Cursed Sword Master
GO TO Tower
"Think carefully about how to use it in the future, Souzillo."
"Yes... excuse me. It was a detour."
"When I woke up thinking it was an earthquake too... it was like that, so I thought I couldn't do that, and I almost cried a little bit"
"Oh my God. That's not true. Again, please. Or don't throw it away."
After that, Mr. Hotaru dealt with me until I was literally out of consciousness, but after I woke up, I had been bullied by the two of us for a long time.
But it was definitely a diversion, so he was spoiled by two mouth blows that continued during the process of changing clothes, checking gear and tools, and as he left the inn for the transfer team. Whatever you say, Sistina and Hotaru felt great yesterday, so their income and expenses are still positive.
"Mr. Hotaru, it's time to forgive you."
"Huh, it's Sistina. Souzillo has no regrets about reflection. Forgive me, but I don't enjoy being told anything like this."
Ku! That's Hotaru. It's all a prospect.
"No! But I'm really reflecting. From now on, we will use our skills appropriately according to the situation."
"Well, fine. You didn't get much more absorption this time than you did last time."
I woke up in the morning and Hotaru prompted me to do a martial arts test, but Hotaru's absorption level only rose to 2 15.
"Probably makes it harder to climb every time one rank goes up."
"Because Mr. Huo is already an artifact class. Maybe it won't be that easy from now on."
"Maybe, but I don't feel irrelevant that it was my first time with Souzillo... well, I can already verify it, and I wouldn't mind. Still, any day will come up again."
"Speaking of which, is Inn okay?
"Yes, for once I'm not going to stay in the tower for long, but I've kept it for a maximum of three days"
According to Sistina's explanation, people entering the tower don't pay for accommodation in advance because they sometimes lose their lives in the tower. But naturally, I intend to return alive, so I want to secure the inn.
So what was conceived was a continuation contract with a specified number of days.
This is an agreement that you will keep the room until the number of days you have contracted for the luggage left in the room as collateral.
It seems that if we pay the money together until the minute we were absent when we came back, the contract will be extended from there for a few more days.
I mean, the short runs, the bonds, all kinds of dressing and towels that we keep in our rooms for the next three days if we can't get back to the inn. Inn is able to get a few pieces of silver that he left as security deposits in his room.
We can pay for one night when we get back to the inn today. If the return is tomorrow, pay for two nights and you can keep the room for another three days from that day on.
"Ah, looks like this is the transfer team."
Looks like the transfer team is in the building right next door to the Lords' Hall. It still seems to be valuable and the building security is tightened. Naturally, it was installed by the Lords of the time on account of the survival of the city.
There are two armed soldiers standing at the entrance, and beside them there is a small hut like a stuffed house, some of which seems to be stuffed.
"My name is Sistina from the Samurai Festival. I'm going to the tower, so I'd like to borrow your transfer team."
"I'm listening. You're gonna make money for this city at best."
When Sistina spoke to the soldiers at the entrance, they heard from the soldiers at the gatekeeper, so they let me through, but the soldiers had a bad attitude. I don't think you've done anything to make me hate you.
"Tower seekers are thankful people for the city because they sell us drops in towers and spend that money on the city, but the reality is that many people act abusively because of their deceptive abilities."
"Are you feeling complicated as a soldier defending the city..."
When you enter the entrance, it is in a small room and a counter is installed in front of a large door that pokes at you. This counter, in a slightly unusual shape, had a wooden door on the front part of the door that looked like the entrance to the liquor store, with two female staff sitting on each side of it, facing this side and the door side, on their backs. The image of the appearance is close to an entrance to an amusement park or something.
Looking indoors further, there is another counter at the wall, where the middle-aged man sits. Looks like a demon stone shop from the bills hung on the counter.
For now, I don't have any demon stones, so I headed to the counter at the main door where I thought there would be a transfer formation.
"Welcome. Are you new to this transfer team? If you don't mind, I'll explain."
Is it the receptionist's uniform here in the building, or are all the sisters in the counter wearing the same clothes? Whose hobby it is. The receptionist is, without exception, a uniform with his chest wide open, so his gaze is about to suck into the valley of the abyss.
The receptionist's sister smiles when she notices that gaze. Damn, totally baretella.
Plus that smile made Sistina realize what I was looking at, too, and she turned a cold glance at me.
"Yes, this transfer team is connected to the lake city of Raytalk. You will receive 1,000 marl per person for one-way use to Raytalk.
If you are going to return to this city after exploring the tower of Raytalk, we will still deposit 1,000 marl per person to give you this wooden plaque.
After the tower exploration, if you sell one or more magic stones at one of our shops when you return here, we will buy this plaque for 1,000 marl as well. "
Well, they just let me through because I'm going to the tower, and I guess that's the rule I thought about around because when I didn't come back, it loses the use of the transfer team.
The rules for buying wood tags would also be an effective way to ensure that demon stones can be sold by people returning from the tower.
If they just seem to buy it too cheaply over the market, they confiscate the deposit money. But I feel like someone else sells demon stones. Is it good?
"As for the market, we investigate the price of the Demon Stone purchase for both Micalea and Raytalk every few days, so we buy it at the right price."
Looks like I was thinking about that area after all. I guess that's not why there are no stores that will buy them expensive, but it's also a hassle to find them around, and there will be many searchers who will sell them here because the memory of their lords could be improved.
"Okay. We're coming back to this city after the tower exploration, so please proceed."
"I understand. We'll take care of 3,000 marl."
Sistina pays the receptionist three large silver coins.
"Yes, indeed. Then please take three of these wooden plaques. When you return to the city, please submit it with the Demon Stone."
Sistina had it in her pochette when she received the wooden plaque. Our backpack is packed with water bottles and food, so we'll probably have to ask Hotaru, who doesn't have much luggage, to manage it.
"Then I'll show you. … please wait a moment. There seems to be a return from there."
The receptionist who was dealing with this one whispered something from the receptionist behind him and bowed his head.
At the same time, the big door in front of you opens.
"No, this time it was bad!
"What are you talking about? It's not because you can't get into the upper echelons. Don't involve us in your ego!
"Right. I'm not going to help you next time. Pretty little girl would help you fast."
It was a foursome party that came out.
At the beginning is a big man with a big sword on his back. Obviously a front-line special attack type fleshbullet fighter.
Two people behind them, quite a beauty wrapped around a long robe. Except they have tight eyes, and they are healed even when they are together. He must be a magical subject because he has a long wand in his hand.
Next door is a colored man who looks light. It's a lightweight gear, so I guess it's a fast-paced mess system. I don't see a weapon from the front, but I'm sure it'll be crisp from behind using a dagger or something.
Behind it was an even bigger giant than the leading big man. He is dressed in a full plate with a large shield on his back. Looks good as a tank.
That said, what happens when you use simple appraisals on people? I hadn't tested all the weapons. "Simple Appraisal"
"Alexei Industry 5
Age: 32
Position: Melee Fighter '
Simple appraisals don't seem to see any skill relationships, but they know their names and age occupations. Do you mean you can see more or less if you're a bad guy because you can see the business too?
Is your position a melee fighter... maybe you can do anything in melee. I don't know if proximity is subtle when it comes to the attack range of that big sword, but I guess it's the effective range because it's about as equipped on purpose.
"Leela Broyce Industry 12
Age: 22
Position: Strike Artillery Technician '
Yeah. I don't know what that means. Strike and artillery even though you look like a wizard? I don't even know what the hell people do, are avant-garde or back-garde.
"Garra Gorla Industry 20
Age: 26
Job Title: Lightweight '
... I wonder how you were fighting in the tower in this position. Skills don't always seem to be the only thing you get about jobs, so you must have skills for combat.
I mean, I didn't have a single skill for combat either. Do you mean that an individual's combat skills are not necessarily determined by his or her position, but are also largely due to his or her abilities?
"Rhumiel Industry-8
Age: 15 Race: Small Giants
Position: Clerical Apprentice '
Uh-huh. What am I supposed to do with the amount of penetration into this party? I'm surprised that such a big old man is only fifteen, and he's a cleric apprentice and a guard while keeping all that heavy gear.
Besides, I'd say it's good to have different races, but make it clear if they're small or big.
"Ha ha! Don't say that. I don't care what you say. You attacked 20 layers and they were all safe!
"You're not alive, you idiot! I have this beauty, so I want to make some money there, sell my name, catch a good man, live in luxury.
I'm done exploring like I'm dying!
"I agree. I have a couple of stars waiting for me."
That's a busy party. It seems better not to get involved too much.
"Is it amazing what a twenty tier is?
"Sure, the tower of Raytalk is a 'selective' tower, so if you can break through the twenty tiers, I think you can call it a middle-class as a party"
I'm not sure it's selective or anything, but it seems quite powerful to be able to break through the 20th floor. Then I don't want to get involved more and more.
"Oh! I found your pretty daughter a colorful sister!
Even though I thought so, the light-hearted bastard finds Sistina and Mr. Hotaru and approaches me with a frightened face.
"Beautiful ladies. Would you like to celebrate this fateful encounter and treat us to a meal?
So light. I also say he's just a numb ass.
"It's my invitation, but I refuse. We're going to Raytalk."
Sistina clearly puts in a no without even a nickel.
"Oh! Did I? The purpose of that gear is a tower, right? The tower is dangerous. The ladies alone don't know what's out there, so I'll follow the escort."
I don't need it. I'm here, too. This guy is deliberately making me invisible. At some point, I find out that the business is too insidious.
"No, you don't have to. Then excuse me. Let's come, Master Souzillo."
Sistina deliberately highlighted my name. Apparently, he's been behaving with disregard for me. They love you.
Oh, you finally noticed me. I mean, didn't you really see it?
"Hmm, a little guy like this will die soon in the tower. I won't say anything wrong, so let's join me."
Shit. Mr. Hotaru's leaking killing air. Much angry. Run fast, Garra, for you will not say anything wrong.
"Garra! Don't waste your time, come quick! I'm gonna lose your share!
"Shit, I was about to fall, that deviation."
Huh... what part of the current flow did you think the two of you would fall off, this guy?
"I'm afraid my people seem in a hurry not to want to lose me, so I'll give up this time. The next time I see you, I promise you two a safe tower exploration. Bye."
I know you personally meant to scatter stars at the smile on your departure, but from my point of view, it doesn't even look like a clown. He was just a mistaken bastard. Heh! You picked up your life.
"You're a troublesome opponent... maybe we should change our bases so we don't see each other again"
"Agreed. You should talk to him when you're done exploring today."
They didn't like us both. This is definitely going to move the base. It's my first city in the world, and it's my first with you, so I was wondering if I could stay a little longer, but I guess I shouldn't say that the first tower seeker I met was like that.
"Shall we go then?"
Encourage the two of you to head to the main door.
"Then when you get inside and into the center of the formation, let the formation have its magic. If you can't handle magic, an official will take your place, but I'll take a piece of silver."
"Okay. There's no problem with magic."
"Really? Good luck, Samurai Festival."
In the guided room, there are 12 tatami square rooms, and the magic formation is engraved with a complicated pattern on one side of the floor. There is plenty of cross-world sentiment.
An official leaves us inside the door and closes the door.
"You wait a minute! That's not the price of all the magic stones. Did you make a proper assessment?
"Ha ha ha!
"The receptionist's sister. Nice breasts, as always. Will you comfort me with that chest of heartbreak"
I felt sick of hearing those guys until just before the door closed.
"Sawzillo. Let's get you back on your feet."
"Hehe, then you will go, Master Souzillow. The Raytalk side is in the same room to prevent confusion after the metastasis. Only the crest on that door will change, so please don't leave the formation until it changes."
In the place Sistina pointed to, it would represent the city of Michalea, so she remembered it firmly and nodded because it had a crest that pictured Mie Maru and the woods and meadows.
"Then you'll go."
Light runs into the pattern of the magic formation at your feet with Sistina's voice. And at the same time as the light passed through all the patterns, we were wrapped in the light that sprang up from the formation.
When you look around you free from the light and get used to your eyes, nothing seems to have changed just now.
Only the crest on the door, which Sistina had told me, had turned into something that pictured the lake and the tower.
It's true that all of a sudden a transfer like flying from the desert to the meadows is going to confuse my brain, but I feel less confused to realize that I was flown to the same place looking and then slowly transferred to trigger the crest.
"Don't you both feel bad? Some people feel bad if they're not used to metastases."
Metastatic sickness? I didn't have anything to do with drunkenness such as car sickness, seasickness, 3D sickness, etc., so I guess I'll be fine.
"I'm fine."
I don't have a problem with that, either.
"Okay. Then let's go."
Outside the street through the main door that Sistina opened for me, there was a room with a counter similar to Micalea, but Micalea has no tower, so there is no shopping place for demonic stones here.
Probably somewhere closer to the tower or something.
I left the building after a light meeting with the counter sisters because there was no particular business here.
"Well... it's just a lake city."
When he left the building, the scenery was so wide that Mr. Hotaru accidentally spilled it.
The building itself was built high on the outside of the city, but the first impression of the view from it was' blue '.
This city of Raytalk, if I may say so, was Hippotan Island floating on the lake. Lady-shaped island in a large lake that also surprises Japan's Biwako Lake.
And the water in that lake was bluer and prettier than any other lake in Japan.
There are about three stories of buildings that I would like to flatten on the bulging part of the smaller ladybug, and the streets are built on the larger bulging part.
There is only a short distance from the bottom of the ladybug to the outside of the lake, where it is connected by a wooden bridge.
What we came out of was the outer edge of the city close to the bottom part.
"The flat building you can see over there is the Tower."
"I don't care how you look at it, it's about three floors, but what they said earlier about 20 floors doesn't mean 20 floors."
"No, definitely. Now that we're a little far away, I'll walk you through the Tower."
Thank you. Micalea's transfer team couldn't be installed close to the tower because of the budget, which seems to be in a rather inconvenient position.
For that matter, the transfer fee is set at a low price or the accommodation price is set at a low cost, so it is positioned as a bedtown for people who want to make money from raytalk in the long term but have few hands.
Sistina talks as she heads to the tower.
"'Tower' is not what it looks like"
This is what Sistina looked like when she summed up her knowledge of the tower she taught me.
-The tower is like a kind of different dimensional space, and the size and height of the exterior do not match the internal structure at all.
-Basically, each hierarchy has a boss called the Lord, who can go to the next hierarchy when he defeats it, but when he goes up the hierarchy, he can't go back down from there, and the Lord quickly repops.
-Exit can go outside if you jump out the windows of each tier. No matter how many floors you jump from, you get downstairs with a drop of about 30cm.
-The last hierarchy has a tower owner. Defeat it and the tower will collapse.
-The towers have moulds, each with "selective", "transitional" and "compatible".
-The tower always has a large hall without demons when you enter, from where you open the door and move on.
There is a door in the large hall that leads to each tier. Anyone can enter one tier, but not above two tiers unless someone from the party has cleared that tier. The door to the next hierarchy appears in the Great Hall when someone steps on a new floor.
Crusade conditions:
Crusade one level at a time to the upper level to defeat the tower lord.
"Transition type"
The internal structure, type, placement, and number of demons change from day to day. Knocking down the boss that day won't show up the stairs to the next tier.
Crusade conditions:
Defeat the Tower Master, but it is unclear when it will lead to the hierarchy where the Tower Lord is located. It is said to be powerful because whoever defeats the Lord of the hierarchy, which is made up every day, keeps knocking him down at least once. It is said that as the number of consecutive crusades increases, it will be easier for the tower owner hierarchy to emerge.
Also known as the 'Tower of Suitability' (sounds like an appropriately hung word). What they're saying is that the tower slowly appraises the ability of a party and connects it to a hierarchy where there are enemies of a rank commensurate with it, and the hierarchy sent in differently from party to party. That appraisal seems to be quite a mess, and sometimes terribly strong demons are placed that do not match the level at all.
Crusade conditions:
Unknown. It is believed that you will probably reach the top floor by dominating a considerable number of floors without ever going outside from the floor configured that day.
-Three main towers have been crusaded in the past: two selective and one transitional. The rest are left with four selective, two transitional, and one compatible tower.
-The tower of Raytalk is selective.
· About the main and secondary towers
There are ten main towers in the world that are said to continue to produce demons in and out of towers and a secondary tower that is randomly born and produces demons only in towers.
It is generally said that secondary towers are generated when the power of the main tower increases. There is a theory that if a certain number of sub-towers are left unattended, a new main tower will be created, but so far no confirmation has been obtained.
Here's what happened.
"Somehow I knew it was awesome."
"Sounds like you should go selectively for now until you get used to the fight. Basically, the higher the hierarchy, the stronger the demons, right?
"Right. That's what they say.
… transitional and compatible does not always seem to be the case, but when it comes to selective, it seems almost certain. "
Sistina to say for a moment. Does that mean there are even exceptions to the selective type?
"In the past, they've had a few examples of demons gushing up that couldn't have appeared on the lower tier. In all cases, it seems to have cost the Seekers a great deal."
"I can't help but wonder what strange things do. Let's do what we can."
Suddenly his father stabbed him to death, so he may encounter a powerful enemy in the tower and be killed.
I can't help but care about that. Now we just have to kill him thoroughly so he doesn't snag. We need to be strong for that.
"Yes, it's all right, Master Souzillo, because I will protect you."
"Yeah, I'll do my best to protect Sistina too."
"I only have special training for that."
"Nice to meet you there"
"I know. Nice to meet you too, Sakura."
At the end of Sistina's description of the tower, he finally made his way through the city of Raytalk. This is the position of the ladybug's neck.
In the position of the neck, a bulkhead is created and there is a wall about three metres high. There is a door in the center of it, but the door itself seems to be open and a soldier manages entry and exit on both sides.
It's just that it's not as tough as a precinct when you say you manage it. Rather, it seemed its original role to protect the city from the tower in the event of an incident. When Sistina said she was going to the tower, she was given a light passage.
Looks like the Seeker returning from the tower also has a basic no-check.
"Are you finally here?"
What you can see in front of you was an old three-story tower. The first step has a huge entrance like a big creep in the front, and countless searchers come and go.
Maybe that's the first big hall that's bound to be there when you get into the tower Sistina said.
There's just a door to each hierarchy there. They don't answer demons, so they shouldn't have to be nervous yet, but I still feel that the unknown places are causing my heart rate to rise.
The first step is an exterior wall engraved with strange patterns, without any particular windows, etc. The second and third steps appear to be at regular intervals, but strangely, no matter how gazed I was, I could not peek inside.
"Yes, then let's go"
Enter through the entrance.
There are more people in there than you can imagine and it's a deliberate atmosphere. About half of them are resting with searchers with weapons and protective gear, setting up operations, and searching for temporary party members.
The other half looks like people who do business. There are even people who sell medicine, who pay for restorative magic, who buy magic stones, and who try to sell weapons and protective equipment.
Well, I came up with a simple appraisal of the searchers in the hall. I was wondering if those jobs I saw in Michalea were rare. For now, I don't care about the name, so I'll take a look around the job relationship from one end to the other.
"Position: Swordsman," "Position: Cleric," "Position: Hunter," "Position: Farmer," "Position: Merchant," "Position: Wind Mage," "Position: Striker," etc.
I see. This is what you call a job, after all. You mean those guys were a special category, no matter what. Speaking of which, I flushed it, but there were some sub-people. Did you look around the Dog Head Clan, Fox Tail Clan, and Long Torso Clan? By and large, the race name seems to represent the characteristics of the species as it is.
"Welcome to the Tower of Raytalk. Is this your first time to this tower? If you don't already have a partying ring, do you plan on getting it here?"
You spotted us stopping at the hustle and bustle inside as a beginner's death, or a man approaching from the wall of the great hall with a bag like a big attack case.
He's quite a handsome uncle dressed in tailored clothing and accumulating a moustache that he doesn't dislike.
"Wilmark Bayce Industry 7
Age 34
Job Title: Merchant '
If the business is single-digit, it doesn't seem like such a bad guy, and partying is a word that bothers me, so I might ask if it's about talking.
He looked at me and nodded after his gaze wandered for a moment when he saw Sistina, so I guess he confirmed his knowledge of partying. I promise to nod back to Sistina and listen to her, too.
"Sure, we don't have the partying yet, but we might need it to get into the tower from now on. We'd like to talk to you."
"Thank you for that. My name is Wilmark Bace, and I'm a pedestrian. Please call me Will.
Let me first explain the partying, then. If you were familiar with it, would you skip it?
"Because of this, please," Sistina asks Will to explain. Will opened the bag he had when he lowered his head, "I understand, sir.
"This is what we call partying."
What was in the bag was a silver bracelet fitted with small black stones and quite a bit of gold on the other parts. It seems that the bags are divided into steps, with two rings at the top, three at the bottom, and four and multiple sets stored at the bottom.
"Check this out. I think you can see all the black stones in this ring hanging out with each other."
As Will points out, it does have two bracelet stones and stones stuck together.
"This incorporates one heavy demonic stone into the bracelet, broken into two pieces and processed. Heavy Demon Stones have the nature of engaging with each other even when they are cracked. Partying uses this nature."
"What is convenient to wear"
"There are two great advantages to sitting on.
First of all, if all the party members wear a ring made from a heavy demon stone, they'll know where to find it, even if it's in the tower or something. "
Do you know that there are members of the bracelet who are drawn to each other? That's certainly convenient. I'm confident I'll cry if I can't get back together with Sistina or Mr. Hotaru.
"The other thing is that we can share the reach of the tower."
"What do you mean?
"For example, this raytalk tower is' selective '. If you've never been to this tower, you'll be attacking them sequentially from one level to the next.
Because you can't go into a hierarchy you've never reached. "
There are countless doors on the walls of the Great Hall. The doors line up to the second stage using stairs and passageways installed at the wall without enough steps.
And one by one, the numbers are swinging from one in this world. I guess this number represents each hierarchy.
"But in a party with this partying ring, if one person in the party has ever reached a hierarchy, everyone in the party can enter that hierarchy. It is said that this is because even if the heavy demon stone of the bracelet is broken, it is recognized by the tower as one."
It doesn't make any particular sense if you were at a party you were fighting with from one tier, but you mean you don't have to start over from one tier with more party members who have never been in that tower from the middle of nowhere?
"You can also use this to avoid low tiers by temporarily adding explorers who have entered higher tiers to your party members and taking them to higher tiers. Some explorers are making money from selective towers."
I wish I didn't have to fight anything else to get in, so I just let the explorers who go to the higher echelons accompany me for the first time and leave right away. Later, we recruit seekers who want to shortcut the low tier at the entrance and take them to the layers who want to get paid to go. There is certainly going to be demand.
"Sistina. I think we need this when we think about the future, but how about that?
"Right. I think it's a necessity."
"Well, if you look around, it looks like the people there are probably equipped."
I see. That's why this merchant called us because we didn't have a party ring even though our gear was good there.
"There are also two small advantages.
One is that the Heavy Demon Stone does not use magic just because it is fitted in, so the semi-permanent effect continues.
The other one doesn't deteriorate, so when more party members replace rings, they sell for the same price as the purchase value, so it's less expensive to replace them. "
For our party, the ring of the Heavy Demon Stone broken into three parts will no longer be available when there are more party members, so we need to change it to the ring of the Heavy Demon Stone broken into four parts. The fact that the price of the withdrawal at that time is almost the same as the amount of the purchase is certainly an advantage.
"The downside is that they are expensive because they use demon stones. You need some size to make it work as a partying ring, so the more you break, the larger the size of the demon stone you need, and the higher the price."
"I guess that is. So how many for three?"
"Yes, for three, it's 300,000 marl."
Three million yen! Almost the full amount of the bandit's bounty? You're a little out of hand with our holdings right now.
"Unfortunately, you're a little impossible right now. We will have another opportunity. May I, Master Souzillow?"
"Of course. I mean, you can't shake a sleeve without it."
When the money is saved, I'm sure I'll decide to buy it, and when I say no to Will, I head to the door where I can put it on one level of the tower.
"... please wait"
There's a still voice coming from Will.
"What is it?
Will dives his voice and opens his mouth to Sistina as he approaches us when he stops.
"I beg your pardon for the lame question. Excuse me, sir, but is it possible that you are at the Samurai Festival?
"... Dear Soujiro"
I snort at Sistina's inquiry. There seems to be enough common sense to take care not to be asked around for once, so there is nothing to be said.
I don't know if I should hide the identity of the Samurai Festival in the first place.
"Yes. My name is Sistina from the Samurai Festival. This is my lord, Chief Wolf Fujimiya."
Will still bows his head against Sistina and me in a less conspicuous way when he looks like that.
"Did you still? Are you going to be challenged by the tower for three?
"It will."
"Now let me give you a partying ring for these three."
Will takes the three rings out of his own bag and gives them away.
"Wait a minute, Lord Will. You can't afford something like that."
"Okay. So how about this is a forward investment?"
"Preliminary investment…?
"Yes, I don't know if you'd like to take my Bayce Chamber of Commerce for a little while."
Ho... is that a bribe? Your Lord is evil too, Echikaya.
I mean, I don't think it's worth it to us, but isn't 3 million yen too much for a forward investment or something?
Either way, I can't take a lot of bribes. Because I personally have a strong image of the bad guy, I feel repellent.
"We still refuse because we don't have enough track record or strength to have such a high investment, and we don't want to be able to tie it to our actions as a shield."
That's Sistina. He seems to grasp my thoughts on quite a level. You didn't have the skills to know what the Lord thought when you signed a subordination contract.
"No, there is no such thing as bribery. What I'd like to ask you is if there was a store next door called A and B that sold the same thing for the same price, would you buy it at the Bayce Chamber of Commerce store in A."
Eat it down, Mr. Will. Do you want to connect so much with us? Well, if it's okay with every request to that extent, I'd rather...
"Sistina. I need a contract with him."
"Uh, Master Souzillo?
"It's a borrowing letter. Buy that ring with a bump from him. Interest free and repayment due within 300 days. I won't specify one other condition and I won't promise. If that's okay with you, I'll let you buy that ring."
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. This is the only The advantage of Will is that he can only have a little edge with us.
But Will smiled without hesitation.
"So I'll sit down."
"Okay. Sistina."
"Yes, Master Souzillow."
Sistina asked me to confirm the contract with her skills. Of course, I nod and accept that Sistina never creates a contract that goes against my will.
"Then sign it."
Will signs the signing section of the contract.
"'In the name of Samurai Festival Sistina this covenant was concluded. When you break your contract, the Samurai Festival Sistina vows to be punished." "
They did it! For Sistina to take the punishment for breaking the contract if the money wasn't ready by herself... but now it wouldn't be a good time to mess it up. The contract has already turned into light and the contract has been concluded.
"Thank you for a good deal. Let me give you this one again."
Sistina receives the partying.
"If you find me, I can do so, but I will also contact the Bayce Chamber of Commerce in each city because of the businessmen, so you can repay me there.
And if you ever go to the confused city of Fresberg with the tower of Zatil, make sure to stop by the Bais Chamber of Commerce headquarters as well. My father has the main office. "
"Okay. Remember."
Will carefully lowered his head and went back to business.
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