


[The breeze blows through the golden petals, like golden waves, and the green giant trees around you blow with the breeze, there is a crisp sound, the distant mountains are like ink, the turquoise is in the eyes, and the subtle sound is accompanied by the ears].

[The soft sunlight hangs obliquely on the shadows of the pine trees, swaying in a colorful field].

[In the pitch-black bullets, all the children appeared in the golden flowers, under the giant tree, the children’s eyes wondered, which is this…].

Pirate World

Far more sad than before, the resurrection of children at this time is even more shocking!

Everyone shot up and stared closely at the screen in front of them.

“There is no hint like the first one, this is not the second video, and those dead children are actually resurrected!”.

“Really a resurrection?”

The world in the picture is like a paradise, anyone will be immersed in it, and the beautiful scene will wash people’s hearts.

Any anger, boredom, unwillingness, and seeing this scene will suppress the negative emotions in the heart.


Hokage World

“Could it be the rebirth of filthy soil!” , The girl who should have died now appeared in such a place, Tuan Zang couldn’t help but guess.

“No, there is no trace”, Miyo also widened his eyes, but immediately retorted.

“And this place… A place that is holy than the land of immortals, I don’t know how many times”


“As long as the person who appears in this video, can he be resurrected even if he dies? Rin…”, in the dark underground, Obito’s eyes became feverish.


“It’s so unexpected, it’s really resurrected, what kind of power is it,” Orochimaru said in a grim voice as he stared at the girls in the picture.


“Resurrected… That’s great! Naruto jumped up and shouted happily wiping tears from the corners of his eyes!

“Will my parents show up on it? Will appearing on it also come back to life? A moment later, Naruto said in a deep voice.

He had never met his parents….

It’s not just one person thinking about this, Sasuke Uchiha, whose entire clan has been destroyed, Kakashi, whose father was taken to the name of a traitor, Tsunade, who has lost his younger brother, and Orochimaru, who wants to live forever.


World of Death

Lan Ran’s eyes were no longer bored and became sharp.

“It’s not an illusion… Is it really a resurrection”


Play for life

“Hubby, do you think we’ll show up there?”

“Death? Hubie is just a robot, not going to die.”



[Screen movement].

[A delicate and beautiful cottage appears, full of greenery, and under the flower bridge on the side of the road is a shimmering river].

[“Jingle bell”, pushed by the porter of the cottage, a male figure with an invisible face appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, and all that could be seen was the smile on the corner of his mouth].

[Stepping across the flower bridge, following the path, the figure slowly walked in front of the children, and the voice like a clear spring appeared in people’s ears, “Welcome to this”


The children’s faces showed panic, overwhelmed, “We… We”


“You can stay here, but it will cost you accordingly,” the figure said softly as if expecting it. 】

【“… We have nothing”, the children said after a moment, bowing their heads in frustration. 】

[“It’s nothing, it’s really not okay to want to stay in, but you can listen to my opinion”, as if after thinking for a moment, the figure walked beside the children, and the voice came leisurely. 】

“Loneliness, sadness, longing, trouble, worry… Sickness, you are willing to exchange these, after agreeing, the previous illness, the inner emotions will be empty, residence time… Infinite, are you willing”, without waiting for the children to ask, the figure stretched out his finger and tapped the position of the heart

[“Sickness… Disturbed…. Lonely… Vexation… Sadness… Can these also be exchanged for these? The girls couldn’t believe what they heard, this fantasy-like world, there was a fantasy-like story].

[Of course,” the figure nodded, his tone softer. 】

【“… Willing! I… We do! “】


[Falling softly, the sea of flowers on the ground gathers golden mysterious petal patterns, golden stars float throughout the sea of flowers, wind chimes sound, tree shadows sway, four golden rays of light at the corners spread above the sky like roots, huge blue wheels appear in the sky, and a golden point of light descends between heaven and earth to wrap the girls in pain and anxiety].

[The ground in the distance is strangely loud, the pure land like the sky city is suspended in the air, countless houses are rising from the ground, and the sea of green vines and flowers is surrounded].

[“Bear the sin that is not your own, bear the burning of this nameless karmic fire on earth”].

[“Live hard, but be thwarted by blows again and again”


[“Children who are in darkness, looking up to the light, and having hope”


[Allow me to offer the blessing that belongs here, ‘worry-free’, and I hope that you will never be troubled again”


【”Welcome to stay~”】


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