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"Who is he?!"

Otsutsukotsu asked with a puzzled look on his face. After Gojo Satoru told them about his life story, the expressions of the other four people changed and their eyes turned to him, especially Gojo Yu's reaction, his blue eyes opened as wide as he could, as if he had seen something incredible, and he didn't know what to say for a moment, "Uh... it's one of the three great vengeful spirits of the island nation"

Zenin Maki also had a strange look on his face , but he kindly started to explain first, and the panda next to him continued to add, saying "Super great sorcerer!"


"...I didn't expect it..."

After Panda and Dog Roll Spine finished talking, Gojo Yu also muttered something. Seeing Yuta Otsutsukoshi's harmless face, he didn't want to say anything more. Seeing other people's reactions, especially Gojo Yu's, Gojo Satoru couldn't help but raise his mouth a little. , coughed lightly, looked at Yuta Otsutsukoshi again, and continued, "Yuta, you are right"

"It's not Rika who cursed you..."

"It's you who cursed Rika..."

Yuta opened his eyes wide when he heard this. With his eyes, he fell into the past thoughts because of Gojo Satoru's words, and the memories of a few years ago came back...

...Rika's body, blood all over the ground and...

I cursed Rika unintentionally...

"...That's right..."

" …I refused to accept Rika’s death…”

Under the gaze of Gojo Ue and others, Otsutsukoshi Yuta muttered absentmindedly. Seeing this, Gojo Ue was about to say something but was interrupted by Gojo Satoru , and continued to add, "When the party that casts the curse abandons the master-slave constraint, if the cursed party has no intention of punishing..."

"The curse is over"

"Although you can understand it by looking at her now"


Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw Yuta kneeling on the ground, with Rika Kimoto standing in front of him. Yuta lowered his head, tears as big as beans flowed from his eyes and fell to the ground, "…It's all my fault! "

Yuta Otsutsukotsu's voice was a little hoarse, and his regret was visible to the naked eye. He supported his body with his hands and continued crying, "…I turned Rika into that state and hurt so many people!"

"And I was targeted by Geto, I caused everyone to get hurt..."

His voice became louder and louder, his hands left the ground, grabbed his hair, looked up at the sky in pain, then lowered his head to the ground, muttering to himself, "...It's all my fault..."

Just At this moment, a pair of tender little hands suddenly stretched out in front of him, holding Yuta Otsutsukoshi in his arms, warm and gentle

"Yuta, thank you..."

"You gave me time to accompany you..."

"Rika has lived a happier life in the past six years than when she was alive"

Rika Kimoto hugged Yuta, who was crying, tightly. She expressed her feelings to the lover in front of her, closed her eyes, and leaned on him. A warm scene between lovers was presented to everyone. For a moment, no one seemed to disturb her...

Of course, everything There may be exceptions...

"...Pure love?"

Gojou, who was standing next to Maki, lowered his head in thought, thinking of the strange knowledge he saw on the Internet, and couldn't help but mutter something, the voice was so soft that ordinary people might not be able to hear it clearly. …


Is there anyone here who is an ordinary person? !


Several glaring eyes suddenly came to Gojo Ue, and the intuitive Ue also noticed it instantly, silently raised his eyes and said "Uh..."

At this moment, except for Otsutsuki Yuta and Kimoto Rika who had no reaction, the rest The reactions of several people were somewhat strange, especially Gojo Satoru and Panda, with a bit of rage in their eyes...

... So embarrassing...

... I should have kept silent if I had known...

Gojo Satoru thought secretly in his heart, his eyes were Turning to the distant sky, it looks like a wandering god from outer space. Of course, the six-eyes have a 360-degree view without blind spots. In the afterglow of Gojo Yu, Rika Kimoto slowly let go of Yuta Otsutsukoshi who was in her arms, and said with a gentle smile, "Bye, Yuta, take care of yourself..."

"Don't come to see me too early Me! "

With tears in his eyes, Yuta raised his head and looked at his lover who was about to leave. He just nodded with a choked voice, and said reluctantly, "Then...goodbye..."

The next moment, accompanied by the farewell voice of Qi Ben Lixiang As she fell, her body turned into golden light. The dazzling golden light scattered in all directions, and countless colorful bubbles flew towards the sunset sky, unable to be stopped.

Not only Yuta Otsutsukoshi, but everyone else also looked up, including Gojo U, without saying a word.

Yuta stood up, and the sadness on his face gradually disappeared.

After looking up for a while, the bubbles in the sky also disappeared, and a voice suddenly broke the silence of the scene.

"Yoshi! It's finally over!"

Gojo Satoru's face showed his usual smile, as if to liven up the atmosphere, he raised the tone, and everyone looked at him.

"Everyone! Since Yuta's matter has been successfully concluded, let's go to Ginza to eat some sushi to celebrate!"

"I'll treat you!"


"By the way, Yuta..."

Gojo Gojo U seemed to have thought of something, and turned to look at Yuta Otsutsuki who was sitting next to him. Now they were sitting in the car, and the scene outside the window was passing by quickly.

"What's wrong? Yu-san?"

Facing Yuta who was a little confused, Gojo U reached into his pocket, and in a short while, a small card was taken out and handed to Yuta.

Taking the card, Yuta Otsutsuki looked closely and found that it was his student ID.

"Did Yu-san pick it up?"

Gojo U just leaned on the soft seat, tilted his head, and responded slowly.

"It's not me, it's a senior..."

"...a senior I respected before"


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