Chapter Twenty-Five New Partners?

Another sunny day.

The dazzling sunlight shines through the greenery and falls on the sword-wielding figure on the school grounds.

That figure was Roger, the first thing he did in the morning was to come here to train, and then he wanted to stay in the imperial capital for two days, he was ready to take a good stroll in the imperial capital, just now it was almost time to go out.


Roger was wrapped in a white brocade robe and walked down the street alone.

I didn’t expect to meet another woman in the original book in this situation.

It’s winter, the weather is exceptionally cold, fortunately, Roger’s brocade robe is very thick, enough to withstand such cold, but watching the exhaled gas turn white, you can see how cold the temperature is now.

The water stains around him froze, and Roger thought to himself, this temperature should be below zero.

The imperial capital in the middle of winter presents two extremes, one is the drunken nobles who enjoy themselves in the castle mansion, and the other is the hungry commoners, curled up together, shivering in the cold wind.

As described in a poem from a past life.

Zhumen wine smells of flesh, and the road has frozen bones.

Roger walked through the sea of people, but he couldn’t see such a scene in his heart, since he was a child, he fantasized about changing the world and doing his best to make the world a little better.

Having power means having more responsibility for yourself, rather than being a greedy and selfish person.

“Is she…?”

The footsteps that were walking suddenly stopped, and Roger looked at the woman with orange hair and oversized breasts not far away.

This woman must have seen it somewhere, a little familiar.

Roger kept searching his mind for memories of her, and finally a name came to mind… Leonay.

That’s right.

The woman in front of her is Leonay, who has not yet joined the revolutionary army, and is still living in a slum. As for why she didn’t recognize her identity at first glance, it was actually because her body was dirty, and her little face was dirty, so it was naturally difficult to distinguish it at once.

At this time, Leonay was holding his breath and tiptoeing to a bun shop.

Taking advantage of the shopkeeper’s lack of attention, the dirty little hand grabbed two buns, and then ran away without saying a word.

At this time, the shopkeeper reacted, missing the buns, and suddenly trembled with anger: “Little rabbit cub, stop for me and return the buns to me!” In the end, he caught up with her, but Leonay had already finished eating the buns, so far the shop owner was furious, and he raised his arm to teach Leonay a hard lesson.

“Stop, it’s not right to beat people casually in the imperial capital.”

Roger’s figure suddenly appeared, grabbed the storekeeper’s arm, and said lightly.

“What are you?!”

The shop owner frowned, feeling the terrifying power coming from his palm, and wondered in his heart.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, I paid for this guy’s buns.” Roger took out two coins from his arms and threw them in the shopkeeper’s hand: “Enough, right?” ”

“Enough is enough, let’s go.”

With the money, they quickly retreated.

Roger only had time to carefully examine Leonay at this time, because he was afraid that the whole person was curled up in the corner of the wall, his orange hair was messy, his pretty face was dirty, and his body exuded a bad smell, and he must not have bathed for a long time.

In fact, it is relieved to think about it, how can a civilian from a civilian have the opportunity to bathe.


Roger took the lead in saying hello, ready to bring Leonai to the imperial capital, and she could also have one more person to accompany her, lest she lose her life by joining the night attack in the future. His position is already clear, if the night attack appears, he will have to fight them.

For the night raids, in Roger’s impression, just turned them into careerists.

If you want to change, just kill the minister.

Why did it have to take the most drastic means, revolution, to overthrow the emperor’s rule? No matter how beautiful it sounds, it is still Najesitan who finally sits on the throne, which is a fact that cannot be concealed.


Leonay shrugged his head, his eyes sneaking a glance at Roger, and quickly moved away.

Don’t dare to face it squarely.

My heart pounded, and my eyes were full of fear. Dressed so brightly must be a nobleman, in the narrow perception of the poor, the nobleman must be extremely vicious, taking pleasure in torturing and killing the people, cruel and unkind, and Leonay’s first impression is the same.

The person in front of him is definitely not a good person, and he actually has a huge conspiracy to save himself.

It must be so.

Just when Leonay, the brain supplement emperor, was mentally supplementing Roger’s image, Roger handed over a bag of buns, put it in front of Leonay, and said with a smile: “Do you want to eat it?” ”

“No, no need… I’m not hungry! Leonay firmly refused.

Perhaps the stomach disagreed, and at this time a different opinion was expressed: coo-goo ….

Roger smiled slightly, trying to show the kindest smile: “Look, your stomach has begun to protest!” Take it away. ”

“No, I can’t eat!”

Leonay insisted on refusing, but smelling the fragrance gradually escaping from the bag, her little face couldn’t hold on, and when Roger forced the bun into her hand, Leonay stretched out her hand tremblingly.

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