The first barrier in Tokyo.

Zeninze stood quietly on the high building, the blood of the Kusanagi sword in his hand dripping on the rooftop.

Along the way, he had killed dozens of swimmers. Before the additional transfer points were added, he almost killed all the old monsters who were resurrected by taking on flesh one by one.

Occasionally, he would encounter awakened swimmers, but if the points were not high, Zeninze would turn around and leave.

"Very close."

Zeninze narrowed his eyes and looked at the scoreboard shown by the golden bug shikigami. He was far ahead and occupied the top position.

"Xuan'an..." Looking at the name ranked first in the points, he said to himself.

This guy is probably harvesting swimmers' lives outside the Kanto region, and probably doesn't want to run into me now...

Then let's see who kills faster now.

Standing on the rooftop, the breeze blew across Zeninze's face, and his hair fluttered.

If you ignore the blood-stained Kusanagi sword, no one would have thought that the man in front of him would kill almost the entire Tokyo First Barrier in two days.

Zeninze suddenly frowned and looked coldly at the people on the building opposite.

To be precise, it was a woman.

The woman had long black hair and her dot-shaped eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. She looked at Zeninze with a smile in her eyes and a flushed face.

"What a handsome man..."

The woman in a white kimono kept twisting her body, holding her face with both hands, like a nympho.

Then, a pair of dragonfly wings grew from her back and flew towards the high-rise building where Zeninze was.

"It would be fun to cut off the head of such a handsome man and hang it on the cherry tree, right?"

The woman flew in the air, smiled at Zeninze's face and said:

"What's your name?"

Without saying anything, Zeninze raised the Kusanagi sword and slashed at the woman.

"Hey, hey, don't be so irritable..."

The woman didn't have time to dodge, and just dodged the fatal blow sideways.

But the Kusanagi sword filled with lightning still pierced her right atrium.

The woman still looked at Zeninze with a blush on her face, "I just want to get to know you better."

Zeninze kicked Wan away, and seeing that he had hesitated for a while, he said coldly:

"What's your name?"

"My name is Wan."

Wan kept looking at Zeninze with an aggressive look, as if he had already regarded her as his own property.


A trace of doubt arose in his heart, why did this woman's appearance and name make him so familiar?

"I'll give you two choices - beautiful man..."

Wan looked at Zenyuan Ze and smiled: "The first choice is to become my plaything, and the second choice is to die in my hands."


As soon as Wan finished speaking, Zenyuan Ze appeared behind her, and Chidori slapped her on the back.


Wan was knocked to the ground by a blow, and her true nature was exposed, looking at Zenyuan Ze with a hideous face.

"Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you are handsome!"

"Construction ritual!"

Four more silks dotted with stars appeared behind Wan, and with them as a medium, she quickly surrounded Zenyuan Ze layer by layer.

At this moment, the seemingly soft silk was extremely strong, growing barbs, and then shrinking tightly.

Wan wanted to use this move to pierce Zenyuan Ze into a sieve!

The explosion sounded in the black silk, and Wan looked at the man in the smoke and couldn't help but frown.

Purple power filled Zeninze's body, and he looked at the woman opposite with contempt.

"Tell me your life story and points, and I will consider leaving you with an intact body."

Wan didn't take Zeninze's threat seriously, "Did you make a mistake?"

"I won't surrender!"

Zeninze sighed, although he didn't know why this woman made him so disgusted, he would beat this guy half to death before killing him...

After a confrontation, Zeninze attacked first, and rushed to Wan with the power of the sky hand. The Susanoo skeleton emerged, and a punch full of Amaterasu hit Wan's face fiercely.

Wan relied on the insect's foresight to jump back in advance, and looked at the black flames ignited at his original location with lingering fear.

I'm afraid that if I get touched, I won't die without an intact body, right?

"Man... you are very strong."

Wan put her hands together, looking at Zeninze's contemptuous eyes, she couldn't help but be stunned.

It's like him...

I am the only one in the world.

This look... looks like Lord Sukuna.

It was this look of Zeninze that made Wan want to get Zeninze even more.

"You are mine... I must get you!"

Wan roared loudly, and her desire to win was completely aroused by Zeninze.

This crazy woman who was like a nymphomaniac had been obsessed with Sukuna in the Heian period a thousand years ago, but she couldn't get him.

It was for this reason that Wan was so excited after seeing Zeninze's equally arrogant eyes!

Since I can't get Lord Sukuna for the time being, I'll get you first!

Wan's technique is the same construction technique as Mayi. In addition to special cursed tools, she can create almost any material she knows.

Based on this, two powerful abilities were derived.

Semi-automatic control of cursed power-manipulating liquid metal to change the volume of objects while maintaining their stability.

The second one is Mushi Kai.

Wan once studied her own technique to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep.

The output efficiency of her construction technique was far lower than that of other techniques. Under the strong consumption of mana, she was once forced into a desperate situation.

Wan looked at the flickering sparks in the light in the middle of the night, and the moths kept flying towards the flames.

In an instant, Wan understood...

Butterflies can fly across the strait to find a suitable living environment, wasps can walk 25 kilometers in a day, and insects can lift objects that are a hundred times their own weight.

They are very small, but they have exerted their advantages to the limit.

From this idea, Wan realized the insect Kai.

Wan's body was gradually covered by a thick layer of armor.

This layer of armor looks like an insect. At this time, Wan, covered by the insect armor, is like a mutant beast.

At this time, Wan has greatly improved both speed and strength, but only for others.

Wan raised his right fist and smashed it towards Zenyuanze's face at an extreme speed.

Although your face is handsome, I still want to see you break the defense!

She thought so in her heart.

But the next moment, Wan opened his eyes wide.

This punch that Ibusuki Nuo could not react to in the original book was easily blocked by Zeninze.

Zeninze showed a cold smile and squeezed Wan's fist hard.

Mushi Kai's fist part cracked, and Wan couldn't even say a word at this moment.

With a strong swing, Wan was thrown directly to the opposite side by Zeninze. The powerful impact penetrated several high-rise buildings, and a huge sound resounded in the Tokyo barrier.

Zeninze jumped high, stared at Wan's landing position, and formed a hand seal, and a giant elephant fell fiercely from the sky.


The giant elephant fell to the ground, and Wan was lying in the deep pit without any strength.

Zeninze covered his face and laughed like crazy at the edge of the deep pit looking at this woman.

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha... I remember now."

"So it's you..."

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