The old man was so angry that he was about to die.

"The technique is forward..."


Gojo Ue shouted in a low voice, and the blue-green cursed power belonging to [Flow] instantly enveloped the whole person, and the next moment...

Gojo Ue disappeared...

Where is he?

This question just emerged in Gojo Satoru's mind, and he didn't even have time to think about it. In just a moment, he only felt something strange coming from the back of his head!

The side kick from Gojo Ue came behind Gojo Satoru with the momentum of breaking through the air! Now there is no [Unlimited] technique that cannot be touched...

The next moment, the scene in front of Gojo Satoru changed

——Bang! !

The strongest sorcerer standing at the top of the pyramid of the sorcery world, Gojo Satoru, cut through the air like a cannonball and slammed hard onto the ground of the playground, creating a three or four meter deep pit!

A little embarrassed...

"Are you... kidding! Even Gojo-sensei..."

Not far away, Yuta Otsutsukoshi opened his eyes wide, somewhat incredulous, while Panda and Gojumaki Satoru next to him were also shocked, after all, that was Gojo Satoru!

Zenin Maki raised the corner of her mouth and said nothing

He returned his sight to the battlefield...

"Ahem! How cruel..."

Gojo Satoru, who was sitting in the deep pit, fanned himself with his hands and coughed a few times. There was a little dust on his white hair, and he had a complaining expression on his face

Before the battle began, Gojo Satoru had already taken the initiative to shut down the [No Lower Limit] technique that was always maintained, giving Gojo Yu the opportunity to touch him

As a result, it was precisely because of this opportunity that Gojo Satoru was the first to be crushed by Gojo Yu at an absolute speed in this battle that had just begun, and he was almost disfigured!

Even if it was for the sake of his own magician level, he didn't need to be so cruel!

Gojo Satoru could not help but complain in his heart, then stopped his hairdressing hands and looked up at the sky...

Gojo Yu was standing in the air, his face calm, his blue eyes looking down at the entire playground

Gojo Satoru subconsciously felt puzzled...

When did his brother fly?

You know, I used [Spell Forward · Blue] to fly in the air and move at super high speed, but how did Xiao Yu do it? After all, Xiao Yu's spell is different from his own...

Gojo Yu standing in the air did not immediately launch a second raid while Gojo Satoru was thinking, but looked down from the air, thinking about something in his heart...

When Gojo Satoru raised his head, the two pairs of six eyes had a brief look at each other, Gojo Yu's eyes condensed, and he opened his mouth again

"... flow"

The sound was not loud, but Gojo Satoru's pupils shrank!

The blue-green curse power once again condensed in Gojo Yu's body, and time changed again, and it could not be stopped!


Gojo Satoru opened his mouth and shouted, and instantly activated [Spell Forward·Cang]. The blue mantra, which was completely different from Gojo Yu, condensed into a ball in the distance. The powerful attraction firmly grasped the caster and pulled him away

Gojo Yu's figure disappeared instantly, and Gojo Satoru also disappeared into the deep pit, but still slower than the former!

At this moment, Gojo Satoru, who was using Cang to move at high speed, felt something strange again, and before he could react...

A hand pressed on Gojo Satoru's head, accompanied by a familiar whisper

"It's still not fast enough... Brother!"

The hand strengthened by the mantra exerted force violently, and pressed Gojo Satoru's entire body to the ground, and another pit appeared!

A lot of smoke and dust rose up...

When the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, Gojo Satoru stood up again in the deep pit, even stretched his waist and took a deep breath

Gojo Yu stood not far away, looking at Gojo Satoru with a vigilant attitude, and did not pursue him

Gojo Satoru looked at Gojo Yu and began to think in his heart...

This speed...

I guess even the Zenyuan family's [Projection Spell] is not as fast as him...

If the domain is expanded, it should be able to trap Xiao Yu...

...Should be...

At this moment, facing Gojo Yu's unpredictable speed, even Gojo Satoru was a little troubled. After all, before the battle began, he directly restricted himself and did not use [Unlimited] and [Domain Expansion]

What was the result?

As soon as the battle started, Gojo Satoru suffered two setbacks and got some dust on his body. He even suspected...

Is his younger brother deliberately trying to embarrass him? !


This will damage his image in everyone's eyes!

The next moment, under the gaze of Gojo Satoru

Gojo Yu exerted force with both feet, and blue cursed power continued to surge out, strengthening his physical fitness

Didn't use the technique to rotate? !

Gojo Satoru's mouth corners raised, a little excited

If Gojo Yu didn't use the technique to rotate, then his movements would not be so fast in Gojo Satoru's eyes, and he could deal with it completely

Facing Gojo Yu's close-range attack, Gojo Satoru did not engage in hand-to-hand combat with him, but instead used [Technique Rotation·Cang] again, and his figure flashed and disappeared on the spot

Gojo Yu's eyes condensed, as if he had discovered something, and suddenly turned his head to look behind him

Gojo Satoru was floating in the air, with a blue cursed power condensed in his right hand, and the cursed power was rising and dazzling!

...Gojo Yu heard

The voice coming from Gojo Satoru's mouth...

"Technique Rotation·Cang..."

"Maximum output power!!"


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