The old man was very happy.

"Otsutsukoshi, you have a very good power"

Suyu Jie, who suddenly appeared in front of Yuta Otsutsukoshi, closed one eye and looked at Yuta with the other eye, and continued with a gentle smile

"In my opinion, great power should be used for great goals..."

"Do you have any doubts about the current world? This society where sorcerers are active in unknown places to protect the order of the general society"

Under Otsutsukoshi's somewhat puzzled eyes, Xia Yu Jie's expression remained unchanged, and he kept looking at Yuta. Then he loosened his hands that were supporting Otsutsuki, stood up and walked around Otsutsuki Yuta, walked forward, and said as he walked

"In other words, the strong must cater to the weak, and a rather contradictory situation has emerged..."

"Am I right, Xiaoyu-kun?"

The slightly closed eyes opened, and Geto Suguru's eyes left Otsutsuki Yuta and looked at Gojo U beside Zenin Maki without any concealment

After listening to Geto Suguru's words, Gojo U was stunned for a moment, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say for a while...

Question him why he became a curse master?

Still racking his brains to refute his words

Gojo Uta couldn't say it...

However, Geto Suguru didn't care too much about Gojo Uta's silence. He was still amiable. He turned around and put his arm on Yuta Otsutsuki's shoulder. The latter looked a little unprepared

Geto Suguru's expression immediately changed. He looked regretful and sighed. He told Yuta Otsutsuki vividly, as if he was facing a friend

"It's really sad!"


Yuta still didn't understand the purpose of his words

"This means that the spirit of all things has stopped evolving! How can this be?! Humans should re-examine their survival strategies!"

"So, I need you to help me help..."

"...What can I do for you?"

Looking at Yuta Otsutsuki's puzzled expression, Geto Satsuyuki expressed his thoughts in a calm tone under the vigilant gaze of Gojo Ue and others

"Kill all non-magicians and create a world with only magicians..."

In Geto Satsuyuki's opinion, this is the most correct choice. Now, what he hates most is those stinky monkeys who can't cast spells

As soon as the voice fell, the originally not noisy scene instantly became quiet. The words from Geto Satsuyuki's mouth were like a bomb, successfully calming the people present. Yuta Otsutsuki, who was hugged by him, seemed unable to say anything, his pupils shrank sharply, and his expression was stiff

Brother Satsuyuki...are you crazy? ! !

Seeing the figure that was so different from his past memories, even Gojo U was speechless. After all, in his opinion, Geto Suguru had fallen into a dark quagmire that he could not escape from and was difficult to redeem.

And Panda, Maki, Gojumaki and others beside Gojo U were also shocked and speechless...

What the hell is this guy talking about? !

As if he didn't feel the weirdness of the atmosphere, Geto Suguru continued to tell his thoughts to Yuta Otsutsuki beside him. Unfortunately, before he opened his mouth, he seemed to feel something and looked behind him.

"So, can you..."

"Don't instill your crazy thoughts into my students."

A familiar but inexplicably reassuring voice suddenly sounded behind them. Following Geto Suguru's gaze, everyone present looked in the direction of the voice.

High silver hair, white bandages wrapped tightly around the eyes, slender figure, wearing a high school uniform

The person who came was the teacher of Otsutsuki and others, Gojo U's biological brother, the strongest sorcerer in the world of curses in the eyes of everyone, one of the four special grades - Gojo Satoru

Looking at Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru smiled again

" Satoru, long time no see."

Behind Gojo Satoru, another group of magicians arrived at the scene. Yega Masamichi pressed his fingers with his palm. The first-level magicians Mingming and Nanami Kento, as well as other unknown magicians, all stood behind Gojo Satoru, ready to go.

However, Geto Xiayou didn't care about them, but focused on Gojo Satoru. Suddenly, all kinds of memories came to his mind.

"Please stay away from those children first, Jie."

Gojo Satoru's tone was extremely calm, but it was unquestionable. After hearing this, Geto Xiayou not only did not restrain himself, but raised his mouth corners, a little sinister and cunning.

"I heard that this year's first-year students are all excellent. So that's it..."

"You are the students you brought out~"

Geto Xiayou's eyes swept around and slowly spoke.

"Special Grade

The cursed, the suddenly mutated cursed corpse, the descendant of the curser, the second six-eyed... and...

After finishing his words, Geto Suguru turned his eyes to Maki Zenin next to Gojo Ue and finished his words

The last one in the Zenin family..."

"Huh? ! You bastard! !"

Hearing Geto Suguru's words, Maki Zenin immediately became angry and gritted her teeth. When she was about to step forward to speak with a weapon, her arm was suddenly grabbed by someone. She turned her head and saw that it was Gojo Ue. He looked serious

"Maki, don't be impulsive!"

Looking at Gojo Ue's firm eyes, Maki took a deep breath for some reason, didn't say much, and calmed down a lot

Geto Suguru warned Maki to be careful when speaking, but was interrupted by Gojo Ue

"The one who should be careful when speaking... should be you, Geto Suguru! "

This time, Gojo U didn't use the usual honorifics to address him. He looked at Geto Suguru with an unhappy look, without retreating or dodging.

Maki, who was standing next to him, didn't expect Gojo U to suddenly become tough. She looked at him in surprise, and Geto Suguru was also stunned when he heard it.

Just when he was about to say something, his hand on Otsutsuki was taken away. Under Geto Suguru's gaze, Otsutsuki Yuta spoke.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what Mr. Suguru is talking about, but... I don't want to help someone who insults my companions!"

Otsutsuki raised his head and responded to Geto Suguru with a firm tone, no doubt.

Geto Suguru quickly apologized to Otsutsuki with an apologetic look on his face. As soon as he finished speaking, Gojo Satoru came between the two of them without anyone noticing, pulled the distance between them, and asked in a cold voice: "So, what is your purpose in coming here? ”

“I’m here to declare war”

He looked at Gojo Satoru, then at the people in the academy, deliberately raised his voice, and continued to speak

“Everyone gathered here, clean your ears and listen carefully”

“On December 24, at sunset…”

“We will hold the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, and the location is the Crucible of Curse… Shinjuku, Tokyo

The holy land of curses, Kyoto”

“We will release thousands of curses in various places, and then… go on a killing spree”

“Stop it with all your might! Let’s curse each other to our heart’s content!”

Suguru Geto’s expression gradually became ferocious

It’s chilling!


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