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The three of them stood in front of the unfinished building. In the eyes of ordinary people, this is an unfinished building that no one manages. It is dead and lifeless, and people subconsciously want to avoid it. In the eyes of the sorcerer, it But it exudes a faint special breath, which is called the breath of curse. The assistant supervisor who led Gojo Yu and Maki here began to introduce "Hello, my name is Niizawa Tianzi, and I am your temporary assistant supervisor."

Named The woman in Xin Zetianzi had blonde hair and wore a formal suit. She was not very old. I don’t know if it was because of the busy work, but she looked like she was about 25 years old. Xin Zetianzi continued to speak respectfully. This mission is explained as it should be. "As you can see, this is an unfinished building. According to recent observations from the window, there is a high probability that there are cursed spirits inside, probably level 2 cursed spirits."

"…Level 2? …”

After listening to the assistant supervisor’s explanation, Gojou pondered for a moment and came to the conclusion that he could handle it. Maki on the side did not say anything, having already made the necessary preparations. “Born from darkness, Darker, cleanse the filth, exorcise the filth"

The assistant supervisor took a few steps back and made a hand seal with some skill. The black barrier called the tent enveloped Gojou and Maki, as well as the unfinished building. Shinsawada looked at the The two sorcerers, a man and a woman, who were covered by the tent, seemed to think of the past and whispered, "...Keep going, sorcerers..."


The two accompanied the tent The unfinished building has two floors. Maki, who was about to go in directly, suddenly paused, stopped, turned his head and looked at Gojo U, as if he had thought of something, and asked directly, "…Gojo Yu , I remember that you have six eyes like the bandage bastard, right? "

Gojo Yu: ...Bandage bastard... um...

Although he was sweating inside, he did not deny Maki's words, and nodded directly on the surface, saying "Yes Oh, are you sure it's the real Rokugan? Shall I take it off and show it to you? "

Gojo U smiled and made a little joke, even taking off the special round sunglasses he had been wearing, revealing the The pair of extremely eye-catching blue eyes, and even blinked deliberately, "...you guy..."

Maki suddenly turned her head away, as if she didn't want to look at Gojo U, and looked at the unfinished building in front of her, deliberately He raised his hand, pointed at the unfinished building, and directly explained his thoughts to Gojo Yu, "Then can you use your eyes to see the situation inside? For example, how many curses there are, and the strongest one is in the Where"

Although she is I don’t know much about the six eyes, but I still know that they can see the direction of the curse power. In other words, they can definitely observe the situation of the curse in the unfinished building. “Well, it can indeed, let me Take a look."

While talking, Gojo U looked at the unfinished building with his eyes, scanning it from bottom to top, and then squinting his eyes. The time was not long, and he finished the observation in less than a moment. Just like that, Under Maki's slightly expectant gaze, Gojo Ue sorted out what he saw in his mind and said directly, "There are not many cursed spirits in this unfinished building. There are a few level 4 cursed spirits on the first floor. There is only one weed curse spirit on the second floor...but..."

Gojou suddenly seemed to be hesitant to speak, and under Maki's gaze, he chose to continue his words and then said: "But that one The cursed spirit should be a level one…”

“Did Chuang see it wrong? "

Zenin Maki frowned. The window is a profession in the world of spells that is responsible for observing the cursed spirits at the mission location to a certain extent and judging the level of the cursed spirits. This is very important, especially for those who are not very strong. For a sorcerer like him, it was like a second-level sorcerer. He could only deal with second-level and first-level cursed spirits. As a result, due to the error in the level determination of the window, he might encounter a Special grade curse spirit, or even a special grade curse spirit. There is no doubt that this is a disaster for the few curse masters. This kind of mistake is not common in the curse world, but there are still some. Thinking of this, the Zen temple Maki couldn't help but take a deep breath. After all, with her current strength, it was okay to deal with a second-level cursed spirit, but if the opponent was a first-level cursed spirit, I'm afraid...

"Maki, are you scared?"

Gojou blinked , looking somewhat curious

"Huh? Scared? I'm not afraid!"

Even if she was facing a special-grade cursed spirit, she would not be afraid and retreat, and would not be a coward! This is her, Zenin Maki's personality!

...Even if the enemy is stronger than you, you are not afraid? Maki...

Gojo Ue bit her lips lightly, and looked at the girl in front of her with a calm heart. I don't know why...

I envy you a little...

... Zenin Maki...

The girl in front of her seemed to be thinking about the next countermeasures, and Gojo Ue looked at her quietly without saying anything


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