The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.


Xia Youjie roared, not caring about the ugly face of the real person, and quickly ordered Hanami to catch Tenchi Riko.

"Hey, hey, hey, if you ask me..." the real person laughed: "You don't take me seriously, do you?"

As the real person waved his arm, all the cyborgs he created rushed towards Tenchi Riko who flew backwards.

"This lady is not easy to mess with!"

Tenchi Riko looked at these strange-looking cyborgs without panic, snorted coldly, and the rocket head appeared in her hand.


The powerful recoil of the RPG shook Tenchi Riko away, and she immediately blossomed and bore fruit among a large group of cyborgs.

With a loud rumble, even Geto shuddered.

And three hours ago, this place should have been one of the most prosperous areas in Tokyo.

"Riko was also at this level back then, so why did she need me and Satoru to protect her..."

Looking at Riko Tennen's smile, Geto's mouth twitched. It seemed that her technique to construct hot weapons probably consumed a lot of cursed energy... Otherwise, the human wave tactics of this blue-haired cursed spirit would not work for us.

"Human wave tactics..."

Geto didn't want to send out too many cursed spirits. On the one hand, those cursed spirits consumed too much cursed energy, and there might be a domain battle at that time...

On the other hand, he wanted to keep those guys for the extreme show.

But suddenly, a bold idea appeared in Geto's mind.

That was many years ago, when Zenin Ze and himself and Satoru were in the dormitory of the technical college-

It took two nights to finish the legendary story about ninjas!

Geto Xiayou took out Youyun, and the black and red nunchaku flew in his hands.

Masato laughed and turned his hands into scimitars to chop at Geto Xiayou.

At the same time, Tenriko continued to produce large-scale thermal weapons, and the power of the curse dropped to the lowest point at this moment.

Geto Xiayou fought and retreated with Masato, and soon reunited with her.

"Geto Xiayou, your biggest mistake this time is that you brought a burden." Masato released a cyborg comparable to a train and hit the two of them.

"I just need to keep attacking your weak spot, and she will divert your attention..."


Kaguya narrowed his eyes, looked at Tennen Riko beside him, and said with a smile: "This bastard said you are a burden."

"Tsk~" Tennen Riko curled her lips in disdain, and sneered at Masato: "That's better than Hong Wen's crab."

"If you are a rookie, practice more, you scumbag curse spirit..."

Masato's face fell, this damn bitch really hit his sore spot every time she spoke...

Shuten Douji held a samurai sword and split the charging cyborg Heng in half, and blood of the same color as humans splashed on the ground.

The real person rubbed his hands, smiling as brightly as ever, "These are all transformed by humans. I will turn the burden beside you into this later."

Tenriko: "If you are a novice, practice more. If you can't afford to lose, don't play."

Tenriko: "I'm going to cut your mouth..."

"If you are a novice, practice more..."

The real person's face became more and more gloomy. With a wave of his hand, the surging army of cyborgs behind him all rushed towards Geto and Tenriko.

It knew that Geto would not summon a large number of cursed spirits to fight against his own cyborgs, because both sides have not yet deployed their domains-

It concluded that Geto would only summon a few high-end cursed spirits to deal with it in order to preserve the cursed power.

"Can you handle it, strange bangs?" Tenriko said, looking at Geto's profile.

"Of course." Geto looked into Tenriko's eyes, "I once said that no matter what the future holds..."

"Satoru and Ze, and I-I will definitely protect your future!"

"Thank you." Tenriko felt warm in her heart and her eyes were slightly red.

Geto Xiayou smiled slightly, and then said: "I don't know fire...


A ball of flame-shaped cursed spirit appeared in Geto Xiayou's hand, and Hana--also appeared beside him.

"This is the first time I use it." Geto Xiayou muttered to himself, "What's the name?"

Ze seemed to call it...

"Wood Release-Flower Tree World Birth?"

Under Geto Xiayou's thoughts and the control of the cursed power, Hana--touched the ground with her hand, and under the awakening of her cursed power, the sleeping trees in the ground were awakened and grew rapidly.

"This guy!"

The real person's face was full of astonishment, Hana--actually in Xiayou

Under Yujie's control, it became even stronger than before!

Countless vines bound all the cyborgs, and at the same time continuously absorbed the cursed power in their bodies.

In just a moment, the flat land that should have been barren was instantly covered with trees.

"This damn Yujie!"

The real person cursed angrily. Now it really broke through the defense. Hanami's trees could actually absorb its cyborg cursed power and transfer it to Yujie.

Use my cursed power to nurture Yujie? With Hanami's vines?

This kind of thing... I won't accept it!

The smile on the real person's face could no longer be held. He jumped high and turned his entire body into bone spurs, stabbing indiscriminately towards the bottom.

"Too late..."

Yujie grinned. At this time, he was basically infinitely close to full state, and the reserve of cursed power was only a little less than before the war.

Among the cyborgs, the thick trees bloomed with flowers, and suddenly, yellow pollen spread throughout the venue.

"I don't know fire!" Geto and Tennen Riko dodged the indiscriminate attack of the real person and jumped to a high place.

The huge flame sprayed into the flower trees and pollen below, and the extremely high heat instantly ignited the pollen.

The real person fell into it, and it felt uncomfortable in just a moment.

"Toxic pollen... Damn it!"

The cursed spirit looked at Geto with resentful eyes, and regretted it very much. If Hanami was not left in the high school by Gojo Satoru at that time, it might not be powerless to fight back now!

Tennen Riko was surprised by Geto's novel move. She asked, "Your cursed spirit manipulation technique can actually be used like this?"

"I suddenly thought of it when I had a flash of inspiration."

Geto couldn't help but sigh at this scene, "This is an inspiration from a story that Ze once told me."

Hana Yu just sensed Geto's idea, and under his cursed power and his control, he achieved an effect similar to Wood Release, although it is definitely not as good as the real thing...

Then, with the Shiranui who was subdued many years ago, Geto used it as the fuse of Fire Release to ignite the battlefield.

"According to Wu's information, it seems that there are still three natural disaster cursed spirits..."

Geto couldn't help but feel proud when looking at Hana Yu, "If I can absorb all these natural disaster cursed spirits, can I fight Wu?"

What Geto didn't know was that three of the four natural disaster cursed spirits in Shibuya had been exorcised...

Just as Geto and Tennen Riko relaxed their vigilance, the real person's burned body appeared in the air where they were.

What surprised Xia Youjie was the black lightning wrapped in the real person's hand!

"Black lightning!"

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