The new order was made.

On October 25, 2018, the General Administration of Curses issued a formal notice.

"Appoint Zeninze as the captain of the newly established Curse Supervision Team, with the power to appoint and dismiss personnel of the entire Curse Supervision Department, and in addition to his second seat...

"This is the result decided by the entire meeting..."

"It's already a big deal... The meeting of the General Administration has agreed to revoke the [Partition] and have Zeninze set up a supervision team!"

"Have the power schemes of us old guys been defeated by a young man? What a irony..."

The director of the General Administration hid behind the partition and sweated profusely, "The influence of Zeninze on our political situation has far exceeded expectations, and the families below have already turned to the Zenin family! "

"Hmph!" An old man snorted coldly, "It's nothing more than coveting power. They say it's reform, but in my opinion, they are just brats!"

"Everyone, stop arguing."

The only elder of the Kamo family who saw the real fear of Zenin Ze in the [Shubu] said, "Now there are two alliances among the three great families, and my Kamo family has to find a way out for itself..."

"It's too late now, Elder Kamo."

Zenin Ze's faint voice reached the ears of everyone in the [Shubu], and behind him were the Bing organization and the body of the entire Zenin family.

Zenin Naoya and Zenin Shinichi stood on both sides of him, looking down on the people behind the fusuma.

"From today on, [Shubu] will no longer exist... Do you understand? "

Zenyuan Ze spoke in a cold voice. He had waited for this day for too long.

After decades of planning, he constantly used various means to win over and suppress various factions, and finally expanded his power to infiltrate various departments of the General Administration.

Although [Fenfusori] is the direct agency of the General Administration, there are too many uncontrollable factors. They are all representatives of various big families and represent the interests of too many people. Therefore, Zenyuan Ze let them run wild for twelve years.

And now... it's finally time for reckoning!

"What the head of the family means is that from today on, the [Fenfusori] agency is officially judged, and all of you old guys are arrested for colluding with the curse master..."

"Do you understand?"

Zenyuan Naoya said in a cold voice, and at the same time drew out the samurai sword in his hand and said aggressively.

"Crime? "A middle-aged man at the third seat seemed to still have a fluke mentality, and he yelled at Zeninze, "You kid just played some tricks, at your age, you actually want to be above us?"

"Asshole!" Zenin Naoya was about to step forward, but was held down by Zeninze.

Zeninze walked to the middle of the [partition] with an expressionless face. Although it was usually these old guys who ordered and judged others, their positions did not change today, but they felt strangely judged.

"What do you want to do? I warn you not to mess around! "

The director of the general management department saw that things were not going well and shouted in a hurry.

Zenyuan Ze ignored him and stretched out his hand. A strong gravitational force appeared from his hand, and the middle-aged man who had insulted Zenyuan Ze before was sucked into his hand.

Without any hesitation, he took out the Kusanagi sword from the shadow space, raised his hand and the knife fell, and a bloody head rolled to the ground.

Although the group of people in [Partition] have also seen great storms, they still trembled in their hearts when they saw Zenyuan Ze killing people without changing their expressions.

Is this guy... really cold-blooded?

"I've said it, and I don't want to say it again." Zenyuan Ze looked around [Partition] with cold eyes.

"This is a revolution, not a simple reform. Revolution requires bloodshed.

I want to destroy and rebuild."

"In order to achieve this goal, no matter what kind of people among you, I will kill them without hesitation. Do you understand? "

The cold words reached the ears of everyone behind the partition, and the elders of the major families were all cold from head to toe.

"Perhaps you don't know yet, I arranged for people to kill those who opposed the astral plasma twelve years ago."

Chen Yuanze said lightly, "Later, I also asked the body to stay and kill the followers of the Panxing Sect, and all their wealth was absorbed by me.

The new world I created does not need waste. Even if Wu listened to Jie and did not kill those guys, it does not mean that I let them go...

I just want to carry all the darkness and move forward, as long as I can

Create a new world...

No matter what kind of darkness lies ahead, it cannot hinder my ambition!

I kept you for so many years, just because I wanted to find a balance... But now I don't need you anymore!"

This is the dark side of Zeninze that he has never revealed to Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, and Nozomi. For so many years, his hands are not without blood.

He is half in the light and half in the dark.

Seeing that no one was talking anymore, Zeninze waved his hand weakly, "Except for the people of the Gojo family, all others will be arrested and sentenced according to the charges."

"If anyone dares to resist..."

Zeninze walked to Zenin Naoya's ear and whispered, "Death penalty."

"I understand." Zenin Naoya also understood what Zeninze meant after hearing it, and smiled coldly, "All according to the wishes of the head of the family. "

Bing and the team of Gujuliu rushed forward, and the partitions were broken one after another, revealing the embarrassed expressions of those old guys, no longer as arrogant as usual.

What awaits them... is the death penalty.

Zenyuan Ze will not leave them a way to live. He must know the truth that if the grass is not uprooted, it will grow again in the spring breeze.

Zenyuan Ze walked slowly in the dim corridor. The screams of the old guy behind him seemed to fill the whole world, and the boundless darkness gradually faded away.

Finally, he walked outside. He looked at the blue sky and a rare smile from the heart appeared on his face.

"Glass, it's spring."

Inside Tokyo Jujutsu High School.

"Ze this guy has already taken action."

Gojo Satoru looked at the message on his mobile phone and murmured softly, "I didn't expect that he would be the first to realize his ambition. I am a teacher in the high school in vain! "

Gojo Satoru stood up and stretched. Although Zenin Ze helped him in the upper echelons for many years, the two of them were not invincible in the politics of the magic world. There were too many things to consider and too many changes.

Just like Zenin Ze was suddenly transferred from Tokyo to Kyoto or the upper echelons betrayed Gojo Satoru's information, etc.

The upper echelons were rotten to the core. Although Gojo Satoru had thought about entering the upper echelons, he had no choice but to stay in the high school as a teacher, just to teach a group of young magicians who shared the same ideals as himself.

"After that, will I continue to stay here?" Gojo Satoru looked out the window and pondered.

"Ze, in the past 29 years, you have really become more and more reliable day by day. I am really relieved to have a close friend like you! "

Gojo Satoru relaxed and leaned back on his Barcelona chair with his eyes closed.

It was just that the mask blocked his eyes, so it was hard to tell whether he was sleeping or not.

At this moment, memories kept flashing through Gojo Satoru's mind, from his first encounter with Zenin Ze when he was a child, to the bits and pieces of the three of them during their school days. At this moment, he recalled a lot...

The fights with the singer, the welcome party for the newcomers Nanami and Haibara, and finally the empty classroom after graduation...

But in his memory, there was information that there was no such person as Zenin Ze in the world.

Gojo Satoru thought for a long time, so long that he didn't even know that he had actually fallen asleep. Maybe it was just because the pressure from the top management had completely disappeared.

After a long time, Gojo Satoru seemed to hear someone calling him.

"Gojo Teacher, Gojo Teacher!"

"Please don't call us here while you are dozing off?" Fushiguro Megumi complained.

"Wake up! "Yuji Itadori's voice was silly.

Gojo Satoru pulled off his eye mask, revealing a pale blue eye, his mouth corners slightly raised, and he chuckled.

Looking at the four students in front of him, he paused and stood up from the chair.

Kugizaki Nobara took the opportunity to sit on it, "This chair seems very expensive, right?"

"It's not fair... I'm next!" Junpei pulled Yuji Itadori and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Fushiguro Megumi saw the smile on Gojo Satoru's mouth and asked.

"Thanks to your Zen temple teacher, but it's nothing..." Gojo Satoru did not answer, leaving only his back to Fushiguro Megumi.

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