The two of them were in a mess.

"What's wrong with you?"

Zenin Naoya walked to the middle of the [partition] with a smile, showing the same expression as in the original book, "If no one stopped me, I would have taken the person away directly, okay?"

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Zenin Naoya's face turned black, and then he waved his hand, and the members of Bing dragged an old man behind a partition out directly.

"Wait..." Zenin Naoya walked up to the old man, squatted down and said kindly, "This person is already an old man, you have to be gentle to him!"

As he said, Zenin Naoya pinched his shoulders, which made the latter sweat.

"Take it away." Zenin Naoya smiled, then looked at the [partition] with a mocking look, and then turned and left.

Zenin Naoya walked in the front of the team, but saw an old acquaintance coming towards him.

The president of Kyoto Technical College - Yoshinobu Rakugenji.

Zenin Naoya did not greet him, and the two passed by.

Yoshinobu Rakugenji looked back at Binghe Zenin Naoya with a complicated expression.

As a representative of the diehards, he did not stand firmly on the side of the diehards, but believed that Zenin Ze's reform speed was too radical and should not be implemented so quickly.

Zenin Ze believed that the curse world had been ill for a long time, and if it did not prescribe the right medicine, it would only get worse.

Yoshinobu Rakugenji walked to the middle of the partition and sighed, "Everyone..."


A cold snort came from one partition, "Zenin Naoya... a bully who takes advantage of others!"

Another partition also echoed, "The Zenin family is now in the hands of Zenin Ze. This boy is ambitious and is a big threat to our sorcery world!"

"I think he is more threatening than Gojo Satoru!"

"That's right, the six-eyed man from the Gojo family has lowered his status to stay in the Sorcery High School. It's really ridiculous. It's a pity that the Gojo family can't be used as our capital to fight against the Zenin family!"

This is not the official meeting of the General Directorate, so all the people here are representatives of the diehards, and there is no power of Zenin Ze. It is because of this that these guys dare to speak out their true thoughts.

The director of the Sorcery General Directorate is in the middle of the partition.

He spoke slowly, "The reform proposed by Zeninze is definitely not acceptable. The more special-grade people there are, the more difficult it is to control, which is not conducive to stable development..."

In the past, the director of the General Administration Department was never any of the three great families. In view of the balance of the magic world, the Neon Cabinet believed that if one of the three great families became the leader, the stalemate of the three families would be broken.

If it weren't for Zeninze's intervention, the three great families would have almost equal say in the General Administration Department.

"You Kamo family are really stupid. You didn't even realize that the news was leaked so easily!"

The director general's voice was a little angry. "The attitude of the Gojo family is still unclear, but according to the friendship between Rokugan and Zeninze, I think they will definitely not stand idly by..."

"You are the last face of the three major families. Don't give in to the Zenin family easily!"

"From ancient times to the present, no one of the three major families is like Zeninze today..."

"Such a wolfish ambition!"

"Yes, Minister." The head of the Kamo family said respectfully behind the partition.

"Le Yan Temple, how is Zeninze doing in Kyoto High School now?" The director general of the general department asked Le Yan Temple behind the partition.

"Everything went smoothly, and he didn't seem to notice anything unusual." Le Yansi paused, "Will this make him more anxious?"

Le Yansi Jiashen was helpless when he heard the conversation of these big shots. Zenyuan Ze's original intention was fine, but he became "ambitious" in the mouths of these guys...


An old man snorted coldly and sneered, "Thanks to that guy, he handed over some handles of the guys who have always remained neutral to us, so we have the opportunity to threaten them to vote with us and temporarily squeeze Zenyuan Ze out of Tokyo!"

"This makes us feel a lot more relaxed... You are really worthy of being a curse master!"

There was a loud laugh in the [partition], and at the same time it was filled with disdain, "You also asked us to arrest our partners?"

"Zenyuan Ze... Although I don't know how you found him, you are still young after all."

"Curse master?"

"Don't ask too much, Le Yansi..."

Le Yansi noticed something unusual, who is this "he"?

What does it mean to be a partner? Does the dignified Curse General Administration need to cooperate with the curse master?

"You continue to monitor Zenyuan Ze, go." The director of the General Administration said lightly.


Le Yansi Jiashen walked out of the [partition] slowly with a lot of doubts. At the end of the corridor, he looked at the phone number of Zenyuan Ze in his hand and hesitated, but still did not dial it.

Le Yansi Jiashen looked back at the [partition] that he could not see the end of. It was shrouded in endless darkness and he could not see a trace of light.

The future of the curse world... He also couldn't see it clearly.

"With such a general administration, can the curse world really be saved?"

Le Yansi Jiashen was full of confusion at this time. He could no longer find the direction to move forward.



On a beach, the blue sea washed the shore, and the coconut trees swaying gently with the sea breeze came to life.

And there were only a few black spots on the beach at this time. Gradually zooming in, you will find that they are several creatures that look completely unrelated.

"Louhu, you are not dead yet?"

At this time, Hanami was shocked. She saw Gojo Satoru crush Louhu's head with her own eyes and felt the dissipation of Louhu's aura.

"It was the leader and this guy who saved me."

Louhu was extremely weak at this time. He said slowly, "The leader asked me to give part of my soul to Noso to prevent the other party from cutting off your support."

"Louhu, what do you think of Gojo Satoru?" Noso asked the weak Louhu with a smile.

"Ridiculously strong..." Louhu said with lingering fear, "If I hadn't personally experienced the horror of Zenyuan Ze... I would even think that this guy is the real number one. My attacks have never touched him!"

"Yes." Luosuo still smiled, "But as of now..."

"Twelve years ago, Zenyuan Ze had already subdued Moxu Luo and possessed a domain, although he rarely does it himself now."

"I'm afraid he is even more unfathomable now. You know, twelve years ago, Gojo Satoru could only circulate the technique."

Thinking back to the battle twelve years ago, Louhu broke out in a cold sweat again, "I could feel that Zenyuan Ze was not in his prime back then, otherwise he could have completely resolved my extreme without opening the domain..."

As proud as Louhu is, he has to admire Zenyuan Ze's open domain, which can be called a miracle. The three of him and others were even severely injured on the periphery of the domain.

"Ah, Louhu, why do you boost others' morale and destroy your own prestige?"

Zhenren leaned on Louhu's shoulder with a comfortable smile, "Isn't this strange human gentleman ready?"

"Yes." Luosuo narrowed his eyes, looked at a square spell tool and a blade in his hand, and smiled lightly, "Now everything is ready, only the east wind is missing."

"Zeninze... Gojo Satoru..."

"Shibuya is the stage carefully selected for you two."

He looked at a black-haired figure whose gender could not be seen in the distance, and his expectations were constantly rising.

"What kind of surprise will you give me..."

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