The two of them were in a state of panic.

"Then who will win depends on who is stronger."

Xuan An also stopped talking nonsense, and transformed a thin iron rod in his hand, injecting magic power on its surface.

Zenyuan Ze tightly grasped his Kusanagi sword, and lightning surged.

For a while, the figures of the two kept colliding and rubbing.

The blue lightning was wantonly swaying on the desolate Hokkaido Island, and there was also a blazing Amaterasu.

"Flame escape·Flame array wall technique."

Zenyuan Ze jumped up slightly, and under the effect of Kagutsuchi, Amaterasu swallowed everything around like a tall wall.

And then, Zenyuan Ze instantly used the power of the sky hand to exchange positions with Xuan An.

"Troublesome spell." Xuan'an frowned. Before he could react, his body was burned by Amaterasu.

Although it can be shrunk and absorbed, there is no way to erase the pain in the body.

"It's not over yet, Xuan'an."

Zenyuanze quickly kicked out the Kusanagi sword and stabbed it directly into the opponent's heart.

Xuan'an, who was absorbing Amaterasu, felt something was wrong and stared at the flying Kusanagi sword with his black eyes.

At this moment, the power of the sky hand was activated again, and the position of the Kusanagi sword was exchanged with Zenyuanze.

"Chidori Sharp Spear!"

The gorgeous Chidori Sharp Spear pierced Xuan'an's heart, and Zenyuanze immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued, and the gravity of the Ten Thousand Things Heavenly Induction pulled the opponent over.

"Da Zha Tian."

A huge black cube appeared under Zenyuanze's feet and head.

In a flash, the two cubes immediately closed together, and this was the effect of Da Zha Tian.

Crushing or severely injuring the enemy, the speed was so fast that Zenyuan Ze couldn't even use the power of the sky to exchange positions with Xuan'an at this time.


The long-legged Susanoo appeared instantly, holding a purple sword and using all his strength to hit the lower part of the cube above.

However, the giant Susanoo was just a drop in the ocean at this moment, and it was not unusually huge in the Dazhatian.

Zenyuan Ze seized the opportunity and exchanged the space with the position of the sky hand with the maximum distance of 20 meters. (The distance of the sky hand was strengthened)

The two large cubes suddenly merged into one, and a huge sound resounded through the world.

Zenyuan Ze's eyes were solemn. The ability of this black eye was not...

Or it could be said that the ability of his technique was really an extremely tricky existence.


The Moxu Luo wheel above Zenyuan Ze's head turned for the first time, and the adaptation to the Dazhatian, that is, the cube, was already slowly progressing.

"Moxu Luo, who adapts to everything, is the strongest Shikigami of the Zenin family..."

Xuan's voice was low but polite, "You, who have two techniques, are also a difficult existence for me."

After the voice fell, he immediately disappeared from the spot, as if he had never appeared.

And Zenin Ze understood that this was Xuan An shrinking his body and preparing to launch a surprise attack.

The extreme vision of the Samsara Eye began to observe the surroundings constantly, and soon he found Xuan An, who was as small as an ant.

The skeleton and long arms of Susanoo appeared on Zenin Ze's body, and he clenched his fists and smashed them to the ground.

The scorching Amaterasu burned on the skeleton's arms and fell to the ground fiercely.

A roar sounded, and the ground had been smashed into a big hole by this heavy force.

Zenin Ze hurriedly retreated, and at the same time immediately stretched out his left hand to grab the black stick that was shot at him and threw it all back to Xuan An's position.

"Your eyes are my biggest target."

Xuan'an's body suddenly grew bigger, and at this time he had actually come to Zeninze's back, and kicked him hard.

Zeninze turned around suddenly, and the Kusanagi sword was horizontally protected in front of his chest, blocking Xuan'an's heavy blow, but his body was still kicked away.

Zeninze stabilized his body, and the two sides were deadlocked in mid-air, staring at each other's eyes.

The next moment, the huge air wave caused by the collision of the two gates spread out in all directions with the two as the center. Zeninze and Xuan'an each retreated a few steps before slowly stopping.

Zeninze inserted the Kusanagi sword into the ground, and lightning immediately ran towards Xuan'an along the ground.

Quickly grabbing the Kusanagi sword, the Chidori blade slashed at Xuan'an at an extremely fast speed.

Xuan was not in a hurry, and immediately shrank his body. The next second, he appeared in front of Zeninze and punched him in the face.

With a light click, the Chidori Flow in his body suddenly appeared like thunder in the sky, instantly blowing up the opponent's arm.

Zeninze kicked Xuan

An, at the same time, waved one hand and looked at Xuan An indifferently.

"Earth-shattering Star·Black Moon!"

In just a moment, behind Zen Yuanze, several meteorites with black flames fell like raindrops, like a meteor that destroyed the world.

Xuan An understood that he must not be attracted by the meteorites in the air at this moment, otherwise he must be waiting for Zen Yuanze's sudden attack!

Under helplessness, Xuan An began to dodge the huge meteorites like an ant avoiding human footsteps.

Suddenly, meteorites fell on the ground one after another, and violent explosions occurred. The power of the damage was comparable to that of dozens of 茈, and even caused the horizon of Hokkaido to drop by half a centimeter.

Xuan An's white clothes were blown black by the meteorites at this time. He held a black long stick and looked at Zen Yuanze coldly.

Next, it was his turn to attack!

With a ghostly speed, he quickly came in front of Zen Yuanze, and the black stick in his hand immediately stabbed into the opponent's heart.

Zeninze raised the Kusanagi sword to meet the black stick. The metal clashed and sparks were constantly generated between the sword and the stick.

Xuan An's fierce punch hit Zeninze's head.

Zeninze raised the Kusanagi sword to block, and the force poured out of it shattered a mountain around the two of them.

Zeninze already understood that this guy was not only extremely fast, but also had a full dodge point, and his strength was comparable to his own.

It was almost impossible for the completed Susanoo to touch him.

Now the opportunity was to use the flexible Susanoo skeleton and armor to deal with Xuan An.

While thinking, Xuan An kicked Zeninze away heavily.

Then he put his hands together and chanted: "Urase flowers are blooming."

Several black sticks immediately grew around Zeninze!

Zeninze's pupils shrank, and he used the Crow Tengu Susanoo again to block all the black sticks growing from the ground, but a few still pierced his feet.

This was exactly what Xuan'an wanted. His legs suddenly charged, and Pengbai's cursed power rose from his legs.

"Do you feel the expansion of the object of the ritual, Sukuna?"

Xuan looked at Zeninze and sneered. He liked to see the shock on his calm face.

How could it be possible... How could this guy know?

Zeninze's eyes became more and more gloomy.

Raising the charged single leg, the powerful force generated cracked the ground where Xuan'an's foot was stepping, and instantly kicked Susanoo.

"This move is called..."

"Piercing Burial Kick!"

Where Xuan'an passed, the strong air wave swept up all the gravel along the way, and the extreme power revealed his madness and ambition!

Zeninze was not afraid at all. He had to deal with this guy immediately and never let him escape!

He condensed black lightning in his hand.

"Six Paths Chidori!"

The so-called Six Paths Chidori was the black Chidori that Naruto had cooperated with and almost sealed the Six Paths Madara.

Not only that...

Zeninze added black flames to the black Chidori.


The left hands and legs of Zeninze and Xuan'an collided violently!

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