Three months ago, Sakurajima barrier, a long time ago, an uninvited guest came to Zenin's house, and Nozomi sat on the recliner bored

"The conservative Jiamao family has been controlled by me"

"The position of the 25th head of the Iemo family is naturally mine."The one who received Nososo was Zenin Naoya. The entire sorcery world knew the name of Iemo Kenrin.

He was the most vicious sorcerer in history, and he was also recognized as the sorcerer with the longest life span.

Nososo once used this identity for 150 years.

"Jia Mao Xian Lun? Our Zen family cannot tolerate a plague god like you."

"If Mr. Xianlun has nothing important to do, please go back."

Zenin Naoya did not look kindly at Nososo. Three months ago, Zenin Naohito was still alive, so the Zenin family would not be afraid of Nososo.

"Don't be too impatient."

"I am here to discuss cooperation with you."

"Don't you want to listen?"

Zenin Naoya did not relax his vigilance. Cooperation with someone like Muso must not be a good thing.

However, he still planned to listen to Muso's cooperation first. As long as the benefits are enough, even the Zenin family will not easily refuse.

"Then Mr. Xianlun"

"Please tell me your purpose."

Seeing the fish take the bait, the fisherman said straight to the point:

"It's simple. I need a lot of manpower from your Zen Temple."

"In return, I can give you wealth, status, and the position of the head of the Zenin family is not a problem."

Zenin Naoya was stunned. He had wanted the position of the head of the Zenin family for a long time.

When Noso made this condition, he knew that he could not refuse the cooperation proposed by Noso.

"Are you sure you can give me everything I want?"

Hesuo grinned, changed his posture and said nonchalantly:

"Of course, everything you want is fine!"

After weighing the pros and cons, Zenin Naoya decided to take on the cooperation with Nozomi.

After all, he only needed a large number of people, and he could get the position of the head of the family and everything in the Zenin family.

This was exactly what he had always dreamed of, so he didn't have to set up an elaborate plan.

Even if Zenin Naohito left a will, he only needed to kill Fushiguro Megumi to legitimately inherit the position of the head of the family.

This led to Zenin Naoya's sneak attack on Fushiguro Megumi three months later, and Zenin Shan's battle against the Shin sisters.

"make a deal!"

"I hope you won't break your promise."

Zenin Naoya was deceived by Nozomi's sweet words. He only promised to give Zenin Naoya what he wanted. Whether he could become the head of the family depended on himself.

"Well, the cooperation between Jiamao and Zen Temple has been concluded."

"I need disciples from the Zen family, the more the better"

"As for strength, I have no requirements, you can choose"

"Send it to Jia Mao's family in three days, and our cooperation will be officially effective."

Nozomi's purpose is very simple. He can't create so many cursed spirits out of thin air.

Whether it's the Shibuya Incident three months later or the cursed spirits that attack ordinary people in the Death Return and Tokyo Barrier.

He needs to spend a lot of time and energy to prepare the cursed spirits.

At present, the special-grade cursed spirits are almost ready, but it is impossible to let the special-grade cursed spirits appear directly.

Some weaker modified humans are extremely important and can effectively delay the actions of the high school.

This also explains why Feng Wuxia came to Chanyuan's house three months later and didn't see a single person.

"To show my sincerity"

"I have something good for you. You can take it when necessary. It may save your life."

An old wooden box was handed to Zenin Naoya. Unable to resist his curiosity, he took the wooden box and opened it to examine it carefully.

He saw a dark black pill in the center. He smelled it closely and it gave off a strange smell.

"Mr. Naoya, please stop looking. This is not poison, and there is no need for me to harm you."

"This is a heart-saving pill, which can make you burst out with strength and transform your body at the moment of cardiac arrest."

This is not a heart-saving pill at all, to put it bluntly, it is a pill that combines the transformation of inaction.

As long as Zenin Naoya eats it, he will become a member of the army of transformed cursed spirits.

With Zenin Naoya's strength, he will definitely become an extremely powerful transformed cursed spirit after eating it.

"I would like to thank Mr. Xianlun."

"I will keep the pills well."

Zenin Naoya said as he laughed, his hands never stopping.

He stuffed the wooden box into his pocket.

"Now that the cooperation has been finalized, I have something else to do so I will leave first."

"See you later, Mr. Naoya."

Noso stood up and stretched out his hand to signal Zenin Naoya not to see him off.

The two old foxes were more shrewd than each other, but Noso had lived for thousands of years, and was much more cunning and knowledgeable than Zenin Naoya.

""Goodbye, Mr. Xianlun."

After saying this, Zenin Naoya could no longer hide his smile, his mouth almost stretched to his ears.

Nozomi's mouth also slightly raised, Zenin Naoya had already fallen into his carefully crafted plan

"It's just a piece of Zen temple garbage"

"You are so naive to even think of cooperating with me."

The next moment, the noose disappeared from the spot, and Zenin Naoya was still immersed in joy.


"That's basically the situation." A Zen family member who barely survived knelt on the ground.

"I saw with my own eyes that Lord Naoya gave all the clan members to Iemo Kentoshi"

"Everyone turned into a monster"

"They have all turned into monsters!"

It is obvious that the mental state of this tribe member is not normal. He has no curse power, and he escaped by hiding in the basement.

Zenin Maki helped the surviving tribe member up. Originally, Maki did not believe that he could still survive.

Until he felt Naoya's breath, or more bluntly, Naoya's breath was mixed with the breath of the cursed spirit. It was true that Zenin Naoya was killed by the meteorite at that time, but the fearless transformation could be���Change the soul state.

Even if Zenin Naoya is just a pile of meat, Nozomi can fuse Naoya with the cursed spirit.

Create a more powerful cyborg, provided that Zenin Naoya eats the pill he gives him.

"It's true."

"The aura just now was Zenin Naoya."

In fact, Zenin Shinji had sensed it a long time ago, but he had never been sure.

Fortunately, Zenin Naoya was dead, and this was just his replica.

"It’s really a senior. How about I go and deal with him?"

"Your wounds haven't healed yet, so you're not fit for battle."

Otsutsukota walked behind Zenin Maki, just as he did when he first entered school.

"Otsutsuki, you should take a break too. I know how cruel Sendai is."

"You must be exhausted fighting four people at once, leave it to me next time!"

Cheng Jinci jumped down from the roof of the third floor and appeared in front of the two people.

"Can this guy do it?"

Zenyuan Zhenxi had only heard of it, and rarely saw Hyo Jinci, resulting in few people in the entire high school knowing Hyo Jinci's true strength.

"It must be possible, I am the holder of 28 consecutive victories in the underworld boxing."

Zenin Maki was speechless, she thought Hyokinji was a fool, the kind that was hopeless.

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