The two of them were so close that they could not stand each other.

Shuten-doji placed the gourd in front of him, and a small amount of cursed energy burst out from the gourd mouth, pointing directly at Geto Suguru.

At the same time, Shuten-doji was as fast as the wind, and the samurai sword in his hand had already reached his face in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that there was no time to dodge, Geto Suguru summoned a yellow cursed spirit to form a sphere to wrap himself, and at the same time, cursed energy gushed out from both hands.

He strengthened the body of the cursed spirit with his own cursed spirit power. Shuten-doji saw that the samurai sword and the cursed energy could not penetrate at all, so he retreated, and then a huge tornado appeared from his mouth, and then blew fiercely towards Geto Suguru.

The yellow ball was blown up by the tornado and rolled all the way to the wall. Geto Suguru came out of it in a slightly embarrassed manner. When he looked at Shuten-doji, his face was solemn.

"As expected of the leader of the demon kings in ancient legends, is the effect of the spell wind?"

Seeing that Shuten-doji did not blow out the empty scroll again, he immediately moved forward, put his hands on his chest, and two more hurricanes hit Geto Suguru.

"Then let's... King vs. King!"

Behind Geto Suguru, there was a cursed spirit with waist-length hair, wearing a kimono and half-covering his face with one hand.

"One of the 16 special-grade cursed spirits recorded in the archives of the high school, it is also..."

"Imaginary special-grade cursed spirit - incarnation of Tamamonomae! It can increase my cursed power and output effect..."

"And a special-grade cursed spirit I recently captured, the earthquake catfish!"

The huge white catfish-like cursed spirit merged into the ground and moved slowly in a way that was invisible to the naked eye.

With the appearance of the incarnation Tamamonomae, Geto Suguru's own cursed power was amplified. At the same time, the two cannon fodder cursed spirits blocked the hurricane and were torn into pieces by the strong wind.

Shuten-doji did not continue to pursue Geto Suguru. At this time, the effect of his technique had ended. His technique was called the Wind Chasing Ghost Style. After being attacked by cursed power, it would convert the opponent's cursed power within one minute, improve his own attack and speed, and strengthen his real core offensive means - the hurricane.

And the cursed power output damage and physical damage he received would be reduced to 60%, and the gourd on his waist could absorb a small amount of cursed power and return it.

The only way to defeat him...

Use the cursed power energy far beyond what he can analyze to kill it instantly. Although it is not as perverted as Makura, as long as the cursed power is huge, this cursed spirit is a turtle in a jar.

Shuten-doji did not have too many psychological activities, and attacked Geto Suguru directly. At this time, the samurai sword was attached to the hurricane, and he swung forward a series of wind curtain blades, and the wind whistled.

Xiayou Jie dodged it easily, his physical skills are now more advanced than before!

The sharpness of the wind curtain blade cut off the pillars of the hall.

Xiayou Jie stepped forward, waving the Youyun in his hand constantly, like dancing, and the black and red double sticks kept colliding with the samurai sword.

Xiayou Jie's wrist turned quickly again at this time, and Youyun was swung out by him. The sticks all hit Shuten Douji's body.

At the same time, the earthquake catfish swallowed him with its big mouth, and Shuten Douji fell rapidly at this time, as if he fell into the abyss.

But in fact, Shuten Douji just fell on the spot.

"My chance has come..."

Xiayou Jie raised his hand, and a black vortex continued to expand between his fingers.

"The advantage of the cursed spirit manipulation technique is that the attack methods are diverse and complex, making it difficult for the enemy to cope."

"And this move is the ultimate secret of the cursed spirit manipulation technique under the domain, which integrates the absorbed cursed spirits into one, turning them into ultra-high density cursed power for attack..."

"But someone told me that there seems to be a hidden use, and I have almost explored it now." The cold face flashed through Xia Yujie's mind, and perhaps it was his subconscious mind that made the corners of his mouth rise.

"The extreme range - whirlpool!"

The powerful black whirlpool shot straight at Shuten Douji like a laser, and before he could dodge, a huge explosion sounded at his location.

"You shouldn't die... I will torture you slowly after I absorb it." Xia Yujie walked over slowly, "I only used four thousand cursed spirits, less than one-third of what I have absorbed now."

Xia Yujie was stunned halfway through his walk. He was a little surprised that the cursed spirit in front of him could still stand up.

Half of Shuten-doji's body was destroyed, but he still hadn't completely lost his fighting power. He refused to give up, because he still had the final killer move.

Shuten-doji had blood on his mouth, and he kept repeating the words, making a seal with one hand, "People

This is not the place you should be in!"

"Domain expansion - Kazekage!"

The circular black barrier surrounded Shuten Douji and Geto. At this time, the interior of the domain was dark and the wind was blowing. If Geto didn't know the characteristics of the domain, he would have thought he had been dragged into the desert.

"This guy has even mastered the domain." Geto raised his hand. There are only two situations when facing the domain, either waiting to die or using his own domain to fight against it.

Life or death, let's see which domain is stronger!

Geto's palms were tilted at 45 degrees, with his thumb and ring finger together, and the remaining three fingers crossed. He spoke softly to Shuten Douji, as if speaking to himself.

"Domain expansion - Hundred Demons Bind. "

As Geto Suguru's domain unfolded, the power of the two domains began to collide. The environment in Geto Suguru's domain, which was like a pool of water, was in a stalemate with Shuten Douji's desert wind.

"The power of the two domains is about the same... But because of the vortex just now, it will not be good to drag it on."

Geto Suguru made a hand seal, and then in the pool, cursed spirits continued to appear. This is the must-hit effect of Geto Suguru's domain. The cursed spirits are created using cursed power. The enemies hit will gradually lose cursed power until the cursed power is exhausted.

"Then let my hundred ghosts interfere with you!" Geto Suguru concentrated his energy, and the balance of the must-hit effects that originally offset each other began to tilt. Hundreds of cursed spirits jumped out of the pool and pointed directly at Shuten Douji.

Shuten Douji roared, and also strengthened the output effect of the domain must-hit sorcerer. A huge tornado appeared in the center, constantly absorbing the cursed spirits.

"The situation is a bit bad. "Looking at the huge gust of wind, Xiayou Jie inexplicably felt that this cursed spirit was a little too strong?

It has a domain, can talk, and even has a palace? This feeling...

It's like facing a curse master!

From the fact that the tornado did not continue to move, it is not a must-hit effect in the domain, otherwise this kind of group absorption would be too restraining.

"In that case, then I will do this..." Xiayou Jie decided to make a bold decision. This is what he learned when he chatted with Zeninze and Gojo Satoru. Today should be the first time to use it in actual combat.

The reversal technique will be the key to determining the direction of this battle. Xiayou Jie believes that the wisdom of this cursed spirit will never be so high!

Xiayou Jie set a constraint on his own domain. At the cost of allowing the enemy to escape from the domain, he released half of his domain, and a semi-open domain was formed.

Shuten Douji took a look at the big hole that could leave the domain boundary, without caring at all, and strengthened the must-hit effect again.

"Sure enough. "Getsu Suguru smiled, he understood, there was only one last step left.

The tornado continued to sweep inside of Getsu Suguru's domain. At the same time, the outer shell of Fukara Mikage in Shuten Douji's domain, large and small cursed spirits began to attack continuously. Under the collision of countless cursed spirits, the black shells of both sides gradually cracked.

At the same time, Getsu Suguru and Shuten Douji's domains disappeared at the same time!

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