that Feng Wuxia would forget about him and directly let the demon statues of the outer way raze the area to the ground.

"Shut up you panda head!"

"Be careful or I will kill you first."

Lu Ziyun said to the panda.

It was the first time for him to feel helpless and terrified. Just a glance at the monster summoned by the other party gave him goosebumps all over his body, and he felt a numb feeling of powerlessness.

"Aren't you looking for Sukuna's whereabouts?"

"Now I tell you clearly that among all the swimmers in Tokyo, I am the strongest."

"Sukuna can only be ranked second. Even if Sukuna recovers his full strength, it will not be a problem for me to defeat him."

Feng Wuxia does not want to kill anyone. Lu Ziyunyi has too many points. If all of them can be taken away, it will only benefit the college.

Gojo Satoru is not here, and the entire college starts to act with Feng Wuxia as the center. The college has only one goal, which is to take back the Prison Gate Border. Feng Wuxia's goal is similar, but he gives priority to the system's tasks.

As long as Feng Wuxia wants the Prison Gate Border, he can lock the position of the noose in a moment, and even if the noose grows wings on its back, it can't escape.

"Want to use that?"

"No, my body will collapse after using it."

Lu Ziyun weighed the pros and cons at first. He participated in the Death Migration just to challenge stronger people. He didn't expect to meet such a great god before he found Sukuna.

"Hahaha, do you know?"

"I was already at the age of death."

"Even so, no one could defeat me four hundred years ago."

"Do you know why I signed a contract with Nozomi? It was to challenge the strongest sorcerer a thousand years ago: Ryomen Sukuna!"

The current situation has long changed Lu Ziyunyi's mind. He does not intend to defeat Sukuna.

He wants to challenge the man in front of him. Lu Ziyunyi does not want to have a chance to start over and still be timid.

Even if the opponent is much stronger than himself, this cannot make Lu Ziyunyi retreat, and this is not a reason for Lu Ziyunyi to retreat.

"Give me your score and I can spare your life."

"Otherwise the end is death!"

Lu Ziyun shouted:"Absolutely impossible!"

"Why am I participating in the Death Migration? To challenge the strongest person."

"This is my lifelong wish. If you want the points, just kill me."

Martial arts fanatic, no matter from which angle you look at it, Lu Ziyunyi four hundred years ago and the Lu Ziyunyi who is now reborn are exactly the same, a complete martial arts fanatic.

It seems that Lu Ziyunyi was born for strength, and his life is born to challenge the strong.

"as you wish"

"It's right to pursue absolute power"

"There is nothing wrong with constantly challenging the strong."

"What's wrong is that you met the wrong person at the wrong time and in the wrong place!"

Feng Wuxia no longer showed mercy, and going all out was a respect for the strongest and greatest person four hundred years ago, and it was also a serious and responsible attitude towards this battle.

Death Migration has made a rule that clones cannot enter the barrier, only the original body can enter the barrier.

This does not mean that Feng Wuxia has no other way to create clones. The reason why Feng Wuxia's score is so high is naturally not that he did it alone.

He also has a lot of puppets lurking in other places, constantly ambushing swimmers to gain points.

The method was borrowed from Pain's Six Paths. Feng Wuxia found the bodies of six first-level sorcerers, and then inserted black sticks to control the bodies.

A different version of Pain's Six Paths was born. The six puppets all have the Rinnegan, and Feng Wuxia and the puppets share the same vision.

""Xin La Tian Sen."

A voice exactly like Feng Wu Xia's sounded from behind Lu Zi Yun. At first, Lu Zi Yun thought that Feng Wu Xia had somehow gotten behind him.

When he turned around to take a closer look, he saw the same Samsara Eye as Feng Wu Xia.

While he was still confused, Feng Wu Xia took the initiative to explain:

"It is true that the Death Migration does not allow clones to enter"

"But that doesn't mean I can't make puppets."

Lu Ziyun has nowhere to retreat, and the other five are ambushing in different places.

In this battle, you can only advance and not retreat. There are wolves in front and tigers behind, and you can't escape even if you want to.

A strong attraction made Lu Ziyun irresistible. It only took a moment, that is, it happened within a few seconds.

Lu Ziyun, who was next to the panda, was strangled by the puppet and lost the ability to resist.

"Not planning to use it yet?"

"Isn't your wish to challenge the strong?"

"Using all your strength to attack your opponent is the greatest respect, I think you should understand this."

After hearing Feng Wuxia's words, Lu Ziyun decided not to endure it anymore.

"Well said, I didn't mean to use this trick"

"Since you are the strongest, this trick will be used on you!"

"Fantasy Beast Amber!!!"

""Phantom Beast Amber" is a spell that Lu Ziyun said can only be used once.

This spell is a transformation of the body. In order to transform the spell power into various phenomena and make them a reality, Lu Ziyun's body will collapse after the spell ends.

After using the Phantom Beast Amber, Lu Ziyun's whole body was covered with flames, and the temperature of the surface of his body was extremely high. He was enduring the great pain brought by the flames.

At the same time, Lu Ziyun's various attributes have made a qualitative leap. Even if a top-level first-level spellcaster comes

, he will be killed instantly. In the form of Phantom Beast Amber, he already has the capital to compete with the special-level, and can even challenge Yuta Otsutsukoshi.

(I know that some readers like Lu Ziyun, and I will add more scenes for him later. As for the disintegration of the body, I can make it up by adding settings)

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