Cursed Sword Master
In the strangely slow flowing scenery, Hotaru and Cherry Blossom flow up as they disappear into the shadow of the falling stone as they finish throwing me and Sistina.
No, you're not, I'm falling.
"Mr. Hotaru! Mr. Hotaru!! Cherry blossom! Cherry blossom!
I hear someone screaming in my ear as I calmly recognize myself slowly pulled by gravity and falling. What a voice. It hurts my ears.
"Fluorescent! Cherry blossoms!!
Oh, is that it? They say when you hear your own voice on tape, it sounds like someone else's... that's my scream.
I can hear Sistina. Oh... I'm gonna lose it to Sistina like this...
Sorry... guys. Just because I'm impudent... if only I were firmer.
Power falls out of the hand that was stretching into the void. The wind blowing through my ears as loud as it sounds also gets smaller...
Right... I'm... dying...
◇ ◇ ◇
"Have you noticed, sir?"
When I opened my eyes, I had Sistina's face peering into me with an up as if I'd half anointed it with the mansion ceiling I'd already seen.
"Oh, yeah. Good morning, Sistina.
You're all early today. Were you on some business? Usually they don't get out of the futon until I wake up. Is Hotaru and Cherry Blossom even in the bath?
Everyone teases only today. I only said so harshly that it's important to gently wrap my sleep in a plump, warm, seductive body every morning (although it's actually a secret that I pleaded with), and this is going to have to be treated plenty tonight.
"Your husband..."
Sistina's face clouding, which was peeking into my face when I was groaning thinking about it. If you look closely, it looks pretty messy, unlike usual. Is that it? Did you hustle so much yesterday?
... yesterday? Did you 'did' yesterday in the first place? No, I didn't. I did. The four of us enjoyed ourselves from the bright side. I also enjoyed the superb posture yesterday that I would never get tired of matching my body.
... I mean, why not at night?
"Master, Hotaru and Sakura are not here"
"... Oh no, Sistina. You can tell by the fact that you're not in this room. You're in a hot spring or something. Then we'll go together and we'll all go in."
"Your husband..."
"Is that it? What's wrong, Sistina, with such a crying face? Could it have been a bath? So are you even eating at dinner in the dining room?
Sistina is waving her neck to the side with no force as she nodded.... Is that kind of like I'm bullying you?
"I'm sorry, Sistina. I'll give you an order. Can you get Hotaru and Cherry Blossom for a minute?
Sistina, who reacts violently, tries to stand up reflexively, but when she shakes her head wide with her eyes closed strongly, she again kneels to her bedside and replies "I can't" with a plundered voice.
Huh... why? How can you activate the 'veto'? You're gonna let me give you the same order again?
"Sistina... Again: 'Soujiro!! Don't be silly!' Hih!"
"... Your husband?
If they give me the same order, I'll have to be absolutely obedient. Sistina was stiffening her body and waiting for my words, but suddenly she made a strange voice. She's looking at me in surprise.
'Don't be silly! Do you intend to kill even Mr. Sistina, who, being my Lord, was ugly enough to escape reality and defend the Lord with his life?
"After that, Mr. Sistina didn't give up until the end, unlike the Lord, who gave up everything and lost consciousness.
Ms. Sistina caught the Lord's temple in the universe with her magic broken, and she held herself in her arms, and with most of her full recovery magic, she fell to the river beneath the cliff. "
"... cum"
"The impact of the fall from that height, plus a clash to the bottom of the river that didn't have enough water depth to take it. It was Mr. Sistina who held one person to drowning while giving priority to his recovery to the Lord's Palace over herself, flushing with turbulence and defending the Lord's Palace until she came to the side of the Mansion!
"... Guuuuuuu"
"Furthermore, even after I used up my magic and returned to the Mansion with my recovery intact, I continued to apply restorative techniques to the Lord's Palace whenever my magic returned.
Many times I say, stop and make your own recovery! shouting won't get my voice... couldn't stop it...
You're letting Mr. Sistina, who did that to you, tie you up with a contract, bury you in the dust with a selfish rampage and go find the mountain monkeys who don't even know if you're alive? If you leave with such a body, Mr. Sistina will definitely die. Is that okay with you?
I knew it... I knew it, really... but, but! I didn't want to believe it! Hotaru, I can't believe there's no cherry blossoms!
Because I... I am! Huo and I have cherry blossoms! We agreed to come to this world because they would stay together! In fact, the two of you have always been beside me!... He stayed.
Yet... I don't know what to do when I can't see you two anymore!
"Master... don't cry so much. I haven't confirmed that Mr. Hotaru and the others are dead yet."
"But... but! Wouldn't be helpful if I got caught up in all that rockfall!! I need Mr. Hotaru..."
'That's not true. The Lord has me and Mr. Sistina. Besides, mountain monkeys are famous knives even if they rot. I'm sure I'll do something about it.'
Sistina softly hugs my head. He gently and slowly strokes my hair over and over again buried in a soft twin mountain. Sunflower's words slowly stain into my head as I leave myself to that gentle rhythm.
You're right... there's no way that Hotaru is going to die because of that degree of fame Hotarumaru. You don't have to believe me.
"... Thanks Sistina. Thanks to Sistina, I can live safely and help Huo and the others."
"No, it's a promise to Sakura... and I can't think of a life without your husband anymore"
Really? As Huo and the others do for me, for Sistina, I... and I can't imagine losing Sistina again.
"Thanks for stopping the sunflower too"
'You don't have to worry about it. It's also my wife's job to correct my husband's mistakes.'
Yeah? I think I heard something I shouldn't have listened to, but let me just say it now. If you think about my pity until just now, you can't say anything from me.
Besides, we're all like wives, considering what we're doing. Maybe Aoi is going to be humanized by women too, and then naturally I'm going to let her do something uhihi, so I don't mind if I say otherwise.
"Danger! Your husband! Come here!"
If I was thinking about that, Sistina would suddenly bury me in my chest, forcing me to cover my back.
At the same time, the broken glass is scattered across the floor with the sound of a broken windowsill in the room. By the way, there is not much transparency in this world, and thickness is thicker than on Earth, but glass exists.
Glass such as the inn is almost invisible outside, but this mansion is sometimes referred to as the mansion used by the former lord. It was fitted with quite a bit of transparency. I guess that's why Sistina immediately noticed something poking through the window and could cover for me that she hadn't noticed yet.
Well, it's pretty sore around my neck because I was forced to pull it out of my neck at that time, but not if I care about that.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
"What... what? What's up, Sistina! Are you all right!"
Under the circumstances, Sistina, the only person who could strike us so forcefully should be Red Meteor Associated. Have you found out we're still alive and come to stab the stomach?
Damn it! You don't have to be so diligent with us. I reach for the flash slash and sunflower that I left on my pillow, stupidly on my heart, and draw it to hand.
"It's okay. But in the window... there's a demon that's probably a needlehawk..."
Certainly a demon with a pointy mouth and tail tip that made Earth's eagle about three turns... was it?
I used to take a little demon course from Sistina in my spare time because it would be absolutely useful if I knew, but while I was listening to her, she would follow me through and thrive from it, so as far as knowledge is concerned, it is very halfway through.
"Yes, it's just a demon I can't see without going deeper into Mount Paclit..."
Faced out from behind Sistina and looking at the window, he stopped at a pier with broken glass and stared at this one as a bird likely to belong to a large size leaked a kicky, deafening squeal on the planet.
But there's no indication that he's ever attacked me for coming into all that flashy.
"Won't you attack me?
"No, you don't. Apparently... we have a message."
That's what Sistina pointed out. The needlehawk's feet were bracketed with cylindrical cylinders.
"There's a letter in there?
"Perhaps... it only says something that isn't Ozakuro."
Sistina's probably right. If that's a message from a red meteor, you don't have to give us anything. I don't know about Diago, but you know it was definitely us who killed Meisa.
I don't know how much they move for their people, but assuming there are only two of us missing Huo and Cherry Blossoms on our faces, no matter what kind of impossibility or extrajudicial demands are written in retaliation for our people, we only have the option of 'accepting' or 'running away'.
Sistina, I'll get it.
"No! If he attacked me where I went to get it."
"It's okay.
Besides, Sistina... you really don't have any flair for movement right now. You look too pale. I'm fine now, so give yourself a recovery and get some rest.
I'm sure it's gonna be another big deal for them to say, so we need to be able to move properly. "
"Your husband... yes, I understand"
I snort back hard too when I see Sistina smile and snort slightly. If you're right about the sunflower, Sistina should remain so hurt that it's really not weird when she faints.
The truth is, I had to tell you sooner I'd notice and give you a break. Damn it! You still can't afford it.
He slowly walks toward Needlehawk, reflecting on himself, but still doesn't show any signs that Needlehawk is going to make any offense.
Okay, okay, don't move like that.
I feel a little bumpy, but this guy's mouth is seriously scary. There's really some kind of spiral-free twitchy drill about how you eat bait. And it's pretty small in diameter.
"Hmm?... that... I think I've seen it lately with this guy..."
As soon as I whine like that, my memory comes back to life.
"Sistina. Do you have the skills to tame demons in this world?
"Huh?... Yes, I do. 'Tutorial' skills, 'slave' skills, and a few others."
Oh, I didn't know you had Thame-based skills besides tutoring. Can you follow a slave or something like that without being forced to? There may be other people in your system who want to be friends with you. I'm interested in that area. Let's hear more about it next time. All I need right now...
"So, what's Tamer's skill in sharing what Tamed Demons have seen and heard?
"Yes. It should have been possible using 'tuning' skills, 'sensory sharing', etc."
I see... I knew you meant that. Is that why our moves were stuck with them?
"Your husband?
"Yeah, hang on a second"
When I approach Needle Hawk unconstitutionally, I take the letter out of my foot barrel, force the Needle Hawk to stop wanting to just slash and throw away, and push my chest away just gently.
Needlehawk spread his wings and flew away toward Mount Paclitt without going against it in any particular way.
"Do you mean the Needlehawk now is a Tamed Demon?
"Maybe... and I saw that bird on my way home from the Lordship Hall"
"... ah!
Yes, that the Lords will not march out. That we go to night raids from late at night. We were walking around talking about that. That bird was watching from the roof of a private house the whole time.
Something could have changed if I had realized then that that bird was a demon. I knew somehow that ignorance would lead to danger, but I didn't actually think it would lead to such danger.
But now that things have happened, I can't help but say that.
"Sounds like that.
So, let's change players for now. Now Sistina's gonna lay down in bed. The window's broken, let's go to Sistina's room. "
I graciously hugged the princess while she was sitting on the floor about to exhaust herself. I move to Sistina's room and get Sistina off to bed. Sistina seemed happy, though frightened, because she had never done that to you before.
If you're so happy, this is how I'll carry them all when we're all here. Cherry blossoms will please you, but will Hotaru please you? I think they're going to say, "Don't stretch your back, Souzillo."
"The first step is to use recovery techniques to heal your injuries. Then you should get some sleep."
"Right... yes. I'll do as your husband says."
"Yeah, and now if I fall down to Sistina, I'm really confident I won't be able to get back on my feet."
"No more, please! Such confidence."
"No, but it's true. That's why I want you to rest tight."
Sistina narrows her eyes as she gently strokes and lifts Sistina's head, who nodded honestly. I'd like to keep you asleep and raise you, but I need you to do something before I do.
"Sistina would be concerned, too, and I wonder if you could just read this before you go to bed because I don't know the literature until someone reads it, even if it's me."
Take the letter you received from Needlehawk and give it to Sistina. I have already read it once on my side, but my ability to "read" makes me read the meaning behind the letters, so I don't know the apparent content that is written.
Sistina nods small and takes the letter and quietly proceeds to read it. It's not a long letter. You'll be done reading soon.
"Your husband... what is this?
Sistina's hand, having finished reading the letter as soon as she thought it would, is shaking slightly because of anxiety.
"Shall we fold the contents together for a moment? Can you tell me what you read at Sistina's?
"Yes... the letter said give me a samurai instead of missing your husband. The handover will take place two days later at noon, further north of the Zatil tower, in a closed stone cutoff."
Yeah, I guess that's more or less what happens when you pull the part out of what I don't mind letting people hear from what I read. I feel like two days from now is a little too much time... but I guess that's also the time it takes to get ready over there.
"Sistina. I'm sorry, but I'm not giving you to anyone.
So if it were, they might kill you with me. If Sistina wants, you can cancel the contract and let only Sistina go.
But I want to stay with Sistina. Will you stay with me?
"Master... don't ask me the obvious. I'm already your only samurai festival. I'll be beside you no matter how many times you tell me to leave. No matter how much a contract binds me, only that order will make me risk everything I have and refuse it as many times as I want."
Sistina, smiling grinningly when she tried to resist the subordination contract of absolute obedience, was unwittingly embracing it anyway.
"Thank you, Sistina"
"Let's do our best, sir"
"Oh...... come on, Sistina lay down and rest. 'Cause I'm here till I go to sleep."
I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm going to put Sistina to bed slowly.
"When Sistina goes to bed, I have a lot to prepare for, so I'm going out, but I'll be back at night, so don't worry."
Sistina's face clouds anxiously when I say so.
"You don't go unscrupulous on your own, do you?
"I won't. I'm going to go to Mr. Will's first because I want to go to the city and buy something or something. I'll be back as soon as I can by night, so if you need a good night's sleep and feel better, say hello to your delicious meal."
"Yes! Do you have any requests?
"Right... the Japanese-style hamburger I was trying before this. I wonder if that one wants to eat again."
"That's it. I do feel the ingredients are...... a little short on accompaniment, but I think we can work it out.
Then I'll wait and cure my body and cook delicious dishes. "
"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it"
"If so, please don't worry about me because time is limited. If the purpose of the red meteor was the Samurai Festival, I wouldn't be able to reach the deadline."
So were the bandits I first met when I got here, but it seems that being under contract with Samurai Festival in this world is really big enough for even bandits to ask for it. Surely it is too useful to take only one 'contract' skill, so don't you see?
But to actually sign with the Samurai Festival, you really need the consent of the Samurai Festival itself. If they're looking for Sistina, the samurai festival, then it's probably time we didn't respond to the call to take tough measures like torture and abduction.
"Okay. Okay, I'll be there in a minute."
When I wear sunflowers and flash slaughter, I jump out of the mansion with Sistina's unwelcome voice on my back and run out to the city. Just in case you get tamed around and see if there are any demons like that, but they don't seem to be around this time.
Sistina's right. We certainly don't have much time left. You'll need to do everything you can in the meantime.
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