The most talented young sorcerer in the world of sorcery today is Yuta Otsutsuki.

In 2011, he was accepted as a disciple by Gojo Satoru, and he was adopted by him to learn how to use sorcery. He now has a deep impression of sorcery.

Yuta Otsutsuki, who has the blood of Sugawara Michizane and Fujiwara, may become a being that surpasses Gojo Satoru in the future.

Yuta Otsutsuki followed Maki into the Sendai barrier.

The Sendai barrier rope created a super barrier that is superior to the Tokyo barrier. Through a woman's intuition and the subtle blood connection...

Maki can sense that the Zenin fan is in the Sendai barrier!

This is her intuition as a woman!

This is even an advantage that Zeninze does not have.

Zeninze will overturn all the barriers step by step. He believes that the Zenin fan must still be in the Kanto region.

The brother and sister are both looking for the Zenin fan, and they both want to find this guy before the other... in order to prevent the other from bearing a bad reputation.

And if you want to ask why Mayi didn't come, it's because Maki knocked Mayi unconscious with a hand knife.

At this time, there are four powerful swimmers in the Sendai barrier——

In the sky of a Japanese kebab restaurant, a woman with light pink hair looks at the modern city with great interest.

"Hehe... Is this the world a thousand years later?"

The woman is naked, and her key parts are blocked by the distorted space. Her eyes are admiring this world intently.

"This guy, Nozomi, is really painstaking."

The woman's name is Wu Lu Hengzi.

Previously, she had used the little golden bug to learn about the information of other swimmers and knew the other three powerful people in this area.

Before this, Wu Lu Hengzi did not want to have a conflict with the other three people for the time being.

But her eyes suddenly looked towards the north.

Wu Lu Hengzi could clearly feel that the auras of the three strong men had suddenly disappeared, and two of them disappeared!

She hurriedly summoned her little golden bug.

"Otsutsuki Yuta..."

Wu Lu Hengzi was stunned when he looked at the player score rankings. He did not expect that a modern sorcerer could actually kill Drufu.

At the same time, the cursed swimmer seemed to have been exorcised...

On the other side, Otsutsuki Yuta held a long sword, and he looked at the changes in his score with a firm look.

Since entering the Sendai barrier, the boy who has defeated Drufu and Hei Musi in succession is still extremely relaxed at this moment.

The total amount of cursed power that exceeds Gojo Satoru makes it almost impossible for Otsutsuki Yuta to consume all the cursed power.

The long sword was sheathed, and Otsutsuki Yuta looked in the direction of Wu Lu Hengzi and the other man.

"Hey, how about the two of us working together?"

Kurogi Heiko said in Yuta Okkotsu's ear like a ghost, and the surrounding open terrain began to distort.

Yuta Okkotsu's pupils shrank, and he quickly dodged Kyurogi Heiko's strange attack.

The powerful cursed power gathered in the air seemed to tear the entire space apart, and Yuta Okkotsu looked at the destroyed environment around him with lingering fear.

"What was the attack just now?"

At this moment, the young sorcerer had not seen through Kyurogi Heiko's attack.

Before Yuta Okkotsu had time to think further, Kyurogi Heiko's heavy fist strengthened by cursed power had already arrived in front of him.

A true strong man will never give up any opportunity to attack.

Yuta Okkotsu turned his head and dodged again, and at the same time his right fist was close to the opponent's ribs.

But the attack that should have hit was missed...

Kurogi Heiko put her hands together and pulled the space around her, and this three-dimensional space was pulled up by her like a canvas.

Yuta Otsutsuko was instantly pulled in front of Karusugawa Hengzi, and was greeted by a solid elbow strike.

What was even more bizarre was that Yuta Otsutsuko actually saw his arm twisted at this moment...

Kurougawa Hengzi looked at the direction Yuta Otsutsuko was retreating and punched the air in front of him again.

Like a broken mirror, Yuta Otsutsuko was hit and fell back suddenly.

Yuta Otsutsuko used all his strength with his legs to barely stabilize his body, and at the same time he looked at his arm and felt surprised.

Strange... Was my arm just now an illusion?

It should be this woman's technique...

Yuta Otsutsuko quickly rejected this idea, and he kept thinking in his brain.

For a moment, Karusugawa Hengzi also

Without launching an attack, the two just stood there facing each other.

As Wu Lu Hengzi looked at Yuta Otsukotsu who seemed to be thinking about something, she reached out and grabbed the space behind her.

"My skill ability can capture the void into a surface..."

"Alright, I don't want to listen."

Yuta Otsukotsu held the samurai sword again and forcibly interrupted Wu Lu Hengzi's skill disclosure.

Wu Lu Hengzi: "..."

Gojo Sensei once told him that there was no need to listen to the enemy's explanation of his skills, so he shouldn't be considered impolite, right?

However, Yuta Otsukotsu still analyzed Wu Lu Hengzi's ability based on the first half of what he said.

Recalling Wu Lu Hengzi's attack just now and ignoring any defense means-

He quickly came to a conclusion.

Yuta Otsukotsu looked at Wu Lu Hengzi, and he thought of this guy's profession...

Former captain of the Sun Moon Star Jin team... The strongest assassination sorcerer in history...

I don't know if Zenin senior's family accepts outsiders...

Yuta Otsukotsu's words came out quickly.

"If I win, I can give up your points and life, and you can work for one of my seniors..."

"How about it?"

Kurogi Heizi looked at the boy in front of her and couldn't help but feel amused, "I don't have many points at all now."

She had just been resurrected not long ago, and among the four powerful people in the Sendai barrier at this time, her points were the lowest -

She didn't have a single point.

Kurogi Heizi has not met a hapless person so far.

"But if I kill you, I will get five points." Otsutsuko Yuta shook his head and looked at Kyorgi Heizi, "Your nature is not bad... so I..."

"You want me to work for you, right?" Kyorgi Heizi sneered, "Do you really think you can beat me?"

She didn't have much hostility towards the boy in front of her. On the contrary, she came here just to test his strength and seek whether they could cooperate.

After all, the life-and-death battle between the two in the original book was only because Otsutsuko Yuta scolded Kyorgi Heizi, which reminded her of her old employer.

Now Yuta Otsutsuki just wants to recruit people for Zenin-senpai, and he wants to help Zenin-senpai as much as possible.

Of course, whether Karusu Hiroko will know Yuta Otsutsuki's bloodline later is a matter for the future...

In response to the question raised by Karusu Hiroko, Yuta Otsutsuki's samurai magic power rose and issued his own declaration:

"I will win." (Yuta Otsutsuki really will win)

"Then let me see."

"If you win, I will cooperate with you, but not as a part-time worker." Karusu Hiroko has returned from the underworld, and she will not easily sell her freedom.

However, making a deal with Yuta Otsutsuki is also for insurance, in case she really can't beat him...

And at this moment...

"Granida Shockwave!"

The man's shockwave cannon came flying without warning.

The powerful impact force pierced through the surrounding high-rise buildings and headed straight for Yuta Otsutsuki and Karusu Hiroko.

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