The power of the black flash continued to explode at this moment.


——Boom boom! !

The real person at this moment reacted in just a moment, starting with his abdomen, which swelled wildly, and other parts also followed the current events and began to change in the same way.

The real person's body has turned into a huge monster of eight or nine meters in size, like a balloon that is about to explode on the spot at any time, and the fist from Gojo Yu sunk into the real person's abdomen, causing waves!


Gojo Yu frowned, a glimmer flashed in his blue eyes, as if he had discovered something, and opened his eyes wide

Under Gojo Yu's somewhat surprised gaze, the original swollen real person turned into a small white snake with some blue hair on his head like a cicada shedding its shell

Six eyes allowed him to clearly see the real person's movements

Gojo Yu's eyes condensed, and he subconsciously rushed towards the small snake transformed by the real person, stretched out his hand to grab it

But his hands were still empty

A smug smile appeared on the real person's face, and now it has become a small snake Zi entered the sewer, and at the same time, an idea came to the real person's mind...

I'm sorry, Leaky Pot...

The real person thought so, and now he was completely grateful for surviving a disaster

The six eyes allowed Gojo Yu to see the cursed power that had left, that was the real person

Because of the real person's sudden escape, the scene fell into silence...

Soon, it was broken by someone

"Tsk, actually let that cursed spirit escape..."

Gojo Yu was a little unhappy and couldn't help muttering

Who knew this strange cursed spirit was so durable, even more durable than those cursed spirits encountered before!

Even Black Flash couldn't kill it!

It seems that if I meet this cursed spirit again next time...

I must fight quickly!


There is another thing that needs to be solved right now...

Thinking of this, Gojou turned his head and looked in another direction

It was the ruins that this orphanage had turned into...

In a sense, the current miserable state of this orphanage is not only because of those two cursed spirits, but also because of himself...

While thinking and walking, after walking a few steps, Gojou stopped, pinched his chin with his hand, lowered his eyes, and looked at the figure lying on the ground

That was the clepsydra that might have been abandoned by the real person

The clepsydra is now completely gone Gojo U had just seen the arrogance, but now Louhu looked like he had lost all hope in life, which made people feel distressed.

Gojo U stretched out his left foot and stepped directly on Louhu's body. He even leaned down and looked at Louhu with his eyes.

"Hey... that cursed spirit is called Zhenren, right?"

"... It looks like it's good at running away."

Lohu didn't respond, and used his big one eye to face Gojo U's six eyes, but he was still weak.

Gojo U continued to ask questions, smiling slowly.

" But..."

"You are quite pitiful..."

"You have been abandoned by your companions."

After hearing this, Louhu gritted his teeth and stared at Gojo Uo, as if he wanted to remember his appearance firmly, and then spoke in a somewhat intermittent manner.

"... Brat... If you have the guts, then..."

"... If you have the guts, then let me go!"

Since Gojo Uo did not continue to maintain his [Unlimited] technique, Louhu has also recovered some strength at this moment.

But not much.

The current strength is not enough for him to be sure of escaping the danger from Gojo Uo. Although Louhu looks arrogant and lawless on weekdays,

But this does not mean that Louhu is a brainless cursed spirit. When it is time to use his brain, Louhu will still use it.

It is obvious that the abominable real person has abandoned him now, and he does not expect the real person to think of any way to save him. Based on his current state, the combat effectiveness he can exert is basically one in ten.

So the best way now is to delay time.

Act according to circumstances!

Although this is a bit frustrating for him, it is the only way...

Just as Louhu was thinking in his heart, Gojo U's voice sounded again, pulling him back to reality

"You said so, so let it go?"

"That's very embarrassing..."


"...I still have something to ask you"

As soon as he finished speaking, Gojo U stepped on Louhu with more force, and the latter's expression became even uglier, but he didn't make any wailing sounds

Just listen to Gojo U continue to speak

"You should have more than one or two companions, right?"

Gojo U raised his eyebrows, and Louhu, who was stepped on, subconsciously shrank his pupils


How did a human know this!!

Observing the strangeness, Gojo Yu raised his mouth and showed a triumphant smile

"It seems that I guessed right"

Luohu was stunned when he realized that he was being tricked, then he clenched his teeth and stared at Gojo Yu who was looking down at him with anger, as if he wanted to strangle him alive


"I will make you die miserably!"

Today was the first time he was treated like this by a human, as if he had been controlled by a human!

Then, Luohu continued to roar

"Stinky boy!"

"Even if I, Louhu, die here today and be tortured to death by you! I will not tell you what you want!"

Luohu roared with all his strength, and his determination made people feel extremely firm!

Gojo Yu slowly spoke after hearing this


"I believe you"

"Then... you can go to hell"

The next moment, Gojo Yu stepped hard! The cursed power exploded instantly...


Special grade cursed spirit - Leaking pot

Successfully exorcised!!


(I've been a bit busy lately, moving, running around, and haven't started my homework yet)

(It's a mentality problem)

(Also, I don't want to see Uchiha and the yellow-haired guy making balls in the duel arena anymore...)


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